Airports and heights (KrisHo, Complete)

By All Means, Call Us Exotic

“… I can see that you're totally sleep deprived which makes sense since you've been on a really long flight but I am so excited to have you guys here so I'm just going ramble if you don't mind, which you don't because you're so sleep deprived nothing I'm saying is being registered in your head which is fine by me since I'm really just blabbering on and on…”

Joonmyeon, the miraculous man he was, nodded at half the correct intervals and tried his very best to force his eyes open and look at the guide. He managed a very convincing face of interest. Yifan on the other hand…

Joonmyeon looked to his left and, lacking the ability to swear, blinked.

Yifan was gulping down milk from an opened baby bottle, the baby in question eyeing him from his stroller. The parents were nowhere in sight, and did not come into sight until Yifan had screwed the ler cap thing back onto the bottle, handed it back to the baby and walked away slightly more awake than he had been five minutes ago.

Joonmyeon shuffled after him, mind still half on the chatter of their very enthused guide. When what Yifan did finally registered in Joonmyeon's head, he tiptoed up and hit him hard on the back of the head. It must have been hard, since Yifan jerked forward and clamped a hand over his skull, but clearly not hard enough as he teetered back with a lopsided grin under his sunglasses.

“You had to tiptoe to do that right?”

Jyunmeon glared and solemnly said, “One of these days, I will knock your teeth out. You just wait Fan.”

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