Untouched Fried Rice

The Senior and the Junior. ♥ One-shot request

Cindy pouted slightly as she blew on the glass to make it foggy.

She used her finger to draw a heart shape and sighed as the fog faded away slowly.

Damn her and her unfortunate life!

She rubbed her arms as she got up from the corner she was in.

It was winter already and her heater wasn’t working properly.

She dragged herself into the bed while snuggling into the mountain of blankets, trying to fall asleep.


‘Ahnyeong! I’m Jinki, but you can call me Onew.’ A bubbly boy plopped himself next to the blur girl.

‘O.o..Onew sunbaenim?’ She gulped.

It was the all so famous senior of this school, the guy that made many juniors fall in love with him.

‘Oh? You know me already?’ He chuckled and ruffled her hair.

‘Of course! But how do you know me?’ She asked back timidly.

‘I know all of this years’ juniors. Isn’t it my job as the nicest senior to learn the names?’ He cocked his head, pretending to think.

The junior giggled, but not at his little joke.

She was too busy staring at her senior’s perfect features and cute smile.

That was when she really started to like him.

Too bad, everybody knows, there was a forbidden rule about senior junior relationships.


Cindy woke up with a blistering headache.


She stumbled to the bathroom and changed into her uniform before putting on an overstuffed coat.


Why couldn’t she be one of those girls that walk down the street in fur collared coats while drinking hot coffee and hair flowing lusciously down.

If she ever attempted something as ridiculous like that, it might work at first, but sooner or later she would end up tripping on her high heeled boots and spilling coffee onto the faux fur.

Shuddering at that embarrassing thought, she walked solemnly into the school.

As the boring day passed with snow continuing to fall outside, lunch time quickly came as many students rushed out for freedom.

Cindy stood up lethargically and bowed to the professor while leaving.

‘Cindy!’ A boy pounced onto her.

‘Taemin!’ She giggled happily.

Suddenly, her day brightened up by a lot.

They giggled their way to the dining hall and sat down on an empty table.

‘I’ll go buy our food okay?’ Taemin rushed off without bothering to hear the reply.

Cindy shook her head as she got up to go to the vending machine.

Taemin likes soda…

Opening her purse to look for coins, she tripped on her own foot and hit someone, before falling backwards.

Everything turned into slow motion.

Cindy falling down while Onew crying out a loud NOOOOOO and grabbing her.

Cue the seductive tango music!

Cindy opened her eyes slowly to see Onew looking her, shocked too while holding her from dropping onto the floor like a tango pose. (A/N IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE THAT!! You know in those cheesy movies the girl trips and then the guy just holds her from falling, exactly in that pose with the girl’s leg sticking up, the crazy corny music starts. Yea like that.)

Her heart pounded as she desperately hoped that he couldn’t hear it.

Onew, obviously baffled by the situation just stood there looking at her.

When he eventually got a hold of what was happening, Taemin dropping their trays and people just gaping at them, he let go of Cindy in shock.



‘I’m so so so sorry! Aisht… I don’t know why I let go of you! That was so stupid!!’ Onew rambled on about his stupidity.

‘Sunbaenim… It isn’t your fault. If I wasn’t so clumsy…’ Cindy trailed off.

‘But I let you go! And now you twisted your ankle..’ Onew started to talk again.

‘It’s not major! It’s fineeeeeeeeeee’ She stated firmly.

‘I wrapped it up already dearies, you can go.’ The nurse smiled at them and opened the door for Cindy to hobble out.

Onew helped her as she limped out slowly.

‘Do you want to go home? I can fetch you home now, I mean cos you’re hurt and everything..’ Onew said.

‘Oh no! You have to attend class.. I already made you miss the 5thperiod.’ Cindy protested but to no avail.

Onew put her down and quickly ran to his locker to get his keys.

When he left, Cindy started smiling to herself.

‘Oh thank the lord!’ She cried out loud.

So this was what it feels like to get princess treatment from my beloved crush, Cindy thought joyfully to herself.

A few minutes passed by and Cindy was starting to wonder where Onew went.

She got up slowly and painfully and used the crutches to look for him.

Walking through the empty hallways, she finally saw Onew.. with another senior.

‘What do you wa—‘ Onew shouted at the girl loudly before being silenced by her with .

The senior pressed herself against Onew and continued kissing him.

Cindy stared in shock and pain.

To her horror, he started kissing the senior back too.

She let out a sob.

Tears fell while she walked as fast as she could to Taemin’s class.

Her breathing becaming more unstable as she fleed.

Swinging the door open, the students in class just stared at the crying girl.

‘Taemin.’ She uttered his name being collapsing.


‘You did this.’ Taemin pushed Onew to the wall.

Onew looked down in shame.

‘You knew she liked you! You, do not deserve to be called a senior!’  Taemin threw a punch at Onew.

Onew winced at the attack.

‘Mianhe.’  He said.

‘Stupid bastard. Why did you kiss that senior back, you let Cindy wait, because you wanted to make out with some ty cheerleader?’ Taemin sobbed while sitting on the seats outside the emergency room.

‘How did you know?’ Onew gasped while looking at him.

‘News travel fast. Even in an hour. Especially if you choose to make out with a big mouthed cheerleader.’ He replied bitterly.

The doctor came out after awhile.

Taemin got up quickly and said, ‘How is she??’

‘She’s okay. It was just too much stress and fatigue that caused her to have breathing problems and faint.’ The doctor said and left hurriedly to attend someone else.

Taemin let out a breath of relief.

He went into the room where Cindy was held in, with Onew following behind, she was still asleep.

Taemin held her hand for awhile.

‘I’m going to buy soda. Do you want some?’ He asked Onew grudgingly.

Even if he was angry with his senior, at least he still had his manners with him.

Onew shook his head while staring at Cindy.

‘Don’t do anything to her!’ Taemin said cautiously while heading out.

Onew plopped himself down and sighed.

‘I should have told her the truth…. I was only testing whether I really loved Cindy. Moreover with the pressure of the forbidden rule! GAH!!’ Onew pulled his hair unhappily.

He walked over to Cindy’s lying figure and said, ‘Saranghae..’, before leaning in and kissing her.

As their lips parted, Cindy’s eyes fluttered open as she blinked a few times.

Onew looked at her in shock.

‘I heard everything..’ Cindy smirked and pulled him in for another kiss.



‘YEOBO! Have you finished cooking dinner?!’ Cindy kicked off her shoes as she brushed her dress down.

‘Neh!!’ Onew came out from the kitchen with a hello kitty apron around him.


‘Aisht.. I thought I told you to put our babies to sleep?!’ Cindy sighed as she went to pacify their baby.

‘I did yeobo..’ Onew tried to defend himself.

After rocking the baby to sleep, Cindy came out, tired.

‘How was the meeting hmm?’ Onew asked her while taking off his apron.

‘Great, we just got a new break. But..… I just feel so tired trying to earn money for our family, yah! You should be the one earning money not me!’ Cindy jabbed Onew lightly.

Onew laughed at his wife while holding her back.

‘Since you got a new break… why don’t we give our son a younger sibling eh?’ Onew smirked as he pounced onto Cindy.


Let’s just say.. the fried rice that Onew cooked wasn’t touched at all.        

WOOH! IM SO SORRY THAT I ONLY WROTE YOUR ONE SHOT TODAY :D but I sincerely hope you like this crappy one shot since, I really at writing. Haha! (: The long awaited oneshot finally here!! :D

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seineily #1
amazing!! :)))
Hehe, this was nice XD cheesy but really enjoyable XD