Dating Min Yoongi

Dating Min Yoongi
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Dating Min Yoongi:




He is not the type to fall in love at first sight.


You really have to fight for a spot in his life.


You are the one who started everything. ‘Let’s see how far she’d go.’


He has that cool persona as if he is the one who approaches you first but he likes being led, allowing you to be the dominant one. ‘I like you too.’


First kiss happens during first date. He doesn’t delay on good like this. ‘I hope I can see you again. Soon.’


He keeps you off his group members’ radar. ‘She’s mine I don’t share her.’


Only introduces you to the members if there’s an important event. ‘I warn all of you to not .’


Ends up being the one teasing you in front of Bangtan members. ‘Didn’t you say Jin isn’t good looking? That his make up is too thick?’ ‘Oh! You like Jhope? That’s weird. Didn’t you say he cries like a girl?’ ‘Jimin, she’s crushing on you. I’m going to be single.’


He allows you to come over to his studio, but only sometimes. He will only sneak you in once in a blue moon. ‘I can’t let you in always. It’s the rule.’


No pda whatsoever. Maybe looks at you like he is angry in front of others. ‘Let’s talk somewhere else.’


Bites lip. ‘You look kinda okay today.’


And a lot of making out and he isn’t really the careful type. ‘No one cares. It’s my studio anyways.’


Very bad at texting back. ‘Can I just call you? We can talk while I do my work.’


Bad at expressing feelings. ‘I am sorry. I just… here take it’ Writes you rap verses instead.


You aren’t the first to listen to his new piece of music. He makes sure he has the approval of many before he lets you listen to it. ‘This is against the rule but whatever. Do you like it?’


Not really much the type to go out on a normal date. ‘Feel like running away somewhere tonight? Somewhere far away. We don’t have to come back.’ *Comes back anyway because work…


Often forgets important dates. Makes you angry almost all the time like he is born for it. Fights back. ‘I’m sorry I’m ing busy I don’t even have time to breathe okay?’


Yes. Curses. ‘Why the are we even fighting about this?’


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paperplaneandguitar #1
Chapter 1: Idk min yoongi irl but I could really imagined him like this.
This story is sweet. I like it alot.
Keep up the good work. Anticipating more from you.
Chapter 1: I'm melting even he's not that sweet:"""
Everything about him are just lovely❤️
Please keep writing~ sorry for my bad english///
BornToSlay__ #3
Honestly, it's a different type of writing style but I loved it! He's so adorable ~~~