Operation Success! (D&M's Operation II)

Beauty & the Big Boss


"So? What's our plan now?" Dae Yeong asked as he placed his hands on the table. Mo Yeon looked at him with her eyebrows raised.



"Why are you asking me that? You were the one who made this plan," Mo Yeon insisted.



"But you agreed to this," Dae Yeong sternly said trying to hide the annoyance from his tone. Mo Yeon just rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out which made Dae Yeong laugh a bit.



"Aish how can a doctor be this childish, hm?"



"Now it seems like we're dating," They laughed. They were still talking about their plan when a familiar place entered the cafe.



He took off his sunglasses when he spotted Kang Mo Yeon on a corner. He hurriedly walked towards her direction, but stopped when he saw an unfamiliar boy seated in front of her.



"Kang Mo Yeon-ssi?" He whispered rather audible which made Mo Yeon turn her head towards his direction.



"Omo. Yoon Gi-oppa?" Mo Yeon unexpectedly squealed in delight forgetting that she's with Seo Dae Yeong-- the man who almost conducted an FEO to find Min Yoon Gi because of Myeong Ju.



"Mo Yeon-ah! It's great to see you here! You've gotten prettier," He said which made Mo Yeon blush a little. Yoon Gi-oppa still flatters her but don't get the wrong idea, though. She doesn't have feelings for him anymore. Their 'thing' ended a long time ago.



"Liar. Anyway, oppa, this is Sergeant Major Seo Dae Yeong," she introduced. Dae Yeong stood up and went close to him with a straight face.



"Is he... your boyfriend?" Yoon Gi asked. Mo Yeon was about to answer when Dae Yeong cut her off.



"Yes, I am," Dae Yeong said seriously. Mo Yeon was about to protest but then she remembered about their plan. Instead, she smiled sweetly and linked her arms with Dae Yeong's.



"Heol. You have a soldier for a boyfriend? That's really not you," A surprised Min Yoon Gi told her.



"People changes overnight," she shrugged. They talked for a few minutes but Mo Yeon receievd an emergency call so she and Dae Yeong went ahead.



"Did you really receive an urgent call?" Dae Yeong asked in amusement.



"Aniyo. It was just awkward." She answered.



"I knew it."



"Where are we going?"



"Let's go to my apartment. I'm hungry again."



"Seo Dae Yeong-ssi, gwaenchanayo? Why are you acting like that? You're scaring me. It feels like you're planning to murder me once we get inside your apartment," Mo Yeon stated nervously.



That's when Dae Yeong laughed his heart out. He stopped the car on the other side of the street as he was wiping the tears off his eyes caused by laughing.



"Why are you so funny, Dr. Kang? Don't worry. We'll just eat there. I won't do anything to you. I still love Yoon Myeong Ju even though she kinda betrayed me, and I know you love Si Jin too," he said which made Mo Yeon smile at him.



"Arasseo. Kaja!"



It was night time when they reached Dae Yeong's place. They ordered chicken, black bean noodles and beer to go with it. They were discussing their plan when Dae Yeong's phone vibrated.






"Who's that?" Mo Yeon asked while taking a bite on her chicken.



"It's Si Jin." She immediately dropped the chicken and scooted closer to Dae Yeong.



"Put it on loud speaker." He nodded then answered the call.






"Ah I can't believe this. I have a friend who's betraying me and is hitting up with my girlfriend," Si Jin answered on the other line. They looked at each other. How did they happen to know?



"Where are you? Are you with Mo Yeon? Huh? Where did you take her?!" Si Jin shouted. He's not joking. He's angry. Like really angry.



"I'm gonna kill you, Seo Dae Yeong!" A voice, which seems to be Myeong Ju, said.



"Then why is she with you, Si Jin-ssi? You did not contact me for a week straight and I found out just yesterday that you and Myeong Ju were spending more time on each other. We aren't the ones betraying you here. You two started it first. I'm gonna hang up now. Leave us alone!" Mo Yeon shouted angrily then ended the call.



"Can I throw this?" she asked Dae Yeong while holding his cellphone. He nodded and as if on cue, the phone flew towards the wall. Luckily, it didn't dismantle but there's a very big crack on the screen.



"You should buy me a new one when you get your salary, okay?"



"Aish. I regret throwing your phone." They chuckled. Mo Yeon sighed deeply.



"Mianhaeyo. If I got you into this. I guess I was just jealous and I acted rashly." she apologized. Dae Yeong held her shoulders then made her look at him.



"Don't worry. It was my plan, after all. Any jealous man/woman gets to do anything impossible," he smiled which made Mo Yeon chuckle.



"Can I go home now?



"Why don't you stay over for the night?" Mo Yeon suspiciously eyed Dae Yeong who is trying so hard to maintain his poker face.






"I haven't done anything to you yet so stay o---"



"YAH! SHUT IT!" Dae Yeong just laughed as he followed Mo Yeon outside.



At exactly 21:00 they arrived at Mo Yeon's house. AND, a frowning, angry, standing Yoo Si Jin is waiting outside. Mo Yeon gulped and looked at Dae Yeong for the last time.



"Hwaiting!" Dae Yeong cheered which made Mo Yeon smack him. She got off the car and waved goodbye. As she turned to face her 'real' boyfriend, she gasped as she clashed inside Yoo Si Jin's strong embrace.



"You made me so angry but I was more than worried. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Jeongmal mianhaeyo, Mo Yeon-ah." She fought the urge to hug him back so she pushed him lightly.



"Just tell me everything I need to know. Let's go inside. It's getting cold." She walked past him and unlocked the door. She the heater and sat on the floor while waiting for Si Jin to do the talking.



"Myeong Ju and I were just tasked to do something by the commander. Something that we can't reveal to anyone, even to our fellow soldiers. That's why we're always together. I see and understand that you misunderstood our meetings but you really have nothing to worry about. We don't have something going on between us," he explained. Mo Yeon smiled lightly.



"Why do you have so many secrets? Why do you keep on lying? I regret not dumping you." Mo Yeon said which made Si Jin on the verge of crying.



"I'm just joking. I'm still mad at you though." She continued. Si Jin pouted and moved closer to her.



"I'm really sorry. It won't happen again." He hugged her tightly and Mo Yeon hugged her back at last. Before Mo Yeon could say anything, Si Jin broke the hug and held her face.



"So you were at Dae Yeong's apartment when I called?"






"He didn't do anything to you, did he? Did he kiss you? Tried to make a move on you or something?"



"Uhm, well..."



"Wae? Did he... Aniyo. That jerk! I'm really gonna kill him! I'm gonna shoot him and blow him to pieces and rip the hell out of him!"



"YAH! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING OKAY? WE JUST TALKED! DAE YEONG IS A GOOD FRIEND, SI JIN. TRUST ME." Mo Yeon shouted back which made Si Jin calm down and a smile formed his lips.



"Indeed he is. Now, let me kiss you."



"Who told you that you can kiss me? Go away, Yoo Si Jin."



Mo Yeon hurriedly went inside the bathroom leaving a whining Si Jin behind. Before she can turn on the shower her phone vibrated which means she just receieved a message.



Seo Dae Yeong We're okay now. Are you?

delivered  Yes. We're now on good terms too. Thank you for the help Kang Mo Yeon

Seo Dae Yeong Operation Dae-Yeon success! <3

delivered Heart? Never thought you were so feminine. Kang Mo Yeon

Seo Dae Yeong Shut it. Goodbye.



Kang Mo Yeon had another rough day but it all went well unexpectedly.



A/N: Another chapter done! Thank you so much for subscribing! <3


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linapog #1
Chapter 4: then wer r u n authornim?i bet those subscribers are waiting for ur update....
Goddesskyo #2
Chapter 4: You should continue this
neobjover #3
Chapter 3: Why do I ship them more when I start to sympathize with Yoo Shi Jin
Songjoongkyo #4
Can't wait for your next updates!!!!!! ☺☺☺
uchamp #5
Chapter 4: Authornim, daebak! Yoo si jin, you're so dead. Even i got my blood boiling after hearing ur secret mission. Hahahaha i wonder what YSJ would do to gain her trust again. KMY would not go easy on him. Please write about it authornim... Plus their reconciliation moment hehehe. Thank youuu
where1 #6
Chapter 4: how cute!i like it very much, poor si jin he still can't get to sleep with his mo yeon and sleep/not sleep with her,if you know what i mean kekeke..., anyway good chapter really i can't wait for the rest, thaks :)
where1 #7
Chapter 3: thanks, it was such a fun chapter it's really good reading something light and fluffy, good job :)
Chapter 3: I LOVE IT AUTHOR-NIM.continue juseyooo
ryorin13 #9
Chapter 3: I love your writing! I hope you would write si jin met min yung gi :) and how da yeong and myeong ju are there with them and min yung gi said da yeong is mo yeon bf :3 i wanna know how si jin and myeong ju react! (A plus if mo yeon and da yeong became cheeky and said they are dating each other! XD )
deladelf #10
so far so good!!! i hope you would write about their delayed marriage lol and maybe something on their first night *wiggling my eyebrows* lol