- I Never Want to Let You Go

A Starlight's Dream

You wake up with both an excited and anxious feeling. Today was the day you'll see not only N in a different light but look at how much you've changed over a short period of time. You never really thought about getting into acting or becoming an idol but seeing how much it's helped get you closer to N it is very worth it to you. A part of you felt that nothing really happened with your life until you came to Korea. You were going to take advantage of the opportunity and leave no regrets behind.

As you were getting dressed, you look at your phone. “Ugh...4:30 am...The only bad thing about this is getting up early.” you say to yourself. To your surprise, you weren't tired; it almost gave you the feeling like the first day of new job or first day at school. While leaving out, Monica told you your extremely busy schedule for the day.

Before you were due for anything, you were taken to get hair, makeup, and clothing done for a brief promotional photo shoot for the show. You did see Joon Ho but not N or Seo Hyeon. He coached you a little on what to do and you thanked him for his help. You kept your spirits up throughout the shoot and moved on to the next thing.

After that, you had an early interview. The interview was for a Korean TV show played in America. They asked basic questions regarding the upcoming drama and because PCR Manager Lee gave you the heads up on the interviewer's questions, you were able to answer with confidence. After stepping out of the room from the interview, you walk turning a corner, and a hand grabs you pulling you into another room.

You gasp and quickly realize it was N that pulled you into an empty meeting room with no windows except a small one on the door. He brings you to a squat with him and places his finger to your lips. “They're looking for me.” he whispers. He notices the door handle has a lock and locks the door. “Where did he go?” you hear a voice outside the room. The door handle jiggles and seconds later you hear a grunt and a sigh before Monica's voice comes up. She says to the person, “Are you looking for N? He went to the... restroom? I think he did.”

“Can you tell him I went to meet with the interviewer? We can't be late.”


As you both hear footsteps walk away, you both get up and move across the room at an angle so if one looks in, they can't see you two. N lets out a sigh of relief.

“You're full of surprises.” you say delighted to be alone with N. “You scared me a little.”

“Sorry about that. I saw you while running away from my manager.” he said tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. You get the goosebumps all over and blush a little. He continued, “You look very beautiful today.”

“Thanks. You look.. decent.” you reply as a joke.

“Decent?” he questioned slightly dismayed.

“Yep. I think I've seen better.”

He gave you a doubtful expression and looked at himself to see if there was something wrong with his arms a little open. Without thinking you hugged him with your arms around the lower part of his body and said softly, “I was kidding. You look very handsome as always.”

You felt his upper body stiffen through his shirt before it loosened up. His arms wrapped around the upper part of your body. You took a deep breath to control your excitement however that made N his grip tighten a little more to bring you closer. You lay your head against his chest. He gently pats your head putting his fingers through your hair. He pulls back a little to look into your eyes.


Your heart begins beating faster.


Very excited, you feel yourself taking in every second of this moment.


You overcome with anticipation and desire for him.





I don't know how this feeling came about.. but... I never want to let you go.





Those words. They touched your heart and your soul. Out of all the guys you've seen and met, N was the one you wanted to hear it from. "I never want to let you go." seemed to ring in your ears and repeat in your mind. You try to find the words but you the only thing that leaves your lips is a soft, “N.”

“Ever since I saw you that day, you're all I think about.” he explained. He placed his hand on your cheek to caress it tenderly and continued, “I want to know more about you.”

“I feel the same way, N.”

You hear a knock at the door and you both become silent. “__________?” Monica says looking through the little window on the door. “N needs to go now. I can't stall his manager but for so long.”

“Wait how did she-?” you whispered.

“It's because I saw her before seeing you and she helped me out a little.” N replied with a smile. “As much as I want to stay here with you. I'll be in big trouble.”

“Ah, that's right. You should hurry.” you say letting him go. N goes to unlock the door and Monica comes in with a smirk on her face saying, “N go ahead out. No one is out there but hurry.”

He leaves out the door and gives you a wink before he heads to the interview room. You take a deep breath to calm down.

“As much as I want details now, you have to hurry as well.” Monica said pulling you out the room. “Give me details in the car. You have to get to set.”











Finally came time for shooting a few scenes for the show, you hopped out of the car that was given to you and Monica for temporary use, and proceeded to the set. There you saw a room full of people moving about getting everything in place. You gave all your brief greetings to everyone and walked over to Manager Lee.

“It's good to see you, ________.” she said looking stressed. “Because you're new to all of this, I have to go over a few things.”

“A few things like what?” Monica said butting in.

“The order of the parts we'll be doing today, basic professional conduct here, and other stuff.” she answered handing Monica a piece of paper. Monica looked at it and nodded her head. You turn your head looking at it making out some of the Korean that was on it. It was a timeline of what was to be filmed for the day. You felt some nerves coming over you.

As Manager Lee was explaining things to you and Monica, you found your eyes looking elsewhere. You saw N coming from the side looking at a piece of paper while someone was behind him adjusting his collar. Monica poked your side to get you to focus. After listening to Manager Lee, she goes to another staff member and you glance back at N who then was talking with another lead actor who plays his father.

He looks soooo good.” you thought fangirling a little. “I want to spend some time with him. Not just here.”

“Girl. You are practically drooling right now. If only it was my Leo” Monica says with a chuckle. She shakes you a little to snap you back to reality. Suddenly, you see her eyes look past you. “Ah I see Jun-Su. I thought he didn't have to work?”

You turn around to see him putting a table together. He notices you two and waves. Monica waves back and you do the same. “I'll be right back. Here, I wrote a few notes on the paper.” Monica says while handing you the paper given beforehand and began walking toward him.

“So we meet again.” you hear as you turn to the person talking to you.

“Hello to you too Seo-Hyeon's bodyguard.” you say with a nod. “I never got your name?”

“It's Min-Young. I'm Seo-Hyeon's Manager.”

“I'm _________.” You say politely. “Nice to 'officially' meet you. You look like her bodyguard more than manager.”

You see him respond with a small smile for half a second before his face became serious again. You see Seo-Hyeon come in front of him with the same attitude she has always gave you. She folded her arms and spoke, “My day is pretty much ruined now that I see you here.”

“Nice to see you too, Seo-Hyeon.” you say with a sarcastic smile.

“Just because I work with you today doesn't mean anything.” she said taking a step toward you. She looked at you up and down before rolling her eyes. “Let's make this clear. Don't get in my way and I will make sure you don't have a hard time.”

“Don't worry. I'm new as you know. I'm no one special.”

“That's right. I'm the star here.”

She looked over and her whole character seem to change. Her face softened and she gave what looked like a genuine smile. You glance over to see N looking in your direction. You feel your collar being fixed and turn back quickly to see Seo-Hyeon's hand fixing the collar of the formal button-up top you were wearing from your character's wardrobe. She raised her hand to motion Min-Young away. He understood and walked away. “Ah, I almost forgot.” the popular star mentioned, “I want you to stay away from N.”

“Excuse me?” you question confused and offended.

“I want you to stay away from N.” she repeated. “He's mine.”

“I'm not sure if I understand what you're trying to get at.”

“Don't play stupid now. N and I will be a couple soon.” she stated proudly. “Look at him looking at me now.”

You turn to see N looking down at his paper and talking with the director. He turns to look at both of you and Seo-Hyeon waves to him. He looks over to her and waves back. “You see that?” she says happily.

“I see that he wasn't being rude?” you answer perplexed at her delusional words.

“He noticed me and look. He's coming over.”

“Hey Seo-Hyeon. Hi _________.” N says with two different tones. While he said her name in a formal friendly manner, he spoke to you more brightly. You can't help but give a joyful smile, thinking back to earlier today. Before you could speak a word, Seo-Hyeon's arm wraps around his and she says sweetly, “So I wanted to quickly go over some lines. We can sit in our actor chairs and talk there.”

“O-Ok.” he says trying to push her arm away. She pulls him away and he gives you an apologetic face. You give him motion that it was ok and gave him a smile.

“QUIET EVERYONE!” you hear someone yell, stand on top of a small box, and puts up his hand. The room becomes silent. You look for Monica and see her come up to you. The man introduces himself as the Production Supervisor and continues, “Thank you for being here. Twenty minutes from now and we'll start from scene 10. Film staff and actors please be on standby. “

“Scene 10. You're part of that scene.” Monica said getting excited.

“I know but I'm super nervous.”

“I'm sure you're not the only one. This is the part you were working on with N right?” she asked. You nod and look at the script you bought with you to go over your lines. Monica gives you a friendly hug to help calm you down. “I'll be here for ya but.... first I'm going to use the restroom before everything starts. Will you be ok?”

“She'll be fine.” a male voice replied from behind. You turn to see Joon-Ho and he gives a small wave and smile. You give a small smile back. He speaks again saying, “It's not as bad as you think. Did you want me to coach you like before?”

“Sure, what are some tips you have?”

“Hmm.. let me see.” he says thinking about it. He explains how to become the character's personality and to grasp that person's feelings, emotions, and ideals. He used his character as an example and acted out one of his lines....

Eun-Jung, we've known each other for a long time and I can't hold back. I.. like you.” Joon-Ho said earnestly while softly putting his hands on your shoulders.

You couldn't help but blush a little and get the chills. You learned a little of this at a brief acting class you were scheduled for but really understood how Joon-Ho's acting came across as he done it. You sensed other eyes on you and turned to look at N. You saw that he looked like he was hiding his feelings of jealously. You quickly turned back to Joon-Ho who was still looking at you. “Joon?” you asked softly. He takes a deep breath and pats your shoulder. “Ahem.. You get it now right?”

“Yes. Thank you so much for the help.”

“If you're so thankful maybe I could have your number?” he said in a playful way. “I could be a lot more helpful to you in oth-”


“Ah, it's time.” Joon-Ho says. “Let's get this show started.


A/N: Thank you for the lovely comments and thank you again for reading thus far. I've been a tad busy so I really hope this chapter made up for it. Don't be afraid to comment or leave a message. <3

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RachAlexandrea #1
Chapter 10: At least he didn't fall for that. So happy.
_ariey04 #2
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the next chapter
Cyber_girl4427 #3
Chapter 9: N is not my bias but your work has upgraded him to my bias wrecker
RachAlexandrea #4
Chapter 9: I love this. I'm fangirling so much hahaa
Cyber_girl4427 #5
Chapter 8: I can't even
RachAlexandrea #6
Chapter 7: This story is so creative :D