Of Eyeliners, Eyeshadows and Glitter

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Many fangirls dream to be the make-up artist of their beloved idols - I mean, the close up interaction, the skinship, helping them wipe their sweat. It's every fangirl's dream come true. But when Jamie (Jaemi in Korean) becomes the main make-up artist of Korean idol group EXO, she has to deal with the pressure of being the youngest make-up artist on the team (and the youngest make-up artist ever), the strict rules of being a staff of such a popular idol group, and the crazy schedules. To top it off, she can't help but get butterflies in her stomach whenever she is around the boys because damn, they are so charming?! Perhaps because she is younger than them, and well she can't help but be an EXO fan, therefore she encounters a lot more problems than any other make-up artist. Anyway, follow Jamie on her adventure as the EXO boys charm her pants off! (not literally)


"Jae, can I practice my wink with you? I'm not sure if I look good," Jongin whined, shaking her shoulders.

Jamie sighed and turned around, putting her brushes aside. She placed my hands on her hips and looked at him expectantly.

Then he winked. 

A part of her melted into a gooey mess - the kind you get with a roasted marshmallow.

"So? Do you think the fans would like it?" He asked, completely oblivious to the effect his wink had on her.

"Hmm," She put on a serious face, "It's not too bad."

"That's it??"

She nodded, looking away before she melt any further.

"Come on, you're supposed to help me!" Jongin demanded.

"Go find someone else! I already gave you my feedback, now shoo. I have lots of brushes to clean!"

Jamie pushed Jongin's shoulder and turned around. When she sensed that he walked away, not before giving an annoyed huff, she let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding. Geez, these boys are going to be the death of her.


Hello! I've been toying with this idea for quite some time now and I'd really like to put my ideas and thoughts into words so here it is! I hope you guys enjoy this story and give it lots of love :)

Please note:

1. I'm not a professional make-up artist, or even any kind of make-up artist to begin with, so please bear with me if my description of make-up is horrendous!

2. I have no idea how SME works and/or how the staff that take care of idol groups are like etc so this story is purely based on my imagination.

3. I am not the best or most well-informed Exo fan out there and I apologize if any information about them is inaccurate. Feel free to let me know if I make any mistakes though.

4. I'm not sure if I will be writing this story according to Exo's "timeline" e.g. MAMA and History performances first etc, their Seoul concert etc. and I probably will not, because frankly speaking if I want to follow the timeline and write it based on true events then I want it to be 99% accurate and I know I won't be able to do it so I'd rather not try. Plus, this is my story so I shall be the one deciding what goes on in their career teehee.

5. This will not be a harem fic so for those of you hoping that all of them will fall in love with Jamie, you may not enjoy this story.

6. This fic is not exactly meant to be a love story. Sure, there will be romance and fluff BUT it's more on the development of friendship, the building of (platonic) relationships, a behind-the-scenes story etc.

7. (shameless advertising) I have another story called My Wolf Wants To Play, which is a fantasy fic (obviously) so check that out if you are interested in wolves and whatnot!


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