The Fifth Letter (1)

The Green Envelope

Hoseok is at his wit's end about how he'll appease a very depressed looking Jin currently perched at the top of his desk.


"Hoseok~ It's been a month! He never took this long!" the singer said, a very sad looking face greets the company secretary before the older slumps himself again on the table.


"Hyung. I'm sure his letter is just late because of the delivery. You know, maybe because of the country he's currently in." Hoseok attempted to appease him.


Jin just gave a whimpering sound of approval but didn't bother to pick himself up. The poor secretary was left to helplessly shake his head. It's been a week since the singer started coming to the office and literally pestering everyone. Which is also the reason why everyone in the office now knows this person who calls himself V and is sending fan letters in an odd color of green. The few other days, Jin had made it his mission to bother Namjoon and some of the staff, but now it's Hoseok's turn.


"Maybe he didn't like it! How I named my album or the songs in it or my voice or the lyrics. Maybe he's going to unstan me now! Hoseok~ What should I do~"


That's right. This was the issue that had been bothering the singer this past week. Hoseok is aware now that the recent album is more or less dedicated to V. Not that obvious where people will notice it, but Jin did use selected words that may seem nonsense to others but is a hint only V will catch. Heck even his album title is from their letter exchanges, or V's letters rather. He knew all about the "I can't reply!" part because Jin never ceased to complain about it.


"Was I too straight forward? Does he hate me now?" Jin asked in misery.


Hoseok released a sigh and was about to offer another consoling answer when a familiar ball of blond hair appeared in front of the table, next to where Jin is and answered for him. "Yes. He hates you now. Now go home and leave Hoseok alone."


"But Yoongi~" Jin whined again.


"You may be done with your end of the work, but we're not. There are still orders for the album. Not to mention the Japan shipments we have to make. And of course the ever present request of every person alive to know what you look like. Every station is harassing us to have you on their channel first in case you finally decide to make an appearance." Yoongi complained. It was true that they're busy and Jin holding up people from doing their work is not helping them at all.


Before Jin can complain one more time, a staff burst into the room, immediately locking gazes with Jin and holding out a green... no, two green envelopes in his hand.


Jin leapt to his feet, not even giving Hoseok nor Yoongi a second glance before dashing for the door, snatching the envelopes and leaving with a goofy grin on his face.


"I swear to god I will personally meet up with this V guy as soon as it's possible just to tell him what a problem he's bringing us by making Jin-hyung come here and mope all day." The blond CEO muttered, slumping himself on the seat Jin just left.


"I want to meet him, too, Yoongi-hyung. Maybe we can tell embarrassing stories about Jin-hyung in front of this guy. A little revenge?" The secretary has a mischievous glint in his eyes as he said that.


"Hoseok. This is why you're my secretary." Yoongi smiled, a satisfied smirk and a proud pat at Hoseok's shoulder.




To say that Jin is nervous was understatement. Yes, he's still eager to read the letter... letters this time, but no doubt that V will mention something about his recently released album. After all, he did name the album in accordance with V's terminology with the cherry blossom. Also, one or two of the songs there use the photos V sent him while he was in Japan. It was a desperate attempt from his side to let V know that he's reading his letters. Jin wanted V to know that. So much.


With a quick glance to the back of the envelopes, noting that it comes from Indonesia this time, he quickly opened the one that has a number (1) mark on it and gently putting down the one with the number (2) on.


Hello Jin, this is V.


"Hello V." Jin murmured. 


So this letter took a while, huh.


"Yes, it did."


You're probably wondering if I will still write.


Jin held his breath. If anything, the letter sounded... less enthusiastic(?) and it made him incredibly nervous. Maybe he really had disappointed V with this release. Maybe it will be the last letter he'll receive.


Haha. I'm totally deluding myself into thinking that you even notice my letters and is actually reading them. I'm even imagining that you're waiting for my next letter.


He doesn't have anything to answer V as he continued to stare at the harmless paper.


You know what? My heart even skipped a beat when I saw the album title -- The Pink Rain -- almost like you're telling me that you read my letters. And that you used my own term for the cherry blossoms to name this album release.


"I do! I really do!"  he tried to argue for another time. Did he not make it clear to V? Was it too vague?


Then I heard that your album is going to be in the Japanese market and then I understood that it was just a coincidence. I'm sorry for assuming.


"No! No, it's for you!" he begged the paper.


Anyway, enough of my deflated balloon of hope.



Jin was sad about how V came to the analyzation but he has no other choice. He can't correct V's misunderstanding. He can't do anything.


Your album is... wow! I think I fell in love with you all over again.


He knows there's a blush on his cheeks but he wasn't embarrassed. He was happy. Even if he knows that V is purely talking about "love" as a fan to his idol.


Your voice is so beautiful and the way you hum the melody is amazing. I also love your lyrics, particularly the lyrics of "Pink River". You might not remember but I sent you a photo of a river that has cherry blossoms littered on it. It almost feels like you described that exact scene I captured in the photo and it made me feel all fuzzy inside.


Jin wasn't used to receiving such compliments from V, after all V's letters intrigued him at first because he writes like an old friend instead of a fan. But now, reading V shower him with praise and love, he thinks he wouldn't mind if V writes to him like this, too. Actually, he would love it if V can write like this from time to time.


I downloaded your album immediately. I'll buy the album when I get back to Korea, I promise. I don't know, somehow this release is different. I mean, I like all of your songs and I also like the recent ones but there's this certain feeling of... connection? Like you're talking to me. You even have a song entitled "Unusual" and you were talking about "-- as I buy envelopes to send you my love --" It almost feels like... a confession?


At this, his face heats up. So V did catch all the hints in the songs. He specifically dedicated two songs for him. One is his title track "Pink River" and the other one, a less direct song, "Unusual". 


I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. I already rewritten this for over three times now and I just can't control what I say. I wanted you to know how I feel connected to your songs. 


Jin smiles. He was glad that he made V feel the connection. He was glad that V can't control what he says and ends up writing exactly what he thinks. Jin is glad.


You're a really great singer and composer. I mean, for you to be able to make a nobody like me feel this much connection to a song. You're amazing.


This is the downside of their oneway conversation. He can never clear any of the misunderstanding or tell V that everything he calls as "being delusional" is actually the truth.


Wah! This makes me want to hear you live now. I know I won't ever get to watch you sing but I can hope, right? I really want to watch and hear you sing live. I want to see your face and know what you look like as you perform. I'm not pushing you if you don't want. I just wanted to tell you that I'm hoping for that day.

Well, anyway. That's it for my fanboy letter. My Indonesia trip is in the other envelope.

This is V, signing off~


Jin finds himself thinking... he doesn't mind it. Performing live... for V to see. For V.




Akira: My first A/N for this story. Sorry if this felt a bit heavier than the previous updates but yes! Progress~ Don't worry :) V's usual enthusiasm will return once he's talking about his trips again, and the polaroids, too. 


Please leave me comments about what you think about the story so far >.<

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Chapter 13: I cri
I wasn't even aware I didn't even read Chapter 13 and this was one of my favorite stories to check up on....yikes. Well, I love it and I'll probably read the entire thing like over and over again until the next chapter comes out. Hopefully this is still in continuation. Basically I'm Jin in this chapter lol.
Chapter 13: Hello there Author-nim, how are you? I would like to ask you if it's possible for you to update this amazing story during winter holidays and new year...I'm sure many of us here would appreciate it alot!!!
justinetheweenie #3
Chapter 13: please update soon! :'(
Tettych #4
Chapter 13: To Love and The Green Envelope, both of which are awesome fics, the way you write and the story line is really interesting, different from others.
I hope you can find more free time to continue these two fics, I'm sure very many of your readers are waiting for the rest. Please continue writing because You are a great author !!
Hi there's me...again...I know that I might start to piss you off but I gotta ask you are you doing with this story, any progress?
Chapter 13: Hello there Author-nim...I know I am annoying you right now but do you plan any update for this story anytime soon?
LuciferBuzel #7
Chapter 13: Oh, I love you so much, damn it, I could wait another year for this story, I don't even know what to say, I moved away a bit of Asianfanfics and it was like "let's see what happened" and I find this, is like a gift, thank you, seriously ♥
MushroomLee #8
Chapter 13: Omggg at last you updated. I waited and waited for like forever. Thank you for updating again i really honestly seriously in love with your story and writing so please keep on writing cuz I'll be waiting patiently for every chapter that you post. Tbh I was having a hard time right now but reading your story somehow lighten up my mood
I haven't read it yet because I'm still in shock. I truly appreciate that's you updated this fic! This is one of my favorite stories in aff for so many reasons. Thank you. ❤
Chapter 13: I finished reading and Oh my God, V hurry up and send the green envelope before Jin ends up dyeing Namjoon's hair like a rainbow!!!