woohyun tells his son he ate all his halloween candy

kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Woohyun sat anxiously on their living room couch on the morning of November 1st, staring at a closed bedroom door down the hall. Just then, the very door he was staring at creaked open and his four year old son appeared. Seeing his dad sitting on the couch, Jaehan smiled and happily ran over, engulfing his dad in a hug. Woohyun, on the other hand, simply patted his back with a small smile.


    “Good morning daddy!” Jaehan exclaimed. Woohyun pushed his son away from his embrace and stared at him, trying to find the right words.


    “Jaehan, I have something to tell you. But don’t get mad okay?” Woohyun squirmed slightly in his seat as he held Jaehan’s hands, his son looking at him with curious eyes.


    “What is it?”


    “Well, um, you see, last night your papa and I were very hungry, and we kind of ate all your Halloween candy.” Woohyun said in one breath, biting his lip while anxiously waiting for Jaehan’s reaction.


    “You what?” Jaehan let go of Woohyun’s hands to grab at his face in disbelief.


    “I’m sorry--” Woohyun was cut off as Jaehan ran into the kitchen to get his little pumpkin bucket, which was filled up to the brim with candy last night, but now was empty save for a few candy wrappers.


    “Are you kidding me?!” Jaehan practically screamed as he saw the state of his previously full pumpkin bucket. “Are you kidding me?” He repeated again as ran into the living room he threw the bucket onto the floor. Woohyun had to flinch away in order to avoid his feet getting hit by the bucket.


    “Look, I’m sorry kid, but your papa and I were just so hungry!”


    “I can’t believe you ate all my candy!” Jaehan was bawling at this point, falling onto the floor while kicking his little feet around. “I hope you and papa enjoy getting a thousand cavities!”


    With that, Jaehan kicked the pumpkin bucket for good measure, just shyly missing the TV, and ran off into his room and slammed his bedroom door closed.


    Woohyun chuckled because that loud of a noise was sure to wake up his husband (who always liked sleeping in). Sure enough, the door to the master bedroom opened shortly after and a sleepy Sunggyu trudged into the living room.


    “Did Jaehan just slam the door? What happened?” Sunggyu asked sleepily as he unceremoniously flopped onto the couch, snuggling close to Woohyun. However, Woohyun couldn’t stop laughing and managed to sputter out two words: “Jimmy Kimmel.”


    “Who’s Jimmy Kimmel?”


    Woohyun quickly got out his phone and showed Sunggyu last year’s edition of “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy” on YouTube. Sunggyu laughed throughout the video, but then frowned when it was over.


    “I can’t believe you lied to our son! Did you tell him that I ate some too?” Woohyun nodded, which earned him a punch in the arm (which hurt quite a bit). “He’s gonna hate the both of us!”


    “Nah, kids forgive and forget easily. I secretly took a video, wanna see?”


    Sunggyu rolled his eyes, but leaned closer towards Woohyun, eager to see the video he took anyway.


    After the video, Sunggyu stared at Woohyun in disbelief. “Yeah, he’s definitely your son, alright.”






    “Here Jaehan,” Woohyun took out a bag filled with his son’s candy from last night, “I was just kidding. Your candy’s all here.” He dumped out the bag onto the kitchen table. “Your papa and I didn’t even eat one single piece.”


    Jaehan stared at the pile of candy before picking out a few into a small pile. “Here daddy, you and papa can have these.” He pushed them across the table towards Woohyun.


    “Thank you, Jaehan, that's really nice of you!” Woohyun exclaimed, a big smile stretching across his face. Jaehan, on the other hand, simply shrugged and gathered all his remaining candy into the bag again, making his way towards his room.


    “I can’t eat them anyway. I’m allergic to peanuts.”




A/N: If you haven't ever watched the segment from Jimmy Kimmel's show, watch the 2015 one here. I look forward to it every year :D

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696 streak #1
Chapter 1: 🩷
696 streak #2
Chapter 3: this is funny 😂
Chapter 3: hahaha that was hilarious XD
now now hyun learned not to let gyu out of his sight with egg and flour (and kitchen)
it's short, it's entertaining!
Chapter 3: Good job gyu! Hahahaha.... hyun such a saint for coping up with gyus kitchen warzone if it were me I probably left the kitchen the moment gyu put the 3 eggs in the bowl with its shell intact~
Chapter 3: omg, i'm one of gyu's team mates. seriously, some people just aren't cut for baking. why don't the others understand?
jjongie was a doll to thank them so brightly.
but hyun was unbelievably sweet to have endured all that torture.
Chapter 3: Sunggyu should be banned from entering the kitchen forever ;)) thank you
Chapter 3: i love your drabbles! keep updating :)
Chapter 3: Hahahahahw i love this omg plz update more often plz
this is sooo cute!why did i find this late?woogyu is sooo adorable kyaaaa~
Chapter 3: That's freaking adorable! Haha srsly woohyun, why are you so good at everything?