Going To You

Going To You

Oh could it be him again? The blue haired teen thought to himself as he crept nearer to the concrete wall and peeped into the pantry when he heard noises coming from the pantry. He was going to get some hot water from the pantry late at night when he heard light shuffling sounds coming from the pantry. The blue haired teen broke into a smile when he saw the familiar face having his meal alone peacefully at the corner of the pantry. He peered around the pantry to ensure there was no one else except for the red haired guy at the corner.


Here goes nothing… He sneered as a mischievous thought arouse in him, he chuckled softly to himself as the thought of the person’s reaction he was going to tease came to him. Woohyun then leaped from behind the wall, “HELLO! MY NAME IS NAM WOOHYUN!! NICE TO MEET YOU… I…” he yelled across the quiet pantry as he waved vigorously when his voice began to fade slowly.


Before he could even finish his sentence, the red haired stood up from his seat immediately. As soon as he saw the blue haired teen, he sat back down without saying a word and continued his meal. Woohyun stood rooted at his place with his eyes fixed on the red haired teen’s movements and his mouth wide opened.


The hyper blue haired couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the quiet teen stood up and sat back down to finish his meal without even acknowledging him. He definitely saw the red haired teen jolt up from his scare, he was hoping for the red haired teen to be raging at him and scold him for being so childish, but no, not a word was being said.


The red haired teen had been treated as if he was a ghost. No matter what he did, the red haired teen would still be oblivious to his presence. It’s been three months since he moved into the school’s dorm and this guy who was just staying next door had been acting like he had never existed! They hardly even greet each other along the corridor when they had to face one another almost everyday because they were staying on the same dormitory floor. The red haired teen would usually avoid any eye contact with the blue haired teen when they met.


At first, Woohyun thought he was just a shy guy so he tried to approach him a few times. But to no avail, the red haired teen continuously avoided him whenever he could. Once, when Woohyun prevented him from running away and attempted to confront him about his attitude towards him after English lecture, which was the only lecture they were both in. The red haired teen wouldn’t even try to talk and when he did, he tends to stutter badly, almost inaudible to figure out what he was trying to say. The conversation only lasted less than a minute and the older would find a way to escape from the younger.


One week ago,


“Sunggyu Hyung! Wait! Why wouldn’t you ever talk to me?! Did I do something wrong? Or do you have a grudge on me?!” Annoyed by the red haired teen’s behaviour towards him, the blue haired teen chased after the older after their English lecture. Sunggyu scuttled his way out of the classroom with his head hung low from embarrassment when he heard the familiar voice calling for him. As an athletic student, the blue haired teen caught up with the older in no time and trailed along closely before he could run far.


The red haired teen struggled to shake off the younger’s persistance. Soon, Woohyun got frustrated by the older’s peculiar behaviour; he dashed in front of the red haired teen, causing him to stop abruptly in his tracks when a toned body stood before him. The red haired teen gulped as he looked up and examined the tanned body in a black singlet with a blue jacket over it that was close to the younger’s current hair colour when he realized a pair of hazel eyes staring back at him.


‘Oh my god, not here, Kim Sunggyu!’ he avoided the younger’s glare as he tried to move away from the younger. Woohyun swiftly blocked the older’s way as the duo moved side to side a few times continuously. “Look at me and answer me, Hyung!” the blue haired teen demanded. “I…I….ha…ve… n…o… g..r..ud..g…e w…i…t…h…y…o…u…” Sunggyu muttered in low voice as raised his head a little. “Then why do you keep avoiding me?” Woohyun probed on as bent forward because he could barely hear him.


The red haired teen could feel his face turned crimson when the blue haired teen moved closer to him. “I….I… d…o…n’t…. k….no…w….” Sunggyu finished his sentence as he speedily seized his chance to flee from the younger when he was unaware.


“I WILL CONTINUE TO TALK TO YOU TILL THE DAY YOU DECIDED TO TALK TO ME!!!” Woohyun shouted at the top of lungs along the corridor of lecture halls, ignoring the stares that he had earned from the students and teachers. ‘I will make you talk to me one day, Sunggyu Hyung’. Woohyun thought as he watched the older raced down the corridor.


From that day onwards, the blue haired teen began to approach Sunggyu everyday despite being neglected all the time. He was always looking forward to English lectures as it was his only chance to get closer to Sunggyu. Something about the older made the blue haired teen extremely curious that he just wished to see him everyday even though the both of them were studying for different degrees. English was just one of their electives modules that they happened to choose.


The blue haired teen had been tagging along to the older for a week now, doing everything he could to make him talk to him. Sunggyu jolted up from the sudden loud voice that interrupted his peaceful dinner causing him to nearly drop his utensils. Okay, this is definitely not funny. Sunggyu thought to himself, he could take all teasing except for this, someone who disturbed his mealtime. The red haired teen had enough of the childish acts from his classmates.


He was often being teased and bullied by his classmates because of his quiet personality where others misunderstood him for being arrogant about his good grades. He hardly made any friends in class even though it was already his second year in his university because the red haired teen was so hard to communicate with. His conversation with his classmates will last no longer than two sentences, but all these had never affected the red haired teen at all. Making friends in school was the least priority to him, all he wanted was to do well in his studies and graduate in ease.


The infuriated red haired teen stood up from his seat immediately and was about to reprimand at the person when he turned and discovered the blue haired teen. “Oh , it’s him!” The startled teen mumbled to himself as he hurriedly sat back and gobbled down his leftover in a fast pace.  Woohyun stood at the centre of the pantry, feeling awkward when there was no reaction from the red haired teen. He pouted and trudged towards the nervous red haired teen who was still avoiding his gaze.


The blue haired teen was already used to him disregarding him every single time he tried to speak to him. However, this did not stop him from getting close to the older; instead it made him even more curious about the mysterious kid and the reason why he was so afraid of him. Hence, he would always spend time chatting with the older whenever he had the chance even though he never answered his questions.


He pulled out the chair beside him and sat down as he watched him stuff his food into mouth as much as he could contain. Woohyun beamed unconsciously when he saw the adorable scene before him, the way he ate was exactly like a kid. “Hyung! Why do you always have your dinner so late?” he questioned in curiosity. Sunggyu tried his best to answer with his mouth full, “I…flmmm…mmmph….” The red haired teen answered with much difficulty, causing the blue haired teen to crack up.


Watching the red haired man had always been so entertaining to him, the blue haired teen still couldn’t accept the fact that the person in front of him was actually two years older than him. He always thought that the older resemble a hamster and now with his mouth filled with food; causing both sides of his cheeks to protrude out reminded him of his pet hamster which died a few months ago. “Yah! Eat slowly, Hyung. I’m not going to take your food away from you!” the blue haired teen whooped.


Sunggyu turned and gave the laughing younger a puzzled look; his cheeks were still protruding out with food. “S..o..orry…” Woohyun apologized when he realized he was laughing too loudly at night. Ignoring the younger, the red haired teen stood up instantly and cleared his dish as he scurried to the sink embarrassingly. “Have you finished your English assignment for tomorrow’s lecture?” Woohyun followed the older to the sink as he went to the water dispenser beside the sink to refill his flask with hot water, Sunggyu nodded in silence.


After refilling his water, the blue haired teen waited for the older to finish washing his dishes; his eyes were fixed intently on the red haired teen just in case he tried to speak to him. After spending so much time just staring at Sunggyu, the blue haired teen had come to realize how attractive facial features the red haired teen had inherited. Everything about him was perfect, those long and slender fingers, that baby faced and his trademark beady eyes were cute too.


On the other side, Sunggyu was dying from embarrassment inside, he could feel and hear his heart racing and thumping hard against his chest. Each time his heart pumped, it was getting louder and louder, the red haired teen held his hand closed to his chest to reduce the loud thumping sound.  I’m sorry, Woohyun ah… I want to talk to you so much too… but I just can’t speak to you properly no matter how hard I tried…. especially when I face you… I like you so much that I can’t afford to embarrass myself in front of you…


He hastily cleared up his dishes as he bowed ninety degrees at the younger who still had his eyes fixed on him and rushed back to his room. Woohyun, who was still in his daze, jolted up and waved enthusiastically when he realized the older was already done. “Oh! See you tomorrow during English lecture, Hyung! Goodnight!” the blue haired teen  bid his goodbye as he watched the older scurried back to his room with his head hung low like a timid hamster. 


The more you try to avoid me, the more I want to get closer to you, Hyung. Keep it up, Nam Woohyun and soon he will open up to you one day. The blue haired teen encouraged himself as he broke into a wide grin. Never in his whole twenty years of life had he discovered that getting close to someone would be so much fun.


“Kim Sunggyu, what the hell were you doing?!” The red haired teen mumbled to himself and slammed his room door as he panted heavily.  Every time he came in contact with Woohyun, he found himself unable to act normally before him. Of course, I will be more than happy to be friends with you, Woohyun ah, maybe watching you from afar is good enough. Sunggyu thought as he took out his phone from his pocket and brought out the one and only picture he had on his phone of the blue haired teen.


It was a picture of his side profile being attentive during one of the English lectures; the red haired teen had secretly taken the photo of the younger during class. The red haired teen grinned broadly like a fool as he stared at the picture in his phone. The following day, Woohyun dashed out of his Biology class when the clock struck three.


“Yah Captain! Why are you always rushing for English lectures?! Don’t tell its Kim Sunggyu again?!” his best buddy, Lee Howon who was also the vice-captain of the school’s soccer team, walked over to his table when he saw the blue haired teen rapidly packing his bag for English lectures. “Shhh! Not too loud!” he snapped back at the brunet with his hand covering his mouth firmly. Woohyun had shared many secrets to his closest friend including Sunggyu. “Mmmph… Arghh! Ar…e… y..o..u t…ry..ing to kill me?!” the brunet panted as he released the tight grasp from the older.


“I seriously don’t understand you, Hyung. Sunggyu Hyung is such an anti-social nerd that nobody wants to get close to and his attitude just . Why do you even bother to make friends with such a guy?” the exasperated brunet reasoned out. Woohyun felt upset instantly when he heard those negative comments about the red haired teen coming from his best friend. “I will explain to you more next time and please don’t sputter negative things about a person when you don’t even know them well, Howon. It just makes you look bad. I’m going to be late for the lecture. See you at the training later, Howon!” Woohyun warned the younger in a serious tone as he remained composed in front of the brunet, slung his training bag over his shoulder and dashed out of the lecture hall.


“You better not be late for training today, Captain!” the brunet was taken aback by the sudden outrage from the blue haired teen as he called out. Woohyun raised his arm to acknowledge the vice-captain. “That pabo! Just what is so good about that Kim Sunggyu? Unless he liked him…” Howon gasped out loudly causing him to earn stares from other students. The brunet grinned sheepishly as he apologized and left the lecture hall.


The blue haired teen’s face was flushed with excitement; he could hardly wait for English lectures. It was his last lecture of the day and his only time to get closer to Sunggyu. In no time, Woohyun arrived at the lecture hall; the professor was in a midst of starting the lecture. The blue haired teen realized that the seat Sunggyu would often be at was empty, he then peered through the entire hall for the red haired but he was nowhere to be found. The disheartened teen then chose the seat that was usually taken by the red haired teen as he sat down in disappointment.


Why is he absent today? Is he sick? Or has he already decided to avoid me forever?  The blue haired teen wondered as he shook his head at the last thought he had. Don’t think too much, Nam Woohyun. You can still visit him after lecture. The blue haired teen had actually decided to sit next to the older starting from today but it seems like he missed the chance to do that. It was the first time he was paying full attention to the boring professor, he was busy taking down important lecture notes from the lecture the older had missed as he decided to give him a visit after lecture.


As soon as the lecture ended at five, the blue haired teen sprinted as fast as he could back to the dorms. He arrived in front of the dorm door ‘428’, puffing and panting; it was his first time dropping by at the older’s dorm ever since he moved in next door. The breathless blue haired teen stood in front of his door for a few minutes to catch his breath as he took out a yellow flat file from his backpack which contained all the important notes that he had taken down from today’s lecture for the red haired teen.


“Here it goes, you can do it, Nam Woohyun!” the anxious teen cheered as he took one last deep breath and tidy his clothes and hair to ensure he looked prim and proper since it was his first time visiting him. He then reached for the doorbell and punched the button of his dorm and waited patiently for the red haired teen to open. Woohyun waited for a few minutes but there was still no response from the older so he punched down the doorbell once more.


“Urgghh… W…ho…’s… t..h…at..” the asleep red haired teen got up from his bed groggily as the doorbell rang continuously. “C…om…in..g…” Sunggyu retorted in a hoarse voice followed by a coughing fit, the red haired teen stood up slowly from his bed as he walked to his door drowsily, swaying from side to side occasionally because of the drowsy medicine he ate before sleeping. The quiet teen had caught a cold yesterday night all of sudden, he had been working hard recently since finals were around the corner.


The blue haired teen heard light shuffling sounds coming towards the door after hearing a muffled voice following by coughing sounds from inside. Woohyun eyes widened, “Oh my god, is he really sick?” the worried blue haired teen waited anxiously for the older to open the door. Soon, the door opened slowly only to see a half awaken Sunggyu still in his pajamas and a messy bed hair. Woohuyn almost burst out in laughter when he saw the disordered older but managed to remain calm in front of him. It was the first time Woohyun saw the older had his spectacles on and his face was also flushed from his fever.  


Sunggyu rubbed his half-closed eyes to clear his blurry vision to see who the visitor was. The anti-social teen seldom had visitors unless they really had the need to drop by at his dorm for projects. His narrow eyes widened when he realized who the visitor was, it was the person he had dreaded to see the most, especially when he was in such a mess! Seems like he really is sick! The blue haired teen commented by heart, “Err… Hi, Sunggyu Hyung… ar..e yo..u.. okay? You don’t look too good.” Woohyun stammered in concern as he gripped on the yellow file of notes tightly.


The red haired teen was about to reply the younger when his legs got wobbly and gave way. He fell forward into the arms of the younger who caught him before he could hit the ground. Sunggyu gulped at the sight of the toned arm biceps that belonged to the blue haired teen. Woohyun then reached to feel his forehead which made the older blushed even more, “Wow Hyung, you’re still burning up. Have you taken your meds?” Woohyun asked anxiously.


In a state of shock by the younger’s sudden appearance, the red haired teen could only nod his head in obediently in silence. “Come on, let’s get you to bed, you looked like you are going to faint anytime. Can you hold this for me?” Woohyun shove the yellow file to into the red haired teen’s hands and shook his head as the brawny teen lifted the older in ease. The soccer captain was surprised that the anti-social nerd was as light as a feather even though he was a guy.


He used his leg to kick the door shut behind them. The bashful and shocked red haired did not expect this was coming despite longing to become closer to the younger. It all happened too fast for Sunggyu to react. He was already in the arms of the blue haired teen whom he always watched over from far. Surprised and awkward by the younger’s sudden action, Sunggyu did not even realized that he was holding his breath when all these happened, how he wished that time would stop for him. Oh my god, what should I do? This shouldn’t be happening! How can you let someone you liked so much see you when you are sick?! Do something, Kim Sunggyu!


“Hey! Hyung! Are you okay? Please breathe! You’re turning too pale!” the blue haired teen had been calling out to the red haired teen for quite some time, he even gave light slaps on pallid face of the astounded older. Sunggyu jerked up from his thoughts suddenly as he finally took a deep breath as told. The red haired teen then went into a coughing fit followed by a sneeze, “Ah choo!” he let out a sneeze and sniffed.


The concerned blue haired teen gave a few gentle pats on the back to of the sick teen, “Lie down, you should get some rest.” Woohyun supported the weak red haired teen, he then took the yellow file away from his hands. “These are the notes I prepared for you from today’s lecture. You can read them when you are feeling better.” The blue haired teen informed as he left the file on his study table beside his bed. “T..han…k y..o..u, I’m… so..rr..y… f..or.. i..gnor..ing y…o..u…” Sunggyu finally spoke in a weak voice. Woohyun was astonished by his sudden apology but the blue haired teen smiled gleefully shortly after he heard the older’s words. He felt relieved that his plan on getting close to him was finally showing some results, the red haired teen was beginning to acknowledge him.


“Don’t worry Hyung, I’m not blaming you for ignoring me. I just want to get closer with you. I will be here anytime if you need anything, now get some sleep.” The blue haired teen assured him as he sat by his bedside and watched the red haired teen fell into a deep slumber with a smile. How can he be so adorable at this age? Hyung, why didn’t you take good care of yourself? Somehow, his heart ached when he saw the sick older wincing from pain occasionally before him, cold sweat began to form on the red haired teen's forehead. The blue haired teen reached out to touch his forehead once again, the red haired teen was still having a high fever. He was about to get up from his bedside to get a cold towel from the kitchen when he felt a sudden grasp on his arm.


“D…o..n’t le..a..ve.. me.. Woohy..un…ah, I li...ke.. y..ou.. I rea…l..l..y really like you a lot! So don’t leave me…. Please forgive me for being such a coward…” Sunggyu confessed in agony as a single tear trickled down from his eyes. As soon as he finished, the red haired teen opened his eyes slowly, his vision was still blurry but all he could see was the familiar face before him, the drowsy red head gathered all his strength and pulled the person in till their lips locked.


The blue haired teen fell forward from the sudden pull, next thing he felt was Sunggyu’s lips, his eyes widened as he froze from the sudden smooch. His heart skipped a beat when his lips met the red head’s, he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body. Everything around them seemed to have stopped at that moment when their lips met. Woohyun wished it could have last longer but as soon as he felt the grip on his arm had loosen, the blue haired teen slowly got up from his position.


He stared at already fast asleep red head in astonishment.  All these times, the older had been liking him and he was totally clueless about it, he even thought that the red haired teen hated him. The blue haired teen burst into laughter all of a sudden after piecing everything together to why the older had been ignoring him and stuttering all these times when he was trying to talk to him. “So this was all what it is about huh, Kim Sunggyu? Things would be much easier if you open up to me earlier.” Woohyun smirked as he wiped off the tears on the pale face gently. 


“I don’t think I will ever leave you even if you tell me to. But I think you will have lots of explaining to do tomorrow.” He sneered as he leaned closer towards Sunggyu’s face and gave him a peck on his warm forehead. “Sorry Howon, I don’t think I can make it for today’s training too, I’m not feeling very well.” Woohyun coughed as he informed the brunet over the phone. “What again?! You didn’t turn up yesterday without informing and now you are telling me that you are sick?! Hyung, you do know that you are the captain of the team right?” Howon retorted in disbelief at the sick blue haired teen.


“Yah! I already apologized! How dare you! Do you think I wish to be sick and skip trainings?” the enraged blue head snapped back at the younger. “Okay okay, feel better soon, Hyung!” the brunet surrendered himself to the blue head as he knew soccer was everything to him. “And what exactly happened yesterday that you can’t make it for training? You barely even missed any of soccer trainings unless you have something really urgent to attend to. What’s more important than your soccer?” Howon blurted out. “I’ll tell you when we meet up next time. I’m tired now, Howon. Talk to you tomorrow.” Woohyun hung up the call without even waiting for the younger’s reply.


“Aish! This hyung, seriously, what does he take me for sometimes?!” Howon exclaimed in shock when the captain hung up on him.  Fortunately for the blue head, he fell sick on a Saturday so he wouldn’t have to miss any lectures. “Ahhhh Choooo.” Oh my god, I must caught the cold from him yesterday during the kiss. I bet he is clueless about it. Is he even awake? I hope he sees my messages. Woohyun thought to himself as he couldn’t get the kiss off his mind since yesterday night.


“NOOOOO! NOOO! ! Oh my god, what have you done yesterday, Kim Sunggyu?” The red haired teen woke up this morning feeling much better till he read the three unread messages on his phone from the blue haired teen.


‘Sorry Hyung, I used your phone when you were asleep last night to get your contact number. I have cooked your breakfast, make sure you heat them up before eating~ ’


‘Sunggyu Hyung, thanks for acknowledging me finally… but guess what? I think I got your cold from yesterday’s kiss but don’t worry I will recover soon.’


‘Could you please come over to my dorm today? I need to talk to you about something xD’


“This is not looking good at all! Arghhh! KISS?! WHAT KISS??” Sunggyu ruffled his hair in embarrassment as he pondered hard to recall what he had done yesterday during his drowsiness from the medicine that he took before the blue haired teen showed up at his door. The red haired teen then got up from his bed and rushed to his study table, only to find an orange post it and a bowl of porridge sealed up and placed nicely on the table along with a few side dishes. 


‘Come over to my dorm when you finished your breakfast – Woohyun’  Sunggyu read the post it, “Okay Kim Sunggyu, calm down and think about what exactly did you do yesterday? What kiss is he referring to?!” the red head was experiencing a mental breakdown not knowing what happened yesterday and why was the younger sending all these weird messages to him. As soon as the red head calmed down, a few flashbacks came back to him when he pulled the younger into kiss and his sudden confession to the younger resurfaced in his mind.


“…… no….. That wasn’t a dream! This can’t be happening…. He must be disgusted by my actions yesterday, I have to go explain myself!” With that, the red haired teen dashed out in his same pajamas to the blue haired teen’s dorm without bothering to change into a new set of clothes. Fretting about the blue haired teen’s impression of him, Sunggyu punched the doorbell continuously at Woohyun’s dorm till the blue haired teen came to open the door.  “Wow Hyung, you have to chill! I was already coming for the door.” the blue haired teen exclaimed as he beamed when the red haired teen was still in his pajamas.


“You rushed over huh, Sunggyu Hyung?” Woohyun teased the older, Sunggyu gasped when saw himself in a mess. “It’s okay, come in and lock the door for me please. Thanks.” the blue haired then trudged back into his room. Sunggyu did as told and followed the younger to his bed. “A..re.. y..ou.. o..ka..y? I’m sorry about yesterday! You can forget about it, ha ha ha! It’s not true, I took my meds before you came that’s why I was spouting nonsense so please don’t take them seriously. As for the ki..ss…, its just a misunderstanding. So I hope you won’t take it by heart.” As soon as the blue haired teen sat down on his bed, the red head bombarded him with explanation as he bowed.



Woohyun remained silent as he continued to gaze at the fretted red head trying his best to explain himself. It was the first time Sunggyu started talking to him first and it was first time he wasn’t stuttering in front of him. “Woohyun? Are you okay?  Are you still not feeling well? Do you need me to bring you to the school’s infirmary? You looked really flushed.” Sunggyu panicked when the younger did not give him any response. The red haired teen began fidgeting when as he waited anxiously for the younger’s reply. The blue haired teen was overwhelmed by the older endless questions that left him speechless.


“Woohyun…?” Sunggyu called out once more before the blue haired teen pulled him hard as he collapsed in a heap on the bed beside him. He stared at the startled red head intensely as he began to caress his face, leaving Sunggyu dumbfounded by his actions. “You should’ve acted like this from the start, Sunggyu Hyung.” The blue haired teen finally spoke as the red head gave him a confused look. Woohyun gave the naïve red head a broad grin as he leaned closer towards the red head and examined the attractive facial features before aiming for the alluring lips that was calling for him.


The next thing Sunggyu knew was the younger had slammed his lips and nearly knocked all wind from his lungs. Am I dreaming?  The kiss felt too surreal to him. However, he could feel the thickness of the bottom lips on his and the long eyelashes that belonged to the blue haired teen just before him. The two stayed in the position for god knows how long till the younger pulled apart from the kiss as he rest his lips beside the red haired teen’s ear. “Say, Sunggyu Hyung, will you be my boyfriend?” he whispered loud and clear enough for him.


A/N: yup, so this is it.... hahahah XD i guess this ending works...? hahahaha

Tell me about what you guys think about this!! 

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Thank you so muchhhh <3 


our precious and responsible leader, thank you for being for the other members T.T Stay happy and healthy always!!

Also, please support my other fic with Worldturnscold, The Survivors~~

gifs are all credited to the respective owners~~


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Chapter 1: that's it???!!! NOOOOOOO!!! Gimme moaarrrr TT____TT
What is gyu's answer to that confession? yaaaahh... I wanna know /wailing on the floor/
Why no sequel authornim :((
MissPanda16 #2
Chapter 1: Cute story~~ Well done!! ;)
7nfinite #3
Chapter 1: This story is great!!! Hwaiting :)
WorldTurnsCold #4
Chapter 1: Erm this oneshot is amazing???!!!!!
Your efforts are definitely not wasted!!
Woogyu is too cute here. Omg. T.T
/and yessss to that lovelyz's Ah Choo reference, hehe