Left & Leaving


an opaque downpour.


Memory will rust

and erode into lists of all that you gave me:

a blanket, some matches,

this pain in my chest, the best parts of lonely,

duct-tape and soldered wires, new words for old desires,

and every birthday card I threw away.


(Left and Leaving - The Weakerthans)


a collection of day6 x you drabbles with plenty of h/c and angst because i'm messy like that.


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Chapter 2: aaaaa the angst;;;;;; *needs moar* :")
Authumnder #2
Chapter 2: The story is very beatiful ;_; the words you use flow smoothly with the plot and everything is perfect ;_; please keep writing ;;
Authumnder #3
Chapter 1: I can understand why she'd do that and that's what makes me feel more sorry (???) to jae ;;