Almost Gone

Through Hardships

All was going well the next day. School went fine, work went fine and me and Taehyung were doing great. Everything was going smoothly until that stupid guy messaged me again. He wasn’t really threatening me but it was still hurtful things. Of course I went to Taehyung right away because it had to deal  with him. The conversation we had was pretty unreal and upset me big time.


“Give up yet?” He had messaged me

“I will never give up on him. EVER!” I replied

“I always get what I want. And I WILL get him to be mines whether you it or not.”

“You can’t take away love. You don’t even know the meaning of it. All you want to do is change the way he looks and USE him for your own fame and fortune.”

“You don’t know the potential Taehyung has. I can help him achieve it. And of course I would pay for it.”

“He hates users and all you are is a USER.”


“ I don’t want your stupid money. Money cannot buy love. I wouldn’t give him up for anything. You can keep your money and I will keep Taehyung.”

That conversation went on for another hour. Taehyung went to go handle it and I never heard from that guy for the rest of the day.  I was really hoping nothing would happen.

                Taehyung told me that him and s were going to have a night of fun. They finally had a night to just relax. My only worry is that I would have had to deal with his bull drunk again. I always have to deal with him getting mad at me for nothing and ending up making me cry. However I prepared for it tonight. All was going good, he was actually behaving himself and wasn’t getting angry. He sounded like he was having fun but I got suspicious when he said “Someone is a the door, I will be right back.” I knew that it wouldn’t have been someone random, it would have to be someone who knew where he lived. I started to get worried when my phone had rung with my notification sound. It was Jin, messaging me on Taehyungs profile again.

“Hey Dongho, it’s me again. Jin”

“Oh hey Jin. What’s Taehyung doing?”

“I don’t know. He is outside smoking a cigarette with a friend of his. We don’t know him but he said don’t come out side.” I got so suspicious.

“What does that friend look like?”

“Let me go see”

“Is he tall? Pale? Blonde hair? Very attractive?” I asked

“Yes, yes he is.”


“Are you sure about that? He seems harmless.”

“Trust me Jin, just trust me”


Jin went to keep his eye on then and I was worrying big time because it was been a few minutes.

“Uh-oh, there is a problem”

“What is it Jin?”

“They are fighting. That dude threwTaehyung on the floor”




“He threw Taehyung down the stairs and now is laughing at him. They are going around the corner”


Jin had left to go take care of Taehyung and that guy we hate. All I did was worry because I didn’t hear from anyone for 30 minutes. After some waiting my phone went off and it was Taehyung. He was telling me he was ok, but I knew he wasn’t. He told me what had happened and I just freaked out. However, Taehyung went into depressed mode again and starting talking about suicide. Of course I tried to talk him out of it but it seems this time is wasn’t working. What had scared me was when he said “I love you babe. I just want you to know that. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid. Take care of yourself. Goodbye.” And then he went offline. I couldn’t help my-self but cry. I automatically texted Jinhyung about it because he was my go to friend to talk to. I came clean to him and told him everything.

                15 minutes later my phone went off and it was Taehyungs profile, but it was Jin again.

“Jin! Where is Taehyung?”

“He went into his room last time I checked. But I found his phone in the bathroom.”

“Oh my god. I think he ran away Jin. To commit suicide. What’s missing?”

“Um he took his keys and his wallet. That’s it. His alcohol is still here though.

“Yea but he was being serious of killing himself. I think he went to go kill himself Jin. DO SOMETHING PLEASE”

“Alright we will start to look for him. It has been 30 min. He couldn’t have gone too far.”

“30 minutes is a lot of time to do something Jin.”

“You’re right. We will start looking for him and I will keep you updated.”

“Thank you Jin. I really appreciate you.”

                Two hours later he was still no where to be found. Jin had mentioned that they found the car on the side of the rode by a lake. I freaked out because Taehyung cannot swim and he would have jumped into the water to drown and kill himself if he had to. They all kept searching but still there was no sign of him. After about 4 hours they had to give up and try again in the morning. The only other thing they found was his wallet on the ground.  I couldn’t sleep that night because I was thinking about Taehyung and praying for him and hoping he was alright. The next day I did not feel like going to school so I played sick and just stayed home. The only person that knew the truth was Jinhyung, my brother from another mother.

                Jin kept messaging me to make sure I was okay. I said I was going to be but in reality I wasn’t. Then all of a sudden everything changed. Jin said they had found Taehyung. Someone had found him last night and brought him to their house to care to him. They brought him back to the dorm but we had another situation. Taehyung had a little bit of memory lost because he didn’t know who anyone was or even who I was. It made me sad because I just found out he was alive but now we had to bring his memory back. It last for about two days. Each member had to talk to him one on one to tell him stuff and even I did too. I sent him screenshots of our conversations. Every single one that made me smile I sent to him hoping it would bring back his memory. Two days had gone by with this problem and then I received this “Hi Pooh Bear~”. Once I  read that I knew it was him.,

“omg omg babe. DO you  remember who I am?”

“Yes I do.”

“and everyone around you?”

“Yes pooh, I do”

“Oh my god I am so happy and glad you are back. I have missed you so much.”

“I missed you too.”

“what happened to you?”

“well I left the house, and I went to buy alcohol to drink. I drove down to the lake and drank all the alcohol. And lemme just say. Never do coke. It ruins you.”

“You did coke? Really? -_-“

“ANYWAYS,  I stood over the water thinking to jump because I knew I couldn’t swim and if I drowned and died I could end this pain. But then I thought about you and my family and the group and it made me sad. I jumped anyways but right after I jumped, this white guy appeared out of no where and jumped in after me and saved me. Then he took me to his place and took care of me.”

“I am so glad that random guy showed up.”

“but how did he know where I was? Where did he come from? Every time I try to do stuff like this, something stops me.”

“you know who that is babe? That’s your mom. She is watching you from above and she doesn’t like you doing this to yourself. And neither do I. She sent that guy to save you, she has been the one to stop you. I know it’s her.”

“Yea I guess you’re right. I’m sorry Pooh. For all this.”

“It’s ok. The main thing is that you are here and you are safe.”

We talked for hours and comforting each other making each other happy and what not. I am so glad I did not lose him and that his mother had stopped him from ending his life yet again. All my worries were gone and I felt much better. I was glad he was back and I was glad that stupid guy stopped bothering with him and I. Me and Taehyung could just focus on ourselves and better our relationship. He was almost gone but was saved yet again.


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