
Color war- The dangerous life of the first years

GreenLine.pngIt was a normal day at SM-Town high. Jongin was having a good time talking to one of his best friends, Krystal, when he was abruptly cut off by a very annoying shout. «Run Jongin!»

The wind carried two words that made Jongin’s heart drop. He turned around, and was met with the sight of a frantic looking Kyungsoo and, someone who made his tummy ache even more namely, a straight faced Sehun running towards him. He looked from them to Krystal and back again. Before beginning with a: «Why…» However his sentence was cut short by a flying egg that landed close to the wall he was standing by. He stayed dumbfounded watching the sticky gooey substance run down the wall. Jongin made a face of disgust. «Just run!» Kyungsoo half-screamed and grabbed his hoodie yanking him along with them. Jongin sent a last longing gaze towards Krystal and her friends.

While stumbling backwards trying to keep up with Kyungsoo. He managed to ask: «Why are we running like this?» Jongin choked out, franticly stretching his collar. Gasping for breath. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes in response. His steps sped up. «Blame Sehun. I’ll tell you later.» He let go of Jongin’s hoodie, said boy stumbled, and landed on his . Taking advantage of the two secounds of distraction a red senpai threw two eggs, of one he dodged. The glory of the feat was cut short by the other one, who landed square on his head. Bystanders couldn’t hold back their laughter «Park Chanyeol you are going to pay for this!» He shouted angrily before running after the other two. Still confused about what was really going on.

It has long since been tradition at SM-Town high school, that the graduating senpais wear colored uniforms, give out weird cards, party and do pranks.  The whole ordeal is overseen by “the committee” who this year consist of; Tao, Lu han and Kris. Every day the senpais are given missions. The different color senpais compete to see who can finish the most missions. The colors are decided based on where you live. Which is why sadly exo is separated into red and blue, and have to compete against each other. During this period, first graders are in danger of becoming targets. Other people are in danger too, but first graders are extremely vulnerable. The reasons being that missions like “Tie a first grader to a tree” are extremely common. And of course, they have to spend their days at school with their senpais.   Targets are people that have somehow annoyed the senpais. They are subjected to getting eggs thrown at them and getting their desks stolen while it is in use, among other things.  First graders with older friends are even more vulnerable.

Well-hidden and safe in an unused classroom in the wing no one ever uses, the maknaes were panting heavily trying to regain their breath. They had finally shook of their older friends. And were using this opportunity to restore their lost energy. «Okay, now spit it out. Why were the others running after you?» Jongin said between breaths. He was still astounded by the whole situation and no matter how much he turned the gears in his brain he couldn’t seem to reach an answer.«Uh well.. Do you remember a few weeks ago?»  Kyungsoo stared at his feet. Jongin thought back. A few weeks ago… «Lot’s of things happened a few weeks ago which one are you referring to?» «The day Baekhyun dragged you backwards.» «Oh, that day. Wait, he always does that! Why does everyone do that to me anyway? What did I ever do!?» Jongin continued ranting about how unfair the world was for a while, before Sehun took advantage of a breathing pause in Jongin’s complaining.  


A few weeks ago Jongin had been talking to Krystal as usual when Baekhyun had dragged him away. «Hey!» «Just come!» «Let go!» Baekhyun kept hold of his collar and continued prancing down the hallway.  «Where are we going anyway?» «To the secret base of course.» Baekhyun had replied annoyed. They had discovered the secret base in elementary school, when Sehun disappeared and they went to look for him. Sehun was the youngest and his mother always told them to watch out for him, making them super over protective. Sehun, with his curious tendencies really needed it though.

He had followed a green shiny frog through it’s route from the school to his home in the pound. With slow steps, he had trailed after the tiny creature, occasionally poking it with his favorite stick. Sehun had a stick he had  found in preschool and painted blue. He always carried it around. It was a convenient stick one day it would be a sword and the next it would be a wand. He followed the frog away from the others until he was further away than he had ever been before. That was when he saw it. A huge abandoned concrete building. He kept playing around in there, exploring by himself until the others found him.

Ever since then the secret base had been their hangout. They had renewed it, decorated it with a coach and fancy graffiti. Now they even held parties there. «Hey, I was talking to Krystal!» Jongin whined and yanked his hoodie out of Baekhyuns grip. «Psh. You never talk about anything important anyways. It was probably dancing or something , right? That’s why you don’t have a girlfriend. Just confess already.» Baekhyun ranted «Shut up! For your Information we were talking about something very deep and important.» Jongin impulsively defended. «Really?» Jongdae chimed in. Minseok scoffed. «Like what? Cats?» Feeling belittled Jongin shook his head fiercely «No, we were talking about how guys are indecisive»  He said proudly Baekhyun Face palmed. Someone snickered.

Suho cleared his throat. «Jongin do you know what indecisive means?» Jongin fidgeted in his seat before looking up. «um.. No?» He said warily. This statement triggered more sighs and face palms. «Jongin do you like anyone?» Chanyeol asked wiggling his eyebrows. He was very amused by the situation.  «I like to play around with all girls in general, but I don’t have “the one” yet» Everyone sighed in chorus. Kyungsoo felt sorry for Krystal.

The unicorn put an arm around Jongin’s shoulder. Minseok glared accusingly, like he always did. «You are such a looser Jonginnie.». «We are all the same though.» Kyungsoo pointed out. Jongdae laughed. «Well what can we do? Chanyeol is a dork, I freeze up when I try to joke with girls, Jongin is an idiot, Sehun is a brat, Kyungsoo is just shy, Lay is… well.. Lay, Minseok is like… an ice queen! Baekhyun is a …» «Hey!» Chen was cut off by a very much offended Baekhyun. Suho sighed. «Baek, if your girlfriend told you to remove your eyeliner what would you do?» The question was met with silence. Very awkward silence. «Okay I get it.» Continuing Lay chimed : «And Suho is a granpa!» He giggled his cute unicorn laughter.«Chanyeol do you like anyone?» Jongin fired back half curious, half wanting to put chanyeol in a tight spot and half wanting to change the topic before the granpa decided to start a full blown lecture. It worked. Chanyeol’s face slowly turned redder and redder while he tried to stutter out excuses and denials. He stared into the others knowing eyes before he slowly gave up. With a sigh, he admitted: «It’s… Chaerin..». Everyone kept staring at him for a while trying to process the new information. «Really? CL?»  The red-faced Chanyeol nodded, and if possible he got even redder. Sehun kept staring at Chanyeol’s red face while the others discussed the unusual couple


«But, what has that to do with anything?» Jongin’s head was close to short-circuiting. Was chanyeol mad that he asked who he liked? And if so, what did that have to do with Sehun? Frowning Jongin kept pondering for a while before Kyungsoo sighed and decided to give his overworked mind a rest. «After that, Sehun got a not-so-good idea…» He tought back at the incident and sighed. Honestly he just wanted to cry over how stupid it all was. Sehun kept his poker face during the whole story.

While the others were busy teasing Chanyeol, Sehun decided to take matters in his own hands. He snuck out without being discovered and headed to where Chaerin and her crew usually hung out. The place was a famous club near her school, where no first grader right in their minds would approach during the second semester. He was met with loud music when he opened the door. Looking for chaerin he strained his eyes in the semi darkness. Annoying stage lights flickered across the floor. His eyes scanned the area until they locked on Chaerin. He ignored the curious glares he got and headed straight for CL, elbowing his way through the crowd.

Sehun poked her shoulder. He studied the older girl. Her long hair swept like a lions mane around her head, and if he didn’t know better, he would have thought she was an angel. Chaerin turned around with a frown. She said something but what she said got drowned by the music. Sehun was unfaced by this and went straight to the point.  «cha l…ks… u»  His word got drowned by the music too. Chaerin made a face, then signalized to the DJ to turn off the music. The music was turned of the secound Sehun had decided to try again, louder. «Chanyeol likes you! » he shouted. All chatter in the club immediately died down.  Sehun kept his poker face as the crowd stared at him. His heart was pounding like a scared mouse’s heart, but he kept his eyes stone cold and locked in Chaerin’s. The silence was abruptly cut short by a deep angry voice. «That is my girlfriend you are talking to shrimp. Now get your out of here before I snap you in half.» Kris’s death glare bored deep into Sehun’s own shaky pokerface. Sehun nodded and replied with a simple : «Okay. » In a shaky voice, before he his heel and left.

«Wait, wait! Hold on let me… organize this.» Jongin held up a hand to stop Kyungsoo’s monologue. «Go ahead.» Kyungsoo smiled, slightly amused, despite the grave situation. «Since Kris is the leader of the committee, does this mean we have all the senpais on our Tails?» Jongin felt his heart pound in his throat. The reality was scary enough before this incident, and he really didn’t need more action in his everyday-life. «That, and since the club Sehun went into belonged to YG…» «We have the YG senpais after us too.» Jongin finished with a sullen expression. Sehun shrugged «Not my fault they have a short fuse.» The other two glared at him. Jongin pulled them back to the topic. «Is there really nothing we can do? What about exo-m senpais they are supposed to be exo-k’s enemies anyways.» Jongin’s hopefull expression turned upside down when Kyungsoo shook his head. «No, can do. Minseok-hyung is still mad because I spilled water at him, that alone is reason enough to make us targets.» Jongin sent a judging glare to Kyngsoo sent a quiet apology in return. Jongin pulled his hair. «Argh! If only that guy wasn’t so -»  He was cut of with harsh knocks on the door.  The boys looked at each other in panic sharing the same thoughts. 


Author's note:

Okay, that was the first chapter! :) Hope you liked it. And incase you didn't catch it, YG is supposed to be another school ;)

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messing with the tags a bit ~ and sorry for not updating, starting this thing right before exams is probs the most stupid thing i've ever done...


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