
His favorite book

He looked up and down the shelves, searching. 

"Where is it..." He muttered as his gaze went over book after book. 

"Excuse me sir, do you need help?" A voice asked stopping him in his tracks.

"Hmm?" He looked up to see a employee looking at him, waiting for him to reply "Oh um.. I'm looking for a certain book." He answered quietly.

"Do you need help finding it?" The employee asked kindly.

"Umm...yes?" He replied sheepishly after glancing at his watch. He would probably be late if he didn't accept the guy's help and he didn't want to be late.

"What book is it?" The employee asked with a smile, walking closer.

"'s.. Uhm, This..." He held out a piece of paper to him. He written it down so he could remember.

"Ahh, This is a old book." The employee stated, nodding.

"Do you not have it?" He asked anxiously.

"We do. It's over here, I think." The employee started walking, gesturing him to follow.

It took them less then ten minutesto find the book, he sighed in relief. He won't be late.

"Thank you uhm...Yugyeom?" He asked looking at the name tag. 

"No problem..." Yugyeom replied, slightly trailing off as he didn't know his name.

"Mark." He replied.

"No problem Mark." Yugyeom said again, with a smile "May I ask why you wanted such an old book?" 

Mark looked down at the book with a smile "It's my friends birthday. This is his favorite book." He answered.

"I see." Yugyeom said with a nod "Would you like it wrapped then?" 

" Ah, No. But thank you anyway." Mark replied. Where he was going, they would probably just tear the wrapping off. 


Mark looked up at the building and then at the book. He was nervous. 

"You can do this." Mark whispered to himself, steeling his nerves as he walked towards the building.

Getting in took longer then normal as they had to check his present but he somehow made it through. So now here he was, waiting at a table for his friend to show up. He took a deep breath as he glanced under the table at the book resting on his lap, Steeling his nerves when he heard the door open.

"Mark?" He heard a voice say, surprised.

He looked up and smiled "Happy birthday." 


A.N This is a one shot, Meaning I will not continue it. I honestly don't remember if I posted this on Ideas! or not but I'm posting it now anyway. It's also a pretty old one that I don't remember where I was going with, which is mostly why it will stay as a one shot. But if anyone is interested in continuing it? message me.

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