December 17

This Love (drabbles)




December 17. the day that they celebrate their birthdays together. the date seokjin had him. and also the day he was almost taken away from him. it’s been 2 years—no, almost 3 years when the accident happened. broken glass and metal, broken hopes and memories. it was a fine day, it was supposed to. but seokjin realized, he knew it wasn’t going to be fine again.

the driver was going too fast when it seemed to lost control of the maneuver and was about to hit a little kid. it tried to avoid the girl but ends up hitting taehyung who just happen to be buying presents at a nearby stand. taehyung shouldn’t have been there. but seokjin shouldn’t have…

he snaps away from the memory of taehyung years ago that was still burned in his mind. now seokjin tries hard not to cry as he looks at the dark brown eyes staring back at him. finally, finally, his taehyung was back.

but maybe his taehyung was really gone 3 years ago.

“who are you?”

seokjin fights the nausea, he wanted to ing throw up right there and then. this is wrong. taehyung should know. he should have remembered him atleast. but then maybe this is also how it was supposed to be.

where’s his sweet smile and twinkling eyes? where are his arms, always extending up to him so he could wrap his own on taehyung’s body? where is he?

from his trembling lips, he tried to form a little smile. “I’m seokjin.”

“oh, hi, seokjin! doctor jung said you were here the whole time I’ve been in the hospital. are we related? cousins? brothers, maybe? we’re both kims. and I really hope I didn’t bother you so much.” taehyung talked lively that it was hard to believe that he was the same person he held in his arms in a pool of blood and cuts. but seokjin was happy. happy that the taehyung he knew didn’t change. seokjin sat beside his bed and held his right hand.

“would you even believe me?”

“well doctor jung knows you and I trust him so yeah. surprise me!” he said and gave him his sweetest smile. the kind of smile seokjin gets from the moment he opens his eyes up to the time he sleeps at night. the kind of smile he longed to see for the past years. the smile he’ll never receive again.

and seokjin wanted to cry. he wanted to cry so hard like a child. he wanted to punch the walls and throw up things. he wanted to shout. but most of all, he wanted to hold on to him a little longer. but no. “you shouldn’t smile too much on a stranger.”

“you’re not a stranger tho. you’ve always been here for me. doctor jung says so.”

“so you’re not afraid of me?”

“a little? well, to be honest, the first time I saw you at the door wearing a… really sad expression, I was a little scared. but I felt also the comfort. so? would you tell me?” taehyung smiles again, his eyes almost gone behind his lashes.

“I’m your… husband.”

taehyung’s smile faded. “that’s impossible.”

he lowered his head and stared at the sheets. he can’t meet his eyes. he can’t look at those eyes the same way again. “we got married 5 years ago, and lives in the same house we worked hard to design with. you insisted the color green for the bedroom while I want it pink. in the end, we both went with white.” seokjin chuckles. “the garden was full of your favorite flowers you tend every morning. we got two dogs we both loved. we we’re planning to adopt a baby boy and got the papers running but then…”

“I got into an accident.”

he nodded.

after a long silence, taehyung’s quivering voice spoke up. “do we still have the dogs? can we still adopt a baby boy?”

seokjin looks up at him and saw those tears in his cheeks. his hands ached to reach for him and wipe the pain. but he can’t. “so you believe me?”

“why can’t I? when my heart aches this much and hear the pain in your voice? why can’t I when I could hear you singing me a song when I’m not able to open my eyes? I could even hear you cry.” taehyung smiles with some difficulty while trying to control his tears. so pure. so sweet.

taehyung’s the love he never expected to go into his life. he’s the love he tried to avoid for quite some time. but he’s also the love he kept on falling back into again and again. so no matter what happen, he will always be his life and love, his kim taehyung.

seokjin silently reaches for an envelope in his bag and gave it to taehyung. “this is why I’m here.”

“what is this?” taehyung asks as he stares blankly at him so seokjin just nods his head and pulled the sheets. taehyung reluctantly received the papers and as he flips on the pages, his hands begin to tremble. “d-divorce papers? why? did I do something wrong? you… don’t love me anymore?”

he reaches for his face, and lands a small kiss in his lips. “I love you. I love you so much.” then he lets go of him and looks at the floor, hearing taehyung’s small sobs. “but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leaving your life and for being the reason you’re here.”





his tears started to fall. “I’m sorry for almost killing you that special day.”


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Chapter 8: u make its soo beautiful and sad it was perfect ending i loved ur story soo much author its was like truly love
Tettych #2
Chapter 8: I just found this fics and oh my.. They are beautiful !!
Love Taejin so much. Thank you author for writing this amazing stories, I am waiting for the next one !!
owpaaal #3
Chapter 7: And then u broke my heart again. Whyyy TT
owpaaal #4
Chapter 6: Shooo cutee!! ><
Chapter 5: Tae's one-sided love, just love Jinnie secretly
Chapter 4: No, no, Jinnie.. It's not right!
If you did love Tae and wanna take responsibility about what happened with Tae, you should stay by his side and always take care of him..
Chapter 3: Wow, that's so sad..
Chapter 2: So many flowers in this chapter and their flowers were blooming like their love..
Chapter 1: Jinnie, you kissed Tae silently but unfortunately Tae didn't fall asleep, so he heard what you said.. XD
owpaaal #10
Chapter 5: you really tortured my heart ;_;