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Within that unforgettable memory,
I’ll shine our future (Unforgettable memory)
So each and every day is more new, our past days

- Past Days Winner





Seungyoon shook his head as he was ripping another page from his notebook. He was trying to come up with another chapter of his new story. As he came back to the writers world with his new storybook published he was now assign to write monthly stories for quite popular newspaper. It was nothing big, just small tales about their living routine. Still the deadline was coming closer and he was for now left with blank page.

He sighed deeply running hand through his hair.

The silence surrounding him was full of waiting.

Clock’s ticking was the loudest sound in the house measuring time till Mino will come back from work.  Thankfully Jei was sleeping soundly although she was sad about Mino’s absence.

 He tried to make himself more comfortable in his favorite armchair. It was old-fashioned, pink and violet source of most relaxing naps, not really something that would match their modern styled living-room, but who cares, when you can drown in its coziness.  He placed it in his favorite spot near the big windows to have a view on the small garden with the swing and tent they never actually used till now as it was the middle of the rainy season.

Right near the armchair pointed at the sky was large telescope. It was a birthday gift for Mino as he so loved space and stars. It was once his dream to become an  astronaut but thankfully he never pursued that path or they would probably never met. 

He still remembered the first time they came here with Mino. They were not really looking for a house or a place to move in, they were just looking for a shop with something Seungyoon can’t even recall, and on their way they saw the house on sale. It was old with roof that needed a repair (still does Seungyoon noted to himself), small garden and those huge windows he immediately loved .

“Wanna go inside? Seems like it’s open for potential buyers.” He heard Mino’s question only then realizing he was frozen on the spot staring at the building.

“Nahh.” Seungyoon just shrugged his arms. “It’s not like I would ever be able to afford something like this.”

“Let’s go.” Mino took his hand firmly and lead them inside. Seungyoon smiled under his nose stealing glances at Mino’s back. He looked down on their tangled hands feeling his cheeks getting rosy.

Soon they found themselves in the open space between living-room and kitchen. All craved with wooden floors, few old furniture and pillars. Seungyoon loved it as it made space more cozy, intimate. He carefully went into the empty kitchen with only solid worktop left dividing space between living-room and kitchen.

It was soon to become the habit of Mino to kiss Seungyoon on the neck and hug from the back while he will be cooking.

He heard Mino’s curse as he tripped on the hole in the parquet wood.

In three years they will be watching Jei’s first steps and their look of horror when she will fall down at the very same place from now on called “First step abyss”.

“Everything okay?” Seungyoon asked coming closer to Mino who was trying to massage his ankle.

”Just tripped.” He gave him one of those killer smiles that made Seungyoon’s heart skip a beat.

They only knew each other’s for like four months, yet he couldn’t really separate the exact moment when his heart like house was sold to Mino. It seemed he moved in so quickly that Seungyoon didn’t even noticed when he took it over and redecorate in his own way and made it home.

Seungyoon never believed in that “feel like home” cliché formulas but here he was snuggling into Mino’s chest staring through the window on their future garden and here that was it. He was home. And as the thought sink in, he laughed a little.

“What’s so funny?” He looked up to meet Mino’s puzzled look. He shooked his head at his own nonsenses.

 “Can you imagine yourself in a house like this? Especially me.” Seungyoon took a step away from Mino lightly turning around to show him his leather pants and jacket. His hair a mess, his bag with patches and wallet nowhere to be found. He was a loner, never staying anywhere for long, he should be now finishing his studies, but yeah that too was currently left behind him.

“I don’t know…” Mino hesitated slowly walking around the room touching walls with his spread hand like a kid.

 “I’d never pick it for myself…” He leaned nonchalantly on one of the pillars in the middle of the room.

“But for us…?” He stopped searching through Seungyoon’s face for any sign of disapproval while Seungyoon was already out of breath waiting for more but it was apparently not coming.

“Us?” He repeated with sore voice.

“Me and you.” Mino simply explained as it was the source of the problem not a bomb of taking next huge step in their relationship he just casually dropped.

“Yeah I got that part.” Seungyoon rolled his eyes partially annoyed partially not really certain of how to react. “You want us to move in together?” He aske

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Chapter 3: This story is so beautiful and sweet, thanks for the little jouney Author-nim :)
gattari-n #2
Chapter 3: Aaaa your stories so cute and fluff i canttttttttt please update with ultimate fluffinesss !!
Chapter 3: I like your story so far. Why dont you write a comedy like chapter when jie decided to have a boyfriend and both mino and yoonie panic lol something like that then they find out jie only want to be with him because his parents own choco shop lol anyways this is only a suggestion so dont give up writing there are still a few of us here we just haven't had the time to read this asap and comment sorry about that
Zzzombie #4
Chapter 2: Tricky mino was soooo adorable. Poor baby yoonie will never him. Lol
Zzzombie #5
Chapter 1: Cute daddies omg such a lucky Jei
I love how mino comforted yoonie in his own way when he was worried
Like, they know each other so well. It was so cute and heartwarming. Thank you so much
Chapter 2: Your story is so heartwarming. The way you described the characters make me understand about their emotional feeling too.
I love how Jei has that side that almost look alike Mino. It's so cuuuteeee!
MkltymePrall #7
Chapter 2: I love these kind of story... its sooo cute~ cant wait for your next chapter~~~
Chapter 1: its so cute and its first time i read domestic minyoon with a kid and this our jei..jeiholic here and he found the inspiration with his own family
sellyoon #9
Chapter 1: omgggggg it's really sweeeetttt ;~; thankyou authornim!!! waiting for the next chapter~
yukiosan #10
Chapter 1: Bandal chingu!!! *yay* this is so cute~ please update soon. ^^