Love Hate (I)

IceDeer Library (YoonSic One-shots)
"Jessica, meet Yoona. She's going to live here for a while."
"What?! Mom, you're letting a stranger in our house?"
There, I saw girl. Standing beside my mom. Her head hanging low. I can't clearly see her face ut she's taller than me.
"She's not a stranger Sooyeon. She's a family friend."
"Fine. Just don't let her in our room." I rolled my eyes.
"And, she's staying with you."
"Mom! That bed's for Krystal!"
"Krystal already knew her. And besides, Krystal only visits during summer. Yoona's gonna stay with us for studying."
"Don't tell me she's going in my school too?"
"Yes, she's your classmate."
"Seriously?!" I harshly picked my laptop and went upstairs to 'our' room.
"I don't even know her and she's gonna sleep on the same room with me!"
"I c-can ask auntie to l-let me move on the other r-room." I looked back and saw her standing by the door of our room. She was stuttering and still looking down unto her feet. I kinda felt a little bit guilty.
"What's your name again?" I kept my cold face on.
She looked up. Oh .
"Yoona. Im Yoona, Jessica-shi."
I mentally slapped my face.
God. She looks so innocent. She have this mesmerizing doe eyes that makes me want to stare at her--- What?! No. NO! stop Jessica Jung Sooyeon!
"Alright. IM YOONA." I sighed before continuing.
"You don't need to move. I'm letting you stay but I have rules."
She nodded like a kid. Why so cute? 
Oh seriously, I'm ed up.
"First, I don'twant you to touch any of my things."
"Second, you're only allowed to talk to me here at home. We would go to school together but after that no other chit chats with me."
"Third, Friends are only allowed downstairs. I don't want the room to be messy."
"Fourth, don't make too much noise."
"Fifth, Your area. My area." I said pointing to where our beds are.
"Sixth, we share the same walk-in closet but again you have your own area. AND, when I'm inside, you're not allowed to enter."
"And lastly, talks about school are okay with me. Other topics than that? Not allowed."
"B-but unnie..."
Unnie... oh gosh her voice is so sweet.
"No buts. That's all."
I left her in our room while clutching my chest.
"Seriously, Jung Sooyeon. Not again."
It was lunch time and it was Yoona's first day.
"Yah! What if someone heard you? I told you not to talk to me here at school!"
"C-can I at least e-eat with you?" Yoona asked, looking down at her feet.
"I told you my rules Yoona. NO. Let's go Yul and Soo."
"Sica unnie! Y-you forgot your books!"
"Oh geez! Seriously Im Yoona! You could've just brought it home. You didn't have to follow around and humiliate me!"
"B-but you said--"
"Enough! Just go home!"
"What are you doing?!" Yoona pushed Yuri when she saw her throwing away the medicine she put on Jessica's bag.
"Jessica doesn't like medicines, Im."
"She need those medicine so she won't have a headache anymore!"
"Well, we know she wouldn't anymore so you could go..." Sooyoung pushed Yoona and she landed, first, on the floor.
"We said go!"
"How could I even stand when the hurts?! You shouldn't have pushed me then!" Yoona retorted.
"You talk too much, ."  Yuri slapped her.
She felt her eyes tearing up and when she looked up she saw Jessica looking at her.
"L-let's go guys. Just l-leave her." Jessica said.
I'm sorry, Yoong...
Yoona placed her packed lunch on Jessica's table. Jessica's mom texted her that Jessica forgot hers so she offered her lunch.
"What do you think you're doing?" She heard Jessica.
She turned around and saw Jessica's arm crossed with
Yuri and Sooyoung behind her.
"Auntie said you forgot your lunch so I offered mine to you."
Jessica's face softened but her 'friends' were too fast.
Sooyoung walk to the desk and purposely dropped the lunchbox.
"She doesn't need your lunch. Go!" Yuri said.
Yoona bent down to clean the mess as tears start to fall on her eyes.
"Yoon--" Jessica was about to approach Yoona.
"Jessica, let's go. Soo's treating us."
"Oh~ Look who's here~" Two girls approached the lonely Yoona at the canteen.
"Jessi's little PA~"
"Uhm... Yuri-ssi, Sooyoung-ssi... D-do you need a-anything?"
"Oh? Trying to act innocent, are we?" Yuri sat beside Yoona, draping an arm over her shoulder.
"You little missy. Listen to me." Sooyoung started, dropping her smile and replaced it with a glare.
"When Jessica says, 'No'... it's a NO. Don't push yourself to her. You're too annoying. Sure, you live at the same house but SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU IM YOONA. SHE DOESN'T."
Yoona hung her head low until she heard a familiar voice.
"What do think with my mom think if she heard that her unnie's 'friends' are bullying their guest?"
"K-krystal??" Yuri and Sooyoung were shocked.
Yuri and Sooyoung's parents are also friendswith Jessica's parents. They don't know Yoona because the Ims and the Jungs became friends on their childhood days.
"Surprise, ES." Krystal smirked.
"I... W-we... Uhm... She."
"Oh, Yuri UNNIE... You dont have to explain. I'VE HEARD AND SEEN IT ALL."
"Krystal, we--"
"Will you guys just shut up?! What kind of people are you? I don't know what my unnie saw on you that she've decided to hang with you guys."
"Or you just want her money?" Krystal added.
Yuri was about to slap Krystal when someone held her wrist.
"I'm fine with you hurting me but do not ever touch Krystal." Yoona threatened.
The innocent Im was nowhere to be found. Her eye were burning as she tightened her grip on Yuri's wrist.
"L-let me go! It hurts!"
"Yoong, it's fine. Let her go." Krystal patted Yoona's back.
Yoona harshly released Yuri's hand.
Before anything happens again, Sooyoung already pulled Yuri and they ran.
"Are you okay, Yoong?" Krystal asked, sitting beside Yoona.
She lifted Yoona's chin up and saw a fresh bruise at the corner  of .
"They d-did this to you?"
"It's okay, Krystal. I'm fine."
Jessica who was hiding behind the door saw all that has happened. She felt guilty... and jealous.
"Mom and unnie needs to know about this!"
"Your unnie knows." Yoona frowned.
"Wh-what?! She let them did this to you?!"
"Soojung-ah. Calm down."
"No, Yoona!They're being too much! First, Taeyeon unnie... then you. How could they be so evil?!"
"Yoong..." Krystal gulped.
"Is this why Taeyeon unnie killed herself?" Yoona asked.
Krystal nodded. Taeyeon was Yoona's cousin and Jessica's ex. Yoona never knew about Jessica because she lives here in Seoul while she and Krystal becames close because Krystal studies at Yoona's school in Gangnam.
"T-they... they did this to T-taeyeon unnie?"
Jessica couldn't take it anymore. She walked towards the two and pulled Krystal.
"We need to go home already." Jessica coldly said.
"No, unnie. You let them did this toYoongie?
"You're not the same unnie I knew before." Krystal removed Jessica's grip on her hand and pulled Yoona out of the canteen.
"Auntie, please calm down. Krystal, I told you."
"Yes, mom. Yuri unnie and Sooyoung unnie did that to Yoong."
"Does Jessica knows about this?" Mrs. Jung said examining the bruise on Yoona's cheeks.
Before Krystal could answer, Yoona already spoke.
"She didn't."
"Yuri and Sooyoung always secretly pulled me on a secluded area and they keep on hurting me. Telling me to stay away from Sica unnie."
Before anyone could speak, the door opened and revealed Jessica.
"Jessica." Mrs. Jung called.
"Good afternoon, Mom."
"I didn't knew your friends were like this."
Jessica suddenly felt nervous. What if her mom knows that she's letting her friends do that?
"They're hurting Yoona without you knowing. Don't ever leave Yoona alone so it won't happen again, okay?"
Jessica looked at Yoona. Yoona gave her a faint smiled whil Krystal rolled her eyes.
"Yes, m-mom..."
Though her mom to Jessica not to leave Yoona alone, Yoona started avoiding her since that incident.
"Hey, Jess..." She heard Yuri nd Sooyoung call her.
She looked at them with a glare.
"Woah, woah. What's with the glare?" Sooyoung tried to touch Jessica's shoulder but she swatted it away.
"Don't you ever touch me, . You guys leave Yoona alone."
"Woah,am I hearing things wrong? Did you just called us ?" Yuri crossed her arms.
"Oh no you didn't. Yes, I called you . I knew it all along that you're only using me because of my money but you kept on bugging me so I just  gave you guys a small taste of my wealth." Jessica inwardly smirked.
"What?! You !" Yuri was ready to pounce on Jessica but someone pushed her.
"I'll say this once more. Leave them alone. ES." Yoona said pushing Sooyoung too.
They were about to push Yoona but someone pulled their hair.
"You guys were so weak." Krystal teased, pulling harder.
"Soojung!" Jessica warned.
Krystal smirked and released them. They ran away as Yoona and Krystal high fived.
"Let's go Yoong. I'll treat you." Krystal beamed, clinging unto Yoona's arm.
"W-wait..." both of them stopped and looked at Jessica.
"Thank you..." she whispered.
Krystal just scoffed and pulled Yoona away.
xoxo ;P
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Chapter 16: Thanks for coming back
oungie87 #2
Chapter 16: Welcome.. Can't wait for soulmate update... Thanks for come back
_Cold_Girl_ #3
Chapter 4: Why i was crying
Yoonaya05 #4
Chapter 14: I thought Yoona was really dead, glad that is not.
Btw, is Amnesia doesn't have a continuation?
YoonSicForever722 #5
Chapter 14: Oh my ghad! Lalabas na sa yung luha ko I thought yoona die... But when I read the part Krystal rolled her eyes...I get it she alive hahahha you got me!!!
Robiul_fa #6
Chapter 13: Make this story two shoot
YoonSicForever722 #7
Chapter 13: author! Can u continue this..i want to know what happen.,please! Soo nice!
deerdea #8
Chapter 13: Can you make it 2 shot or 3 shot? Keke, 'cause I want to know , why Jessica like that.
Ty for update authornim ^^
Robiul_fa #9
Chapter 13: 2shoot please
Yoonaya05 #10
Chapter 13: Oh my heart ㅠㅠ what happened with sica actually? Can't wait for the next update