Love songs for an angel

A yo my lovelies. Are in need of a new book to read ? Did you read anything amazing and you want to recommend it to the world ? Are you interested in finding a certain kind of book or fanfiction ? Did you wrote anything recently and you want a honest review and some exposure ? If the answer to at least one of this question is yes then I am happy that I launched a new project called the Totally Cool Book Club that will help you solve all of this problems. Also we actively encourage our followers to talk with each other and with us in a friendly, spamless, easy and fun way .

Right now we only started with an Instagram account : @totally_cool_book_club / /www.instagram.com/totally_cool_book_club/ but we plan on expanding.



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Chapter 1: Soooo cute
BubbleSnake #2
Hello ! I just wanted to say that the french readers asked me to tell you that they really liked your story ^^
Chansoo6336 #3
Chapter 1: Aww, that is so CUTE. I ship Uoonseok so HARD!
ellinaannisa #4
Chapter 1: it is sooooo cute^^
woosansweetkins #5
Chapter 1: So cute ><
Chapter 1: awwwwww this is so cute^^
BubbleSnake #7
Chapter 1: I wanted to ask you... Can I translate it in French ? Please, please, please, I beg you !
BubbleSnake #8
Chapter 1: Waaaah, it's so cute~ Your writing is amazing ^^