
Cinema Sparks

Friday came round again and Taeyong wasn’t nearly as exhausted as he was the previous Friday. It was pretty hot outside so he decided to change into jeans and a black shirt after he took a quick shower.

The walk to the cinema was refreshing; as the sky was a beautiful shade of blue and there were only a few clouds out, making it look like a painting. It was days like these that Taeyong liked taking a walk and just admiring nature.

Upon reaching the cinema, Taeyong started his usual routine of scanning the posters and trying to decide which movie to watch. He saw the ticket noona watching him and smiling, probably because she knew he would be taking some time as usual.

Unlike the previous Friday Taeyong made his decision quicker and in time for the six o’ clock screening of the film. He went up to the counter to buy his ticket as usual.

“You made a decision quicker than usual” The ticket noona smiled as she pressed the movie he had chosen on her screen.

“Well an amazing noona informed me that there would be new movies this week so my choice was easier because only the new movies were an option” Taeyong smiled.

“I am pretty cool” The lady smiled as she took Taeyongs money.

“Excuse me Haeun noona, but this boy has a free movie ticket provided by me” Ten stepped in behind the lady just as she took Taeyong’s money.

Ten smiled at Taeyong as he stood behind the counter. Making Taeyong look down at his feet and shift awkwardly from foot to foot.

“Well okay then” the lady smiled and handed Taeyong’s money back to him.

Ten walked from behind the counter to stand next to Taeyong. Neither said anything and Taeyong had stopped his shifting.

“Did you forget about your free ticket?” Ten smiled as Taeyong started making his way to buy snacks.

“Well I didn’t forget, I just wasn’t going to use my option today, but I guess that didn’t happen” Taeyong smirked and walked away from Ten so he could place his order.

“Then consider this as your lucky day then, you got a free movie ticket” Ten smirked back at Taeyong as he picked up his snacks and made his way to watch the movie.

“What if I didn’t want my lucky day to be today?” Taeyong questioned.

Ten stopped walking and started playing with his sleeves.

“Then let me treat you to dinner tonight; you helped me last week and you were so nice, it’s the least I could do” Ten said finally just before Taeyong opened the door.

Taeyong just smiled at Ten and walked inside to watch his movie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The movie hadn’t been as good as Taeyong was expecting, but to be fair he wasn’t exactly much attention to the movie in the first place.

“You know, walking away and leaving people in suspense is very impolite” Ten snorted in a fake angry tone as Taeyong exited the theatre.

“I was giving you some time to think about your proposal, so tell me what you planned while I was watching the movie” Taeyong smiled. He found himself doing that a great deal tonight.

Ten huffed and put his hand to his chest while sporting an offended expression.

“Who said I was thinking about that the whole time, I do have work to do here you know” Taeyong almost laughed, but decided to keep it in and carry on with this funny act.

“Well then I guess I should get going” Taeyong sighed and turned around to walk away.

“Wait! I do have some plans, I managed to spare some time from my busy schedule to think about it a bit” Ten looked shy and was laughing at the ground.

“Well then I guess we should get going” Taeyong changed his sentence.

Ten ran behind the counter and grabbed his jacket.

“I’ll lead the way” Ten spoke up with a broad smile on his face.

They exited the cinema and, with Ten leading the way, started walking to wherever Ten planned.

“Wait is this where you kidnap me” Taeyong joked.

Ten laughed and he stopped walking for a few seconds to finish laughing.

“If I remember correctly, you are the kidnapper here” Ten answered still laughing and remembering the time when he had asked Taeyong that question.

“Where are we going?” Taeyong asked still smiling widely.

“You will just have to wait and see, but you have one clue, we are going to have dinner” Ten stated and sped the pace up.

They didn’t walk for too long until they came to a stop outside a restaurant. It was pretty hidden and there didn’t seem to be too many customers inside.

“I found this place one day when I was just walking around and the food here tastes really good” Ten spoke up and gestured for Taeyong to go inside as he held the door open.

 Once inside Ten chose a place to sit and ordered for both of them.

“So you dance” Ten sounded awkward and shy as he spoke.

“And you sing” Taeyong added.

A silence followed and both sat and stared off into the distance.

“I saw you on campus this week” Ten suddenly spoke up.

Taeyong turned his head to the side with a confused look on his face.

“Well I had some free time so I walked with my friend because he wanted to give something to someone in the dance class and I saw you sitting outside listening to music” Ten was smiling and looking down.

“You smile a lot don’t you?” Taeyong asked Ten and waved a hand under Ten’s face to catch his attention.

Ten laughed and covered his face with his hands.

“I’m a happy person, I love laughing and smiling” Ten laughed as he spoke.

“That’s good I guess, well I haven’t seen you around on campus” Ten was starting to infect Taeyong, because he was smiling like an idiot while he spoke.

Their food arrived and they started munching away.  They exchanged a few words about the food in between bites but their conversation was limited due to the fact that both boys were really enjoying the food.

After they finished eating Ten insisted on paying, and after a few times of telling Taeyong he wasn’t going to let him pay, Taeyong finally let Ten go and pay for the meal.

“Now it’s my turn to walk you home” Ten said as they exited the restaurant.

“You don’t have to, I mean we live a good distance from each other and it is getting dark so we should probably just go our separate ways” Taeyong said getting ready to walk by himself.

“Well you walked me home so I want to walk you home too” Ten said half-pouting with a sad face.

Taeyong started laughing at the boy and stumbled a bit as he laughed.

“Stop laughing and walk already” Ten shouted out as he slightly pushed the boy forward, still pouting.

“You made a pouty face” Taeyong smiled so widely his faced looked like it was about to break.

“Yah! You didn’t want to let me walk with you and I was trying to be nice” Ten huffed in frustration.

Taeyong stopped laughing but the smile never left his face.

“Sorry, would you please walk me home?” Taeyong pleaded with his hands together.

Ten rolled his eyes and shook his head at the boy.

“Come on lets go” Ten smiled as he started walking away from Taeyong.

“Walking away from people is impolite!” Taeyong shouted out while running to catch up with Ten.

As he caught up with him, Ten handed Taeyong his phone.

“Put your number on it” Ten asked shyly.

“What if I don’t want to?” Taeyong questioned slightly panting from running.

“Well if you don’t I will have to sport a very sad pouty face” Ten’s voice oozed a cute daring tone as he spoke.

“Well we definitely don’t want that” Taeyong spoke as he entered his number into Ten’s phone.

As they were walking Taeyong received a text. When he looked at his phone he saw it was a text from Ten – ‘Save my number too (ᗒᗩᗕ)’’. A small smile creeped its way onto Taeyongs’ face.

Taeyongs’ smile never let left his face even when they reached his house and went their separate ways.



So as promised here is the next chapter.

Hope you enjoy it!




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ZacTripleZero #1
I miss this fic so much TT
will you ever finish this authornim?
Chapter 6: I LOVE this chapter! <3
Taeten, Yusol, & Dojae. Kyaaaaa <3
Nice to know they're getting to know each other better. ^^
Jhonny...keep going on pushing Taeten. Yes....they're so slow like turtle. Slower than turtle. XD
I liked it when Taeyong concerned of Ten.
Thanks for the update.
Fighting for the next chapter! ^^
Elfshairamae #4
Chapter 6: Additional note: I love dojae here and am a big yusol trashed so thank you for their fluffy convos TT TT and Johnny it's OK you're one hell of a matchmaker
Elfshairamae #5
Chapter 6: Johnny is really the Taeten fanclub president haha
Ten is very attracted to Taeyong. ;)
Chapter 6: So many pang in Ten's heart hahaha
Chapter 6: haha ten!!
Allie132 #9
Chapter 5: This is so cute! I can wait for the next chapter!!!