Chapter 4

Forgivable, Unforgettable

Myoun’s POV

I was in my favorite boba cafe, Bobalicious, deciding what type of boba I wanted. I was stuck between green tea and chili mango. Deciding to play it safe, I decided on green tea and approached the counter to place my order. 

I recognized the cashier since he was a student at my school. His name was Oh Sehun. He must have recognized me too since he gave me a knowing look as I told him my order. I tried to ignore his judgemental gaze and avoided eye contact. I had enough stares for my first day back at school today and I didn’t need anymore in this cafe.

When Sehun was done making my boba tea, I sat down on a couch in the cafe and contemplated on the events that took place.

About an hour ago, I felt as if my heart stopped beating. Kris approached me… Luhan confronted him…and I couldn’t bear to watch the scene that was about to unfold, so I just shut the curtains on that stage myself and left from it all.

I felt bad about leaving Luhan behind, especially since he’s been trying his best to help me readjust to school life, but I just needed some time to think. Be by myself. Especially after finding out that I was supposed to do a project with him

Ugh, could my first day back be anymore eventful?


I looked up to see Tiffany Hwang staring at me with what looked like a small, strawberry or raspberry boba in her perfectly manicured hand.

Apparently it can.

I felt as if my blood had been drained right out of me and I quickly got up, my backpack over my shoulder and my boba in my hand, ready to leave.

“Oh no, you don’t have to leave,” she said quickly. I ignored her and quickly left the cafe, despite hearing sincerity in her tone and catching Sehun’s smirk as he watched me leave. 

The last time I fell for her being nice to me it led to…No. I can’t think about that night right now. I just needed to get as far away from her as possible.

As I reached the traffic light on the end of the sidewalk, it had just turned red, so I had no choice but to sit and wait for the green light to save me as I lifelessly watched the cars drive by. 


I stiffened up like a statue, my blood turning cold, at the sound of her voice. 

I had nowhere to run to now.

Before I knew it, Tiffany was at my side breathing heavily. “Dang, you walk fast!” she said through ragged breaths. 

I didn’t answer, just waited for the stupid, slow light to turn green. I quickly glanced at her and thought I saw wetness from her eyes. Must be my imagination.

When her breathing caught up with her, she spoke. “Hey, listen,” she said hesitantly. “About what happened…”she started, her voice shaking, preluding a possible waterfall. “I just want to say I am so, so sorry-”

“Please don’t.” I quietly interrupted her. Her apology sounded genuine, but I couldn’t trust her. I don’t think my tone was harsh, but I tried to make it firm as possible, despite my uncertainty with my ability to defend myself. “Because of you and your friends, I lost two years of my life. So if anyone should cry here, it should be me.” I hated sounding like such a victim, but something in me felt as if I should finally tell one of my tormentors how I really felt after all these years. To just let loose and let the fire within me finally ignite.  

Tiffany looked shocked since the girl she used to bully didn’t used to be so audible. But she nodded nonetheless, wiping her eyes, trying to compose herself. 

“You’re right. I would just like to apologize for what happened. I never should have treated you the way I did. Whenever Aeri or Chaeyeon bullied you…I shouldn’t have followed along…I should have spoken up…did something…” she said trailing off, head down. 

I shifted from foot to foot. “I take responsibilities for my own actions.” I quietly said, without looking at her. “You guys, didn’t force me to attempt suicide…I did it on my own accord.”

Tiffany looked up. “But still. I was part of the events that led to that outcome. And for that, I’ll be forever guilty.”

I didn’t say anything. A moment of silence ensued and then she spoke again. “Listen, how about as a truce, I’ll drive you home?” 

Hearing her offer, I was rather hesitant, but then I thought of the long walk home. From everything that happened today, I didn’t wanna face that walk and just wanted to lie in my comfy bed. 

“If you do anything that makes me suspicious, I’ll pepperspray your .” I said, half-jokingly. She laughed. “Deal.” 

I didn’t even notice the light turning green.

The ride was silent all the way, but I actually preferred that. To my pleasant surprise, she didn’t do anything that would hurt me, like she would before. 

Maybe she was really being sincere. But I still had my guard up regardless. 

Once Tiffany dropped me off at my house, I said my thanks and immediately walked inside to see my parents on the couch in the living room watching some type of variety show on my television screen. My parents asked how my first day back at school was, but they tried not to push it too much since my therapist told me that it may not be so healthy for me for them to smother me, even though I could tell they still worried an awful lot for me. 

I didn’t want to worry them with me being partnered with Kris or being on somewhat good terms with Tiffany, so I just lied and told them that everything went well without drama.

Well, except the fact that I had to go to detention on Saturday for being late to class. When my parents asked why, I made up some bogus excuse that I was in the bathroom too long. They gave me a light scolding and told me to not do it again. 

When I went upstairs to my room, I took out my cell phone and saw I had multiple missed calls from Luhan. I felt bad for making him worry, especially after all he’s done for me, so I called him up.

“Myoun! Are you ok?” he asked, his concern evident in his tone. 

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m actually home now.” I said, then I tried to make light of the situation. “You so silly worrying so much, you worry wart!” I said, trying my best at aegyo. 

He didn’t laugh, but I could feel Luhan’s smile through the phone.

“So, what cha’ up to?” he asked. 

I debated telling him about what happened with Tiffany. I decided to tell him. He is my best friend after all.

“Um, I went to Bobalicious after school. I saw Tiffany there.” I said. 

“Tiffany Hwang?” he said, acid subtly dripping from his voice.

“Uh yeah.”

“Did she do anything to you?”

“No. She was actually really nice. She actually apologized and gave me a ride home-”

“You let her drive you home?!”

“Luhan, don’t-”

“Why did you let her?!”

“She apologized-”

“I knew I should have walked you home myself!”


“I can’t believe you willingingly got inside her car!”

“She apologized!”

“And you just forgave her just like that?! After everything she and her friends did to you?!”

“Look, I don’t wanna hold on to that forever! I wanna let go and move on! You’re forgetting that’s the reason of why I’m back!” 

“Damn, Myoun, you can be so naiive sometimes!” 

“So what if I am?!”

“Well it’s a problem, since that’s the reason you ended up in a nutcase facility in the first place!”


“M-Myoun..,I-I didn’t mean-” 

“I gotta go.”

I hung up. After multiple rings oh my phone from him, I finally turned my phone off. 

To be continued…

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Miomin #1
Chapter 5: Plz update soon!!^^