Le Soleil

Blood Oath

This horrid carriage ride would be the death of Hansol. The endless click clack of hundreds of hooves upon the tightly packed snow would surely serve as the soundtrack of his descent into madness.


He rubbed his temples in an attempt to allay the incessant pounding in his head, the entire time indulging himself in several piteous moans.


On the seat across him, the young consort-to-be arched an eyebrow at his companion’s dramatics before returning to his novel.


Hurt by his friend’s apparent indifference to his suffering, Hansol upped the ante and let out a few more convincing groans, along with an unnecessarily long head roll for good measure.


“I suppose,” the young noble finally ventured as he carefully dog-eared his place, “you must be feeling rather neglected after having been spurned by your mysterious lady.”


At the words Hansol roused himself and petulantly moved to defend himself.


“I was not

spurned by her, but rather had my courtship cut short by intervening parties..rather rude intervening parties might i add.”


The consort took up his novel again and mused,


“Yes, I’m sure.”


“It’s true! On my mother’s honor I swear to you that I encountered the most beautiful girl in the world when I went into town in search of your bloody pastry!”


This proclamation finally piqued the young noble’s interest. He put down his book for good and moved to lean closer to his companion.


“Was she really

the most beautiful girl in the world?” He whispered in a hushed tone.


Hansol smiled at knowing he had his companion hooked.


“She was a vision of splendor. Helen of Troy would’ve thought herself drab in comparison!” He stood for effect, “Her raven hair cascaded past her white furs and her eyes put all the galaxy’s stars to shame!”


A sudden jolt of the carriage shook off the boy’s balance and he tumbled straight into his companion. He playfully pulled him down with him and dreamily added,


“I am sure I would die for her Mingyu.”


The consort wrinkled his nose at his friend’s sappy professions and brought into question a detail that had caught his attention as he lifted himself back into his seat.


“Furs you say? I highly doubt a peasant girl would be in possession of such vestments.”


“A noble then,” Hansol murmured, “a noble title to match her lofty face and flawless virtue. She probably resides at court.”


Mingyu picked his companion off the carriage floor and prepared to bring him down from his newfound residence in the clouds.


“You’re forgetting that most of the nobles at court are members of the Jeon coven. Vampires Hansol.”


Hansol frowned at the thought, confused at the implications of his companion’s words.


“She couldn’t have been more than a year or two older than us though.”


Mingyu snorted, “More like a year or two hundred. Your great-grandfather probably attempted to get inside her corset.”


Hansol whacked the young noble’s shoulder before wrinkling his nose in disgust at the other’s vulgarity.


“And what of your blushing bride? Will you be lifting the veil off a centuries-old relic?”


It was now Mingyu’s turn to take offense as he shoved his companion down.


“The Queen Somi is a fledgling, sired by a human father scarcely fifteen years ago if you really must know.”


Hansol opened his mouth, eager to defend his own romantic prospects, only to be cut off by the head driver’s bellow announcing their arrival.


The carriage ground to a stop and the pair was escorted outside for a brief respite before the palace guards arrived to lead them to their chambers.


As Hansol shielded his eyes from the sun glittering off the golden spires, he could not help but wonder what a few hundred years mattered between kindred souls.



A/N: So vernon's feeligns are clear, but will Jieqiong feel the same or will she turn to Chaeyeon? Will Somi accept Mingyu? When is the unnie line going to make an appearance?Why do i love pledis artists so much? So many burning questions.

Speaking of questions feel free to shoot me any you have about the setting, the coven, the realm this takes place in. There's so many details ive thought oit but im not sure they'll all fit in this story.

Thank you so much for your feedback, I love reading comments and knowing what you guys thought.

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wmatsui123 #1
Chapter 11: updaaateee~~~~~ >.< (_._)
Chapter 11: Really hope that you'll continue writing this story! This story is really interesting and intriguing! I look forward to the next update!
Marcela101 #3
Chapter 11: Sohye x Mina♡
Chapter 10: ahhh I enjoy reading this series so much, I look forward to every update!!
Chapter 9: Is there ever going to be any main focus on sohye? Just curious because I really like the story so far!
Marcela101 #6
Chapter 5: NO NOT SOMI X MINGYU Somi x dani please SODA 4EVER♡♡♡
ltran04 #7
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Mingyu has his work cut out for him xD
chaeyeonie #8
Chapter 5: Yes Jieqiong and Chaeyeon are meant to be ❤
sooyeonjung #9
Chapter 5: Jieqiong deserves someone like Chaeyeon honestly.
ltran04 #10
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I'm dying at how relaxed Sohye, Yeunjung, and Doyeon are while Somi is throwing her fit xD Great work! Can't wait for the next chapter!