Knight in Shining Tin Can

Knight in Shining Tin Can

Byun Baekhyun closed his book after reading the famous ending lines of 'And they lived happily ever after'. He carefully placed it back on his shelf and looked outside his window. The moon was big and shining above the starless sky. The wind was cold, trees hushing with it. Below his window was a river, he smiled as it reflected the moon. It was .. romantic, he thought. And just like he would always do at night, he leaned in on his window, chin resting in between his hands, he closed his eyes, enjoying the wonderful moment without really having it watched. With eyes closed, he thought for the nth time when or where his knight in shining armor would come and take him away to his castle.

Ever since he was a child, he had always believed in that idea. But growing up, he learned it would be impossible. He's living in 21st century and knight in shining armors no longer exist. He opened his eyes and sighed.

After changing to his pajamas, he laid on his bed, grabbing his phone from the bedside table and dialed his best friend's number. After three attempts with no answer, he gave up.

Park Chanyeol, he said to himself. He's his best friend since they were young. And if he was honest to himself, he would say he really liked him.

Park Chanyeol was kind, and sweet but he was an idiot, he knew that the moment they met. Park Chanyeol was the awkward boy in their music class, sometimes, the reason the whole class would laugh was because of him, no, not because he was funny but because he was wimp. Their classmates would always , from his stupid always looking tousled hair, and the big pair of glasses on his eyes, and the way he would smile stiffly, and the way his mouth would twitch when he was nervous. He was a socially awkward boy, a misfit that was a transferee in their school and despite Chanyeol being the stupid poor kid who was always getting bullied, he became friends with him. A friendship that began with a small talk that led to frequent hangouts to late night conversations to different mishaps, and exciting adventures, and to something he couldn't quite understand.

They were sixteen when he felt it, and at sixteen, Chanyeol had changed many ways. He was confident that time, with his smile became adorable as the time goes by. He had gained friends then, but the thing that never changed about him was his stupidity. Park Chanyeol was stupid.

They were talking about their homework then, with him lending his notebook so he could copy it. And after Chanyeol copied it, and handed him back his notebook, he offered him a smile. It was the same smile, the smile he always knew, but somehow, maybe in between of their adventures together, that the smile seemed to be different. And after that smile, his heart had skipped a beat. It took a year for him to realize he might've liked him. But Park Chanyeol was his best friend, and no, he doesn't want to be caught up with the classic cases of unrequited and one-sided love, so he kept it to himself.


A honking of horns brought him back to present. He adjusted his pillow for comfort and turned off his lamp, closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. He was almost losing his consciousness when his ears picked up something from outside his window. Curious, he his lamp, shot upright and wiped his sleepiness away. Sighing, he stood from his bed and opened his window, and there below, was his best friend.

Park Chanyeol, who was dressed in an armor -- no, he was clad with an aluminum foil around his body and a tin can on his head that had gathered attention from his neighbors. But the boy was looking at him, grinning at him, ignoring the looks and murmurs being said behind his back. Then, Chanyeol unceremoniously bowed his head, and cleared his throat.

"What the hell are you doing, Yeol?" he asked, grimacing at the unwanted attention that's directed in their way. Chanyeol only winked at him, and said, "Hoho. I am Prince Park Chanyeol from the kingdom of Park's and I have come to take you. Oh, please, come with me and I shall show you around my castle,"

He smacked his forehead and laughed, another stupidity of Park Chanyeol. Then, he find their friends, Suho and Kai were acting as his horse with annoyed and amused expressions etched on their faces.

He shook his head, chuckling. "Park stupid Chanyeol, come up here! You're attracting a lot of attention!"


Even though they were already in his room, Chanyeol continued his act. "Oh. What a beautiful room you have. Please allow me take a sit on your bed," he said, bowing his head again.

"Please," he said, massaging his temples. "You can drop it now and you can use our language now and you have to tell me what's with you?" he asked, closing the door of his room.

Chanyeol grinned at him, patting the other side of the bed, motioning him to sit beside him. "If you insist, I shall drop this formality now," he said, "Well, I thought you wanted to have a knight in shining armor? That's why I dressed as one, did you see it? I even have a horse, actually I wanted to have a carriage but Kai smacked me and said they couldn't carry it," said Chanyeol, pouting, using his voice now.

"Okay, you dressed like that because you thought I'd like to see one, and why is that?" he asked, sitting beside him. Ignoring his pounding heart.

"I told you, I knew you always wanted to see one and I don't want you to look for one nor I want anyone to be your prince, and besides, I like you," Chanyeol said, he had to looked at him for a long time to see if he was fooling around, but Chanyeol's face was serious.

"Do you even know what 'like' means?" he asked, chuckling. Then, suddenly, Chanyeol leaned in over to him and kissed him full in the mouth. His eyes grew wide, confusion in his face, then before he could return it, Chanyeol pulled away.

"I think that's what 'like' is," Chanyeol said grinning. "I like you, Baek."

Though they were questions on his mind, he finally smiled, and it was his turn now to pulled Chanyeol closer and kissed him. "And that's what 'I like you, too' means," he said, wishing he wasn't blushing.

They stared at each other, memorizing each others faces they had knew since forever, then Chanyeol began to put off his, ahem, armor, smiling seductively at him. "Well, do you want to see my castle now? The night's still young. I promise, I'll be a perfect gentleman," Chanyeol said, brows furrowing suggestively.

"That better be big, or I'll be disappointed," he said, his face red.

"It's gigantic," Chanyeol said, turning off his lamp before he leaned in, claiming his mouth.

He giggled as Chanyeol's lips pressed against him, thinking after that night, he'll no longer wait for his knight in shining armor, he had come, only he was a knight in shining tin can.


Author's Note: my 3rd failed attempt to be funny. Spare meee ~


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Chapter 1: this is so cute awww
Chapter 1: Omg so cute!!!
jambydsy #3
I want this confession too!!! ToT
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh this is so cute :D
Chapter 1: This is really cute :)