


Have you ever believed in the urban legend, that when clock strikes at 11:11, you make a wish and it will come true? Little did the humans know, there are entities, in which their work starts at 11:11 and will end on the next day, of 11:11, and starts again at 11:11, they are called Listeners, and Machina. 
Listeners, are the entities that listen to our wishes, and gives the command to the Machina, to grant it. However, compensation must occur if the wish is granted, it can be anything, but it should be equal to what the person had desired. These two entities knew exactly what was the payment, but they are forbidden to tell the human that they are designated. Humans must figure out what its equivalence. The two entities served a higher one, which was always unknown and anonymous, but more powerful than them. It is called the Omnipotent.
Omnipotent had the power, due to the wishes of everyone, and grant it accordingly to the payment. However, the Listeners and the Machina should obey the Omnipotent, or else, consequences should be made if one of them crossed the line.
Machina are supposed to execute everything that the Listeners had told them, but one Machina decided to stray away from command. It resulted as what expected to the Omnipotent, to banish the Machina off their realm to the earth, and be whatever entity it might be once it enters the Earth. 


Lee Hyukjae lived a boring life, as in boring. He was a cashier at a convenience store, and worked there just to have the money for living. He wished for anything to make his life a little livelier, but luck wasn't on his side. His life continued to drone as his years passed as well.
Then here comes an unexpected twist. He saw a man sitting on the street, with the post lights on him, as if he's been spotted. He decided to walk away, just because weirded out, or another beggar, because it was looking at him, straightly on the eyes, as if the man knew him. Then he smiled unconsciously when he saw Hyukjae.
"I've found you!"
A/N: annyeong! This is lee_hyukhae again! I do not own the characters, my story is an inspiration from an anime, xxxHolic, of CLAMP (Love you guyss :*), I mean, the idea of how wishes work, but it will never end like in the anime, or manga. I'm just inspired of the idea how it works (wishes, I mean). So I hope you'll enjoy this one, and see you soonest! 


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