A weird day

Lemons and Honey

Taking a break was so boring! It was only the first day and I already wanted to get back to my song. I would have to call Kikwang and make him come distract me. Wait what time is it? I looked at the clock to see that it was already 1:45. Oh crap I needed to go to the coffee shop! I stood up a little too quickly making all the blood rush back to important parts of my body. I wobbled lightly but didn’t stop to worry about it. I hurried into the entry and pulled my shoes on. It took me a few tries since I was in a hurry. “Where are you going Dongwoon?” My mother asked looking out of the kitchen.

“Sorry I have a date.” I instantly regretted my choice of words. I should know better than to say I had a date around my mom. She didn’t take it as a meeting she thought I was going to be holding hands and kissing some pretty girl.

“Oh I won’t keep you then. You should bring your date over sometime.” She giggled and I groaned.

“It’s not like that.” I said but she had already disappeared into the kitchen. I groaned again but I didn’t have time to waste trying to explain this to my mom. I grabbed my jacket and hurried out the door. Luckily the coffee shop really wasn’t that far from the grocery store. I found it easily and hurried inside. I looked around quickly to see if the boy was here. I found him tucked away at the side already sipping from a cup. I made my way over to him and slid into the booth across from him. “Sorry I’m late.” I panted still a little out of breath from running all the way down here.

“You still have five minutes.” He said looking at his watch. I needed to exercise a little more since I’m apparently out of shape.

“Well excuse me if I like to be on time. I don’t want to keep you waiting for me.” I said trying my best not to roll my eyes. Did this kid not understand proper manners?

“Since you’re here have some coffee.” He said and pushed a cup towards me. I gratefully took the warm mug and sipped it slowly. I didn’t want it to burn my mouth. I didn’t usually drink coffee but it wasn’t that I disliked it. Mom always said that too much caffeine was bad for a growing boy. It’s probably really obvious that my mom worries about a lot of things. I listen to her mostly to keep from starting a fight. I don’t want to be at war with the woman who raised me, especially since I knew she would win. The boy across from me just stared at me as I sipped it. I stared back not really sure what to say to him. After a few moments an idea suddenly hit me.

“I’m Dongwoon.” I said and held my hand out to him. He looked surprised at that.

“What are you doing?” He asked softly. Again I wondered why he found proper manners so odd.

“Well I want to know your name. We haven’t properly introduced ourselves yet. I was taught that when meeting someone knew it is polite to introduce yourself first.” I gave him a bright smile.

“You are so weird, but if you insist, I’m Hyunseung.” He reached out and gently shook my hand. I was a little surprised when I noticed how soft his hand was. It made me feel a little bad that he had to deal with my rough hand.  After that we just sipped our coffee silently for a moment. “So are you always so polite to strangers?” He asked me suddenly. I paused to think about it. I didn’t really stop and think about who I was nice to. I just did it without thinking. I guess it’s just in my nature to help people who need it.

“I guess so.” I replied with a shrug.

“Don’t you think that’s kind of dangerous? Someone might try to kidnap you or something.” He pointed out. I shrugged again not really all that concerned about it.

“Well you never know now do you? I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I do have some common sense. I don’t just go up to random strangers and offer to help them. I just help when I’m needed.” He gave me a look that practically screamed that he thought I was weird. “I didn’t say that you had to like it. I will do what I want and you can’t really stop me.” I said and to my surprise he smiled.

“There you go. For a second I thought you were going to be one of those people who act like a doormat.” He chuckled lightly before he took a long sip of coffee.

“I’m not a doormat and I don’t know why you would think that.” I said. He laughed at my statement as though I’d made a joke.

“You’re kidding me right? You are the most harmless guy I’ve ever met.” I pretended to look offended at that.

“Me? Harmless? I assure you that I am not so gentle. I kill flies all the time.” He just laughed harder. Well he’s not very nice now is he? I don’t understand what the big deal is. So what if I’m not an extreme bad boy? I don’t care what this jerk thinks. I sipped my coffee as I waited for him to stop laughing. He slowly stopped before he went back to his coffee. After a moment I could hear the slurping sounds that indicated his was empty. It was good timing since I was finishing mine as well. I heard him sigh as he set his empty cup down. “What?” I asked.

“Well now that this little date is done I have to get back to looking for a shop that sells cameras. I’ve been looking around but I haven’t been able to find one.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Why are you laughing at me?” He asked.

“Is that really what you’re unhappy about? I know a place that sells tons of cameras. I don’t really know how you couldn’t find one.” He made a face that showed me he wasn’t amused. “Come on I’ll show you.” I stood and made my way towards the door. I tossed my empty cup away and waited for him to follow. He joined me a moment later and headed down the street towards an electronics shop. I really don’t understand how he could miss these kinds of shops. There were tones of them but I wasn’t about to make him feel bad for it. I stopped inside the shop and Hyunseung ran into me.

“Oh sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He muttered. I could tell that he had a little trouble saying sorry or thank you. Was he never taught manners?

“Hey Dongwoon what are you doing here?” I looked up to see my friend Junhyung approaching us.

“Oh I made a new friend and he was looking for a camera.” I said and shrugged. Junhyung lent around me to take a look at Hyunseung.

“No worries, I can help you find the perfect camera. Come with me.” He said giving me a motion as if he were shoeing me. I stuck my tongue out at him but didn’t argue. I walked over to check out some head phones. I didn’t need any but I wanted something to do. Junhyung had sounded a little strange when he was talking to Hyunseung. I wasn’t really sure why but I would leave him to resolve the problem. He was a big boy and I’m sure he could handle himself a little. I picked up a big pair of head phones and inspected them. They were an awesome blue color that looked different in the light. Now wait a minute! What am I doing? I don’t even have to wait for Hyunseung. I could just leave him to his own devices so I could go home. But, then again, I didn’t have anything to do at home so it would be useless for me to go back not to mention rude. It seemed like they were talking about that darn camera forever. Wow, I’ve really become impatient. I guess that’s what happened when you get so used to always having something to do I guess it’s bound to happen sometime.

“Are you okay?” I turned around to see Hyunseung staring at me.

“Oh I’m fine.” I replied. I gently set the headphones down hoping I hadn’t crushed them with my sudden thought of how childish I am. “Did you find a camera that you like?” I asked him. He nodded and gave me a smile.

“I have to go now but it was really fun to spend time with you, Dongwoon. See you.” He said before he hurried out. I frowned at that. That last sentence had seemed totally out of character. It was strange that when that boy was polite it worried me.

“Junhyung, what am I going to do now? I’m so bored!” I whined. He chuckled at me and shook his head.

“I don’t care what you do to amuse yourself just get out. I am working right now.” He said and pushed me towards the door.

“Wait before I go, what did you say to Hyunseung?” I asked him. He paused and I turned to look back at him.

“Don’t worry about that. I think you should stay away from that kid.” He said before he pushed me out of the shop. Well that was really weird. Why would Junhyung want me to stay away from Hyunseung? Today was so weird.


~Author's Note: Yay for quick updates! They probably won't be this quick but at the moment I am quite inspired for this story. I will try to make more interesting things happen though. And I'll try to bring in the last two Beast members. I can't leave them out now can I? Thanks for all my readers, subscribers, and commentors! I hope to hear from you.~

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Chapter 10: Awwww but the last comment was 2013??
mzjonghyun #2
Chapter 10: omg I love it cait wait for the sequel this story is daebak
I loved this one <3 Can?`t wait for the sequel *.*
Woojooo <3333333333333333333333333 I really love it!!! Aish, such a cutie fic >_<
I can´t wait for see the sequel, I´m pretty sure that I´d love just like this.
And again, I have to tell you, I love the way you write, and your imagination. I wanna read more!
And thanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanks for JunWoon <333
You´re the best, I really think that
Now, I´m going to read the next fic.
You´re biggest fan, FH
Lovely2013 #5
JUNSEOB! Keke you know me ^^
Woooooh! There will are ? xD I really want to (well, I´m a little...a huge ert xD) but don´t matter<br />
I really love it <3 You´re a really really good writter and I love your way of write nwn<br />
Well, about other fics and pairings...you know I like JunWoon, so if you can write something about them I´d glad with that xD<br />
This chapter is so fluffy xD I´m waking up at 7.00 o´clock and I´ve foud this and now I´m happy <br />
What father´s Seungie will say when he´ll see that?<br />
Plese, update soon<br />
A huge kiss from your biggest fan <3
What´s the song? Maybe Beautiful...I like you the best...Back to you...B2ST has many beautiful songs ewe<br />
Woonie~ forgive to HyunSeung! Maybe he is not very original, but he´s cute and...cheesy xD<br />
I love this chapter! I hate Seungie´s father >_<<br />
Update soon n.n
madiwi #8
Yes I do like it!
Muahahaha <3333333 Oh, this is really awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww xD<br />
Oh, a bad feeling...I can´t wait for the next chapter n.n<br />
Awwwww~Ah, kiss me, Woonie! I mean...kiss to Seungie (?)<br />
Seungie is jealous of Kiki xD Cool
Woooooooooooooooooh! O.O<br />
Woao, Seungie, you´re so bad...but you are so...well, you know I love you xD<br />
Incredible chapter! I just wanna read more and more >_<<br />
And Doojoon is cool xD (Well, and I love Woonie´s mum again)<br />
Kiss, kiss, kiss...Oh...about the reaction...I think...mmm...Good reaction? Bad reaction? Well, good...n.n<br />
Update soon, please! <3 SARANGHAE