you make my heart shake, bend and break

꿈과 현실은 다르다

yes you don't know what you're doing to me!!!! yoonkook pls? 50. and 51. also!! do you write fanfics? your own ao3?

part of my red carnations au

50. Writer’s preference


Jungkook is seventeen, fresh out of high school and discovering the near-impossibilities of creating a career from his beloved paintbrush and easel when he first meets Min Yoongi. Yoongi majors in photography and has spent just over three years as a struggling university student. He adopts Jungkook as his roommate, partly to split rent, partly because Jungkook is one of the few people who thinks nothing of Yoongi’s prickly personality.

Yoongi, Jungkook learns, is bad with people. Yoongi tends to miss the invisible cues that are a given in society and often winds up offending someone in one way or another. Yoongi, Jungkook also learns, the first night the older abandons his bed for the warmth of Jungkook’s one, is nowhere near as stoic as the front he puts on - he’s just bad at showing he cares.

The first “relationship” Jungkook sees Yoongi in lasts less than twenty hours - the girl leaving their apartment in a huff while Yoongi stands at the door, shirtless, expression a cross between confusion and annoyance. Jungkook looks away before he can be caught staring and tries to ignore the flush on his cheeks.

The first night Yoongi brings Jung Hoseok back to their shared apartment, Jungkook thinks nothing of it - it’s not the first time he’s seen Yoongi with a boy (the first time had been Park Jimin, outside the bathroom of a club in Hongdae - Jimin had lasted three days) and it’s probably not the last. Hoseok will maybe stay for one night, maybe one week, before he’ll be gone. Another notch on Yoongi’s headboard because, for as long as Jungkook’s known his hyung, not once has he seen him in a relationship that lasted more than a week.

Jungkook fills up his canvas with orange and yellow calendulas, and leaves it on the easel to dry.

A week passes and there’s a smile that hasn’t left Yoongi’s face since the morning after, when Hoseok had leant down to place a chaste kiss on the side of his mouth, Jungkook witnessing the entire thing from a crack in his door. He does his best not to notice how his hyung’s face brightens up as soon as Jung Hoseok enters his line of vision, does his best not to think about how he wishes he was the reason for the pretty pink that blooms across Yoongi’s cheeks, but fails miserably. Instead, he splashes more yellow across his canvas, a field of hyacinths, the colour of the sun, and a powder-blue sky.

Three months later, Yoongi moves out and Jungkook has the two-bedroom apartment to himself for the first time since he started college and Yoongi had adopted him as a fellow art major. He trades the yellows in his palette for crimson reds, covers his canvas in carnations and tears.

Yoongi moves back in autumn, and it’s the end of the longest relationship Jungkook’s ever seen him in - just under half a year. He shouldn’t, hereally shouldn’t, but when Yoongi appears at the doorway of their previously-shared apartment two hours past midnight, looking more fragile and defeated than Jungkook’s ever seen him, the younger ushers him in and gives his hyung back the now-spare bedroom without a second thought.

Yoongi bypasses the spare bedroom altogether and climbs under Jungkook’s covers. The younger swallows the lump in his throat, all protests dying on his tongue when he takes in Yoongi’s shaking shoulders, cheek pressed into the pillow, and wraps his arms around the older, falling asleep between tangled limbs and tear-stained shirts.

51. “What the hell are you wearing?”


When Yoongi opens the door to his shared room he’s met with a mess of clothes and accessories that he’s one-hundred-and-ten percent sure wasn’t scattered over neatly folded white sheets that morning. He’s also met with Jungkook, sporting a pair of distressed, ripped jeans - Yoongi’s favourite, with one arm through a glossy, black and really freaking expensive thank you very much leather jacket.

“Jeong Jungkook.”

Jungkook turns, his other arm halfway through the jacket and immediately grins sheepishly, two front teeth showing and giving him a look remarkably similar to that of an Easter Bunny. A badass Easter Bunny who wears leather and denim.

“What the hell are you wearing?”

“Um.” He mentally pats himself on the back for such an intelligent response, “just trying on your clothes, hyung?”

“I can see that.”

If looks could kill, Jungkook would be dead countless times over now. No-one, no-onetouches Yoongi’s leather jacket.

“Uh…” Jungkook scrambles for an answer, stringing together a bunch of words super quick and it sounds ridiculous even to his own ears, “I-really-like-hyung’s-style-so-I’m-trying-to-copy-it.”

Yoongi blinks. Once. Twice. Jungkook briefly thinks Yoongi’s not going to buy it but then the older is wrapping his hand around Jungkook’s wrist and pulling the younger out of his room.

“Wait, hyung. Hyung!”

Yoongi pauses in his (albeit pretty unsuccessful) tugging. “What?”

“Where are we going?”

Yoongi stops and stares at Jungkook liked he’s asked the most obvious question ever- “Shopping - you need to stop dressing like a teletubby.” And with that, Jungkook is being pulled out of the dorms all the while protesting that he looks nothing like a teletubby despite what the internet (and their fans) might say.

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DemonicChild #1
Chapter 6: you and your perfectly amazing writing. I'm crying.