
March 17

Five years pass. Jaehwan is now known as Ken and is part of a successful group VIXX, gaining recognition as one of the top K-pop groups over the years.


March 17th passes four times before he knew it. Each time, he was distracted by back-to-back album promotions, overseas activities and endless practice sessions. Every year he cries to himself helplessly, knowing that she would be waiting, and he couldn't be there. Despite his love for singing and his fans' support, most of the time he felt trapped in the endless cycle of promotions, much like a bird in a cage.


The years had treated him kindly, despite his strenuous and tiresome schedule over the five years since he joined VIXX. His slim shoulders had broadened over the years, his frame lean and accentuated with muscles, strengthened by years of dancing.


Despite his physical and career advancements, he lived with constant guilt knowing that he had left her behind to chase his dreams. Nevertheless he tried his best, staying true to himself, knowing very well that she would definitely be watching from wherever she was.


Jaehwan sat in his group's van, his hand clutching onto the scarf he had treasured over the years. It was March 17, 2017. He was finally on his way to meet her.


The company had finally loosened their reins on their personal lives, a reward for finally winning Male Group Artist of the year. Jaehwan remembers the night when the members hugged each other in tears, knowing that five years of hard work had come to that moment.


He couldn't help the nervous feeling that was building up in his chest. What would he say to her when he sees her? What if she's changed? He shook his head at the thought, knowing that no matter what had changed, she would always be beautiful to him.


He thanked his manager as he hopped out of the van, stopping at the side mirror to straighten the baseball cap that he had worn to shade his face from unwanted attention.


"Yah, Lee Jaehwan. It won't matter how good you look, she'll be gone if you're late," he heard his manager joke through the window.


Jaehwan shot a glare towards his manager, before quickly checking his watch. 3.26pm. He was late. He sure hopes she's still here.


Taking a deep breath, he sets off towards the maple tree without looking back. What started as a light jog became a full speed run. He simply could not wait to see her again and the anticipation had his blood racing.


By the time he arrived at the tree, he was panting and out of breath. Looking around nervously, he didn't see her anywhere.


Maybe she was running late too, he reassured himself. He plonked himself down onto the bench, trying to catch his breath.


His watch confirmed that it was 3:30pm.


The next time he looked down at his watch, it was 4.30pm. He tapped his shoes on the ground nervously, trying not to keep the negative thoughts out of his head. His phone vibrating in his pocket shook him out of his daze.


"Hello?" He was greeted with a bit of commotion and noise, indicating that he was on speakerphone. Sanghyuk spoke up first.


"Hyunggggggg~" Sanghyuk nags over the line. "When are you coming with hyungsu-nim? We've been waiting for forever and I'm getting hungry. I'm going to die of hunger soon." Jaehwan swears he can see the pout on Sanghyuk's lips as he says this. Who would believe this is coming from a giant who would be turning 22 in a few months.


His bandmates had insisted on a welcoming party for him and his girlfriend when they finally reunited. It wasn't necessary, but the kind gesture had made it difficult to turn down and had him anticipating her finally meeting the guys who had become his brothers over the past five years. He wouldn't know how to break to it to the guys if she didn't turn up.


"I'll be there soon. You guys eat first; no need to wait," Jaehwan replied.


"That's nonsense!" Hakyeon's voice came onto the line. In the background you hear Sanghyuk let out a faint noise, obviously being punished by his hyung, followed by the giggling of Wonsik and Hongbin. "We're finally meeting your girlfriend, for goodness sake. We'd wait till next year if we had to!"


"I'm hungry," Taekwoon's soft voice chimed in.


"I'll be there soon, hyung. I'll see you guys soon."


There was a little more commotion over the line, the protesting whines of Wonsik and Hongbin could be heard over the sound of Hakyeon scolding the two. A smile played on Jaehwan's face before he finally hung up. 5.25pm, his phone alerted him.


Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he finally let the thoughts that the call had been distracted from come back to him. What if she doesn't come? What if she's moved on to someone else? What if she's moved away? He shook his head, pleading his mind to stop spinning. He closes his eyes and thinks of the one thing that puts his mind at ease. Music. He starts humming a song that he loved as a student by one of his most respected sunbaes, Park Hyo Shin.


기다리겠어 이젠 내가 널 기다려

니가 아팠던 바로 그곳에 서서

저 깊이 가라앉을때까지....


That was when it finally came to him. Even if she's not here now, what does that matter? All he has to do is now wait for her, just like she has been waiting for the last five years.


It was just when this thought came to his mind that he heard the clacking of heeled feet coming towards him. When he looked up, there she was. She stood there panting, bracing her arms on her knees. Jaehwan sat there, shocked and unable to move, breath hitched in the back of his throat.


When she finally looked up at him, she threw him a shy smile.


“Welcome back, Jaehwan-ah.”


Jaehwan could feel all the air dispel from his lungs as he finally stood up and took one tentative step towards her.


Taking a closer look at her, he could see that she had grown her hair out. Long wavy brown locks were left loose to cascade down her front and seemed to glisten in the early-spring afternoon sun. She was dressed in work attire; a neat ensemble of a dark grey pencil skirt and white dress shirt topped off with a pale yellow knitted cardigan. She had gotten skinnier over the years, the baby fat on her face disappearing to reveal high cheekbones and a slim jawline.


“I...I’m sorry I’m late,” she started, finally straightening up to look at Jaehwan. “I had to rush here from a business meeting.”


“I’m sorry I’m late,” Jaehwan finally found the voice to speak up. “Five years late.”


This earned a chuckle from her, the smile reaching her eyes.


“Better late than never,” she teased.


They stood in front of each other, unable to believe that they had finally made it to the day they were both waiting for.


Unable to hold back any further, she finally bridged the gap between them, jumping into his awaiting arms.


“I missed you. So, so much,” she let closed her eyes to savor the feeling of his arms around her, happy tears sliding down her cheek.


“I missed you too. More than you’ll ever know,” Jaehwan responded, unable to hold back tears of his own.


They stayed in each other's arms till he saw the sun setting behind them. He stepped back to look at her face, gently using his hand to wipe away the last of her tears.


“As much as I’d like to stay here and hug you all day, I currently have five impatient and starving men waiting for us at the dorm.”


She chuckled at the comment, knowing that he was meaning his five team members. Hand in hand they walked towards the taxi rank, insanely content. The smile on their faces could not be wiped off.




“Oh, they’re here! They’re here! Get out of my way!”


“Oh , I need to wake up Wonsik. Sik-ah!!!!”


“Ah HYUNNGGG, my foot! My foot!”


They could hear the commotion happening from the other side of door. She looked at Jaehwan questioningly, who gave her an embarrassed smile and a shrug.


A bleep came from the door and it swung open, revealing a scene she was sure she would never forget.


A slim, tan-skinned man she recognised to be Hakyeon was beaming down at her. Hyuk was behind him sitting on the floor, foot in hand, grumbling under his breath. A stone-faced Taekwoon poked his head into the living area from what appears to be the kitchen, frilly pink apron draped from his wide shoulders. Handsome Hongbin was dragging a drowsy Wonsik from one of the rooms.


Completely ignoring Jaehwan, Hakyeon pulled her into the house. “We’ve been looking forward to meeting you! Come in, come in!”


She threw Jaehwan a helpless smile, watching as he stood with his jaw open.


“HYUNG!” Jaehwan exclaimed while following behind them.


When he got inside after toeing off his shoes, he saw her that she was settled down on a cushion in front of the small table they used as a dining table. The table was covered in drinks and food, Taekwoon placing a  pan full of piping hot pasta in front of her before joining the other guys were sitting around her and eagerly asking her questions.


“So how did you meet our Jaehwannie?” Hakyeon asked with a motherly smile on his face. Before she could answer, another voice piped up.


“Who do you think is the most handsome in VIXX, noona? It must be me since you like guys with big noses like Jaehwannie-hyung. My nose is the next biggest in VIXX you know...”


“Can you tell us any embarrassing stories about Jaehwannie hyung?”


“Can we eat yet?” The final question from Taekwoon earned him a stern look from Hakyeon.


“YAH!” Jaehwan finally burst. They all looked towards him as if he had three eyes. “Do you think you could give my girlfriend a little bit of space?”


He walked towards them, giving a gentle kick to Hyuk’s back, urging him to vacate his seat next to her. Hyuk scampered off, grumbling under his breath before plonking himself down beside Wonsik.


Jaehwan’s hand found hers under the table and he shot her an apologetic smile.


“Well first things first, I guess we should introduce ourselves to Jaehwan’s girlfriend shouldn’t we?” Hakyeon started.


“I already know you all,” she responded. “As a fan, I mean. I’m actually a Starlight.”


“What?” Hyuk exclaimed. They all looked at her in shock. “Wait a second, you have to prove that you’re a Starlight. Where’s your byulnaet card?”


All eyes were on her as she took her wallet out of her purse. She flashed them her shiny navy blue card adorning four stars and her name neatly printed on the front.


“Omo… she really is a Starlight,” Hakyeon was super excited and didn’t hide it.


“But if you’re a Starlight…did you attend our byulset fan meeting last year?” Hongbin started, eyes narrowed, trying to put the pieces together in his head. When she nodded, the boys all gasped in unison.


“What? You were there?” Jaehwan was surprised himself.


She nodded. “I was there for at all three fan meetings, but of course I had to hide in the shadows a little because I didn’t want you to see me. I went to your concerts here in Seoul too.”


This was a revelation to Jaehwan. “So…. while I’ve been missing you for five years, you’ve been there the entire time?”


“I guess so… heh,” she chuckled.


With that, the table exploded in laughter and talking, everyone flabbergasted by the turn of events. They settled into a quite constant chatter, Taekwoon relieved that he could finally eat the food that he had painstakingly prepared for the party.


Away from prying eyes, Jaehwan had his right hand laced with the fingers of her right. She looked down to see he was drawing little circles on her palm with his thumb, and she was delirious with joy that he was there in the flesh.


She was brought out of her daze when she heard Taekwoon speak up for the second time for the day. “So… what’s your VIXX favorite song?”


She was sure he was expecting her to mention one of his pieces, but there was really one song that came to mind when the question was asked.


I don’t want to be an idol….” she said hesitantly. It silent for a moment, before the room erupted with noise.


There was no need for explanation why she chose that song, the boys immediately getting into tease mode, her and Jaehwan’s faces immediately breaking out into a blush.


But at that moment, the teasing didn’t even offend them. They both knew how long it took to finally get to this moment, to finally be able to keep their promise. And in that moment, that was all that mattered.

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