
"Hey, girl" 

"What do you want?!" annie said.

"I wanna ask a question," the boy continued.

"What? Be fast!" she rushed.

"It is maybe the happiest question you could hear,"


"I know you are a big fan of them, the one in your profile picture," he said.

"So what? I'm running out of time, gosh! Ask me next time!" she walked away.

"I can make you become 'close' with them, or maybe you'll be your bias' girlfriend, do you want that?" He smirked.

She stopped. Her legs felt weak. This once in a 10 lifetime chance came to common girl, like her, poor, ugly, talentless?! Oh, what a dream come true, having those cute, talented, y men with their melted chocolate abs around.

"So, what do you say?" He grinned.

Nobody knows what is in his mind, what is he planning to do, or  did he really mean what he just said.



If you were Annie, what are you going to answer him? Will you believe in him? Or are you going to ignore him?


Hello, this is my 3rd fanfic. I will always try my best to make the fanfics so it would be great. Don't forget to subscribe and support me, THANK YOU ! 


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