Our Story

Our Story

Park Chanyeol stretched his arms, body cramping from the long night sleep. He shot upright and wiped his eyes, yawning as he stood up. He made his bed and twisted the knob of his room. He smiled as he remembered his plans for that day. With hurried but careful moves, he made himself coffee and a toasted bread. Putting the used plates in the sink, he hummed a tune, then readied himself for that day's activities. After taking a bath, he put on his brown cargo shorts with a plain white shirt and wore his favorite white rubber shoes. He looked at his reflection on the mirror, grinned, snatching his purse from the bedside table. He went out of his room, stopping by in the living room and grabbed a book. It was his book, that contained his story with a boy named Byun Baekhyun. It was published last summer and made a hit in the market, not only because it was based on a true story but because of their love, it was a common story but their love was strong, stronger than Samson from the Bible. He shook his head on the unusual metaphor and slipped outside his apartment, ready to meet Byun Baekhyun, he would read the book to him, just like he always did. 

The sun was already high in the sky when he began to walk. Fortunately, the breeze from the east was cool enough to make the June summer bearable. That year's summer was scorching, hot and dry and there was no rain since May kicked in. Though it was still early, Seoul was already bustling with people, stores opening and men in suit waiting for a cab. He walked down the boulevard and passed by an olden coffee shop. The coffee aroma was in the air and he took it in, smiling. It was the same coffee shop where he met Byun Baekhyun. And since he still had to walk for two kilometers before he could see Baekhyun again, he let his thoughts wandered to those times before they met.


Byun Baekhyun was rude, that's what he thought when he first met him on that coffee shop. He was sitting two seats away from Baekhyun when a scene played out. The shop's new waitress was a young girl that accidentally dropped Baekhyun's coffee on his lap. Fortunately, it was iced cold, and even if the girl had apologized continuously, Baekhyun still yelled at her, yelling how stupid she was before walking out of the shop. He shook his head then, decided it was indeed inhuman and irrational to do that, he helped the young girl to cleaned up the mess and apologized for the stranger he never knew. 

After his coffee, he went out and walked along the park and saw the rude boy sitting on the pavement, head buried on his knees. Then he realized his shoulders were bobbling up and down indicating he was crying. On impulse, he began to marched toward him, in spite of himself. He offered him his handkerchief, expecting him to yell at him too, but the boy surprised him when he suddenly hugged him and cried on his shoulders. Though he's first impulse was to pulled away, he didn't, letting the boy take refuge on his shoulders. They stood there, for a long time that few looks were thrown in their way. After the tears had dried and mutterings stopped, the boy pulled away, apologizing for his behavior. When he asked what was wrong, he started crying again, between sobs, he related his story.

His parents with his younger brother was killed by a car accident that morning and he still couldn't believe be had lost everything even before he woke up. He told him there's no one to return to anymore, no reason to stay alive and no reason to hang on. Since he couldn't came up with a response that could make him feel better, he just stood still, offering his shoulders once more. And rubbed the boy's back in a comforting manner. Before the day ended, they exchanged names.

"Byun Baekhyun," he had said, and for a moment, he think his name was beautiful. And like an iron pulled toward a magnet, he stayed with Baekhyun for the next months, he was there with him in his family's funeral, he was there to hold him while he cried. He was there when Baekhyun began to see things again, he was there when after so many long days, Baekhyun took the first step toward moving on. And he admired Baekhyun's courage then. The bravery, the confidence to start living again. Soon enough, they became friends. And after four years of friendship, he felt something toward Baekhyun, but kept it to himself. It was summer of 2011 when Baekhyun confessed to him, his eyes were burning with determination, face showing bravery. And again, he admired him for the courage. They started dating after that, and spent the next years falling in love with each other, more each day.

It was late 2014 when he came up with the idea of the book. Baekhyun grinned at him, telling him it was a great idea and would support him all the way.

With enthusiasm, he began their story. Their story that started with sadness ended the same way it began.

The book was finished after a year, selling thousands of copies. They made love that night, giggling. And after that, Baekhyun whispered to him he'll love him, forever. He pulled him closer then, and spent the night enveloped with each others arms.


Before he reached the place where they'll meet, he went inside a flower shop and bought a flower for Baekhyun. Baekhyun liked flowers, especially lilacs. After paying for it, he smelled it, resuming his walk. Their meeting place stood in the outskirts of their district. It was quite when he walked in, birds chirping, trees dancing. He let his feet dragged him to Baekhyun and saw him waiting for him.

"Hey," he said, placing the flowers in front of Baekhyun. "You know, the weather forecast said it would be cloudy today, but lookie, I already got a tan after thirty minutes of walking under the sun," he said, chuckling. Baekhyun's face formed into a smile.

"I'm planning on writing another book, about us, of course, it was always about us for me," he smiled, caressing Baekhyun's cheeks. "What chapter do you want to hear now? How about I start in the prologue?" he asked, opening the book from his lap, Baekhyun nodded.

He began reading aloud, from the first page. With the winds blowing and sun glaring, he finished the half on the book by late afternoon. But he skipped the last part, the ending, because their ending was a lie. Baekhyun's forever was a lie. Lie. Lie. Everything was a lie.

With shaking hands, he turned to gently touched Baekhyun's tombstone, feeling it just like he did when he was alive. Alive. For the hundredth time since Baekhyun died, he asked why, he asked why them? Why Baekhyun? Why them of all people? Their story was perfect, it was true and real and it was all they had. For the hundredth time, he played the scene on his head, with what if's on his heart. What if he never wrote the book? Then there would be no book signing and Baekhyun wouldn't be in a hurry to meet up with him on that mall, then he wouldn't be hit by a raging car and die. What if he just stayed at home, ignoring his book signing event. What if? What if? And why? Why? Why did things happened the way they did?

The sun was already down the horizon when he had the courage to leave. "I'll get going now, I'll see you again, tomorrow. I love you," he whispered, walking out of the place with heavy steps.

He woke up the next morning, stretched, wiped his eyes, made the bed, made himself coffee, took a bath, put on clothes and walked toward the place where Baekhyun's waiting for him. Then he'll read their story. Over and over again.

He'll do it again tomorrow, the next days just to keep his sanity. He smiled upon reaching Baekhyun's grave, he greeted him.

Yes, Baekhyun's forever was a lie, but his wasnt. He'll read their story to him, every day, for forever. He opened the book and began, "How does it really mean to love someone? For me, it was .."


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zoebyunnie #1
Chapter 1: I'm feeling really sad now