See You


Daikoku Private Academy - Where Light attends High School and also where a new, strange foreign student has enrolled. Light doesn't think much of Lawliet at first, but they find themselves on the same debating team and also trying to solve a mystery that's baffling the local Tokyo police. Classmates turn into acquaintances. Then friends. Then... something else. (LxLight)


Hey. Hope you like the first chapter. I've always wanted to write an LxLight high school AU, and many ideas came to me from this first chapter. If you'd like to see where this is going, please feel welcome to review or follow. Also, L won't be continued to be referred to as "Lawliet" - that's just how Light knows him now. It will change to "L" in the next chapter, if using his last name has been a bit strange! I will aim to make the next chapter longer too. Thank you for reading (: xx



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