Why? Why? Why?

Spoiled Little Brother

Baekhyun groans as he tosses and turns in his sleep. He's having a nightmare, about someone who's important to him yet he can't recognise the face in his dream. That guy betrayed him and left him despite the promise he made to stay and love him forever.

Baekhyun cracks his eyes open and there's just the darkness of his room that greet him. He then wipes the sweat on his forehead away while panting softly.

"What was that?" He wandered to himself as if why the dream came and who is the guy in his dream. Why does it look so real that he feels like crying right now.

He glances at his alarm clock and it still 3am. Baekhyun sighs his heart content out, he can't sleep anymore now. The dream keep on disturbing him, he can't seems to forget that dream. It looks so real to him and for some odd reason he think he loves that guy in his dream.

Maybe it's someone from the past? Or is it someone from the future? He seriously don't know.

As he tries to find the answer and having a inner conflict with himself, he doesn't realise how long he had spent thinking about his dream. 

There's a soft knock on his bedroom door and that seems to knock him back into reality. He glances at the door and his brother, Minseok come walk in his room while smiling.

Minseok smile always do the magic and now Baekhyun too is smiling at his brother despite whatever hell on his mind at the moment.

"Good morning my sweetheart!" Minseok said as he sits on Baekhyun's bed then ruffles Baekhyun's bedhair and make it even messier.

"You're up early today. I was planing on how should I wake you up today but it seems like it will go to waste." Minseok add some more while chuckling when Baekhyun just stares at him without saying a word. 'This is odd' Minseok thought to himself.

"Hey, baek, are you okay? You look- well... Disturbed?" His face turn into concern look as he caresses Baekhyun's cheek next.

Baekhyun just shakes his head while flashing his brother a small smile which is again fake but this time Minseok caught it.

"I'm okay, hyung." Was the only thing Baekhyun said in a low tone.

"Come on! Don't lie to me baek! You're not okay I can't see it!" Minseok said while raising his voice a little at how stubborn his baby brother is. "Just- tell me, please... I don't like seeing you like this." Minseok said this time with a softer voice while still caressing Baekhyun's cheek his worried expression is still on.

Baekhyun really doesn't want to tell his brother about it and he doesn't even know why. He just thought that it's for himself to keep. It's like something he shouldn't tell or share with someone else so he ain't going to tell so he decided to just lie.

Baekhyun the removes Minseok's hand from his cheek and holds onto it firmly. "I'm really okay, hyung. I'm just thinking..."

Minseok sighs before squeezing Baekhyun's hand a little. "Alright then. Just please tell me if anything bad happen to you. I don't want my baby brother to get hurt."

"Alright, hyung..." Baekhyun said while smiling a little.

"Now get up we should get ready to go to school." Minseok said while getting up from Baekhyun's bed to go back to his room to change.

Baekhyun just nods then Minseok is about to walk thorough the door when he spins his head and turns back around looking at Baekhyun.

"And please do something about your- this.." Minseok said while motion under his eyes with his finger before turning back and walks to his room.

A confused Baekhyun just blinks at his brothers words. He then lazily stands up from his bed and walks to his bathroom. 

"OMAIGOD!" Baekhyun screams all too loudly when he saw himself in the mirror. He look miserable. His eyebags are showing and it's really dark. His lips cracked and his eyes are really red. He look like a mess.

Baekhyun hurriedly takes a shower then puts on his uniform before going to his 'not a makeup table' that's what he calls it to do something with his face. Since the school doesn't allow sunglasses that option is out of the way so he decided to put 'some' makeup it's how he likes to say it so just let him be.

He puts on some concealer under his eyes then some bb cream all over his face before putting a strawberry flavoured chapstick on his cracked lips. All done, now just his eyes. He takes some eye liquid (idk what it's called so yea) then drops a few drops in his eyes to recover his red eyes and that liquid do worked.

And lastly... His eyeliner. Yes his babies. He pulls the drawer of his 'not a makeup table' and takes out his black liquid eyeliner and draws a thin line of eyeliner on his eyes.

Well now he look better. He glances at the mirror once again before heading downstairs to have breakfast.





At school, Baekhyun walks through the hallway with his brother by his side but the odd thing is that he hasn't said a word since they left their house. Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. Become this quite is impossible. Wait let me rephrase it. Byun Baekhyun become this quite while walking with his precious big brother by his side and without clinging on him. 








This must be the end of this world.






God bless me...




The student around them stares at the two siblings in horror or more like to Baekhyun. Baekhyun usually talks too loud that it annoys other people or cling on his brother like too close that it is so gross but he didn't today. He's just like a normal person going to school.

This is weird. So weird... That's what other people thought. 

Baekhyun is on the other side of this world right now. He keeps on thinking about his dream and he unintentionally ignored his big brother that was talking to him and he doesn't realise that-

Not until he accidently bumps into a really tall yoda that is grinning ear to ear too happy about whatever on his mind. Probably flying unicorn in a rainbow planet and it's raining- candies. I don't know...

Baekhyun then falls down on his with a loud thud at the impact and that seems to make the big grin on the yoda's face disappear.


"Baekhyun!" Minseok was shocked at the sudden event that's happening. 

"OMG IM SO SORRY I REALLY DIDNT MEAN TO" Chanyeol said panickly while he bend down to help Baekhyun up.

Baekhyun just silently stares at Chanyeol and he remembered about yesterday's event and the question that he's dying to know the answer but he can't say anything at the moment. It's like he's voice doesn't want to come out.

Upon seeing Baekhyun just stares at him, Chanyeol inwardly prying to god that he will go to heaven if he die right here and right now. He's prepared for the worst like kicking or slapping or idk some stabbing but it never come. 

Minseok too is now bending to help Baekhyun up but Baekhyun doesn't seems like he's going to move. 'Is something broken?!' Minseok being the overprotective brother already thought of the worst scenario. 

"Hey, baek are you okay? Can you get up?" Minseok said softly with his hand on Baekhyun's waist trying to pull him up. 

Baekhyun then just nods as he averts his eyes or somewhere else other than Chanyeol to think of a way to talk to Chanyeol about it 

Chanyeol then takes a hold on Baekhyun's arm and both, Chanyeol and Minseok just hurries their way to the school's clinic to make sure Baekhyun is okay.

"Is- is everything okay?" Chanyeol stuttered obviously nervous while the nurse is checking on Baekhyun. 

"It's fine. Just a sprained ankle. He can walk just he need to take it slow. He can stay here until school end if he wants. I need to go somewhere after this." The nurse stated calmly while flashing them her beautiful smile. 

"Thank you Sooyoung-shi." Minseok bows his head slightly at the young and beautiful school nurse.

"Thank you, Sooyoung-ie noona." Chanyeol said while he let out a sigh of realief. 

Baekhyun doesn't know why but he cringes at the way Chanyeol called the school nurse. And he's a little bit mad? About it?

He just nods at the school nurse before turning to look at his brother while the school nurse leaves the school's clinic.

"You should go to class. I want to stay here." Baekhyun said as he motion his brother to go.

"No! I'm going to stay here! I'm not gonna leav-" 

"Let me stay here, hyung..." Chanyeol said as he look down to his feet guiltily.

"I'm the one who caused this so I should be the one responsible for it." Chanyeol added some more.

"How about class?" Minseok said and he's now looking at Chanyeol.

"It's okay. I can just ask Kyungsoo to take notes for me." Chanyeol said reasuringly while looking at Minseok with a small smiles on his face.

"Alright then. If that's what you want. Make sure to take a good care of him. Or I'll find you and I'll kill you." Minseok said in a threatening voice but he ends it with a chuckles.

"I know, hyung. I will..." Chanyeol nods then he turns to look at Baekhyun.

"You don't mind right?" He asked Baekhyun and he just nods as a reply.

"Alright then. I'll be going now." Minseok ruffles Baekhyun's hair before patting Chanyeol's shoulder lightly.

"Bye, hyung~" Chanyeol said while Baekhyun remains silent.

Chanyeol then walks over to the empty bed beside Baekhyun's bed and sits there.

"I'm not going to disturb you so you can rest." Chanyeol said not expecting a reply since Baekhyun hasn't said anything to him since they bumped into each other. 

Chanyeol is about to take out his earphone to listen to some music when Baekhyun suddenly say something.

"We need to talk..."








Hello guys~ I finally update this! *sighs*
Muahahaha cliffhanger! Sorry- not really....
Well anyway enjoy this and let me know what you think. Sorry couldn't include Xiuhan in this chapter bcs I kinda lose my inspiration right now bcs I'm thinking whether should I buy seventeen's repackage album or not bcs it's so damn expensive the special edition one. 
Yea people I'm a CARAT! I'm a CARROT! Okno- 
I will update soon! Please leave a comment if you want to request a ship moment or simply just let me know what you think~ 


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 6: sadly no update
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 6: Minseok is creepy xd
sahar_exol #4
sekaisoo WOW I have just seen it gonna read~
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 3: please update soon more =)
it´s nice till here. i am looking Forward to baeks jealousy towards luhan and maybe some sekai? xD
Chapter 3: Why i dont find this story earlier.. this story is good.. keep it up.. fighting..
zengkelly #7
Could u plz include sekai
BabyEri #8
Chapter 2: I love big brother minseok can i have him pls?? ^^
Chapter 1: Xiubaek :)...I never tried it, but I think it will suit this story ...good luck :)