- You're Doing Ok So Far

A Starlight's Dream

 “Hi, N! Sorry about Monica she gets... what's the word for it...?” you reply to N's greeting. You were thinking of a word to describe Monica's emotions but dropped it quickly and continued, “Anyway, what's up?”

“Well I have some free time a little later today and I would like to practice some lines with you if you don't mind.”

“Ah, I don't mind. That's good actually since I needed a little help with certain parts.”

“Well let me give you the address to my company and we'll see each other in about a hour?”

“Ok! See you then!” you say with a little too much excitement. You instantly hang up the phone and do a small face-palm hoping that he didn't hear that. You look at Monica and she has an anxious expression on her face. “So are you going to hand me the phone?” she said holding her hand out. “What did N say?”

“He wants to meet up and practice some lines.”

“OoooOOooh look at you.” she said with a smirk.

“What? I'm just going there to-”

“You're going there so you can get closer to N.”

“I don't see a problem with that. He is my bias after all.” you say as a message sound came through Monica's phone. She looks up at you and says, “Welp! Time to go meet with N. I'll just come for you know... manager stuff.” You both laugh, gather your things, and leave out to Jellyfish Entertainment Headquarters.






“I never actually been around this way.” Monica said looking around then looking down at her phone. “I never would have thought it would be around here.”

“Maybe because they don't want stalkers or crazy fans hangout.” you reply. You notice a person just standing around with a camera in their hand.

“Maybe.” she said texting her phone. “He says we can head inside.”

Moments later after heading inside the building, you two follow directions given by the receptionist and finally meet up with N in the hallway. He has his hair changed due to his recent comeback he walks up to you two and smiles. You couldn't help but fangirl a little in the inside. "He looks so much better in person," you thought staring at him. “Ah, you finally made it.” he says. You can hear the minor fatigue in his voice. He points to room beside him and opens the door. “Let's go in here and start.”

“I'm going to go to the restroom.” Monica says with a small smile toward you. “N where can I find it?”

“If you go down this hallway then turn left, you'll see the sign for it.” he replied.

“Thanks.” Monica says giving you a pat on the back and ran away. She looked back as you and N walked into the room. You step inside and you raise your eyebrows in confusion. The room is small and can only fit about 2 people in one area with a desk and 2 chairs. N notices your look and gives a small laugh. “It's small so there's no distractions.” he says pulling out a chair for you. You take a seat and he does the same. You pull out papers from your bag and notice something missing. N looks at you while holding the script in his hands saying, “Is there something wrong?”

“I was just looking for my script.” you say still looking. “I have notes and everything on them.”

“We can just use this one. If you have any problems, I'll be happy to help.”

“I really appreciate it. I remembered most my lines but I still can't get some parts.”

“Don't stress yourself to much.” N says softly taking your hand. You look down at his hand in yours and then back up at him. You see his warm expression and couldn't help get the chills. “It'll be ok, __________. It's a challenge since your new to everything but looks like you're doing ok so far.”

“I'm just worried about filming.” you reply. “I don't want to be an inconvenience to everyone. I'm lucky to even be in this position.”

N removes his hand from your hand, places it on your shoulder, and gives his reply, “Have a little confidence. You were picked for your natural talent. I'll be here to help you.” You nod and smile which made him smile back. You both look at each other for a few seconds before you turn away and he looks down from the slight awkwardness.

“What's with this cheesy moment?” you both hear from the door. You both turn and see Monica's head only showing from the door. You quickly ball up a piece of paper and throw it at her. She quickly goes back outside the room and goes away. You turn to N rolling your eyes. You eyes meet with his and you both laugh. “Shall we get started?” you said shaking your head. N nods and you both go over what parts you and N want to do. After making a few notes you both decide to role-play the script. The script where your lines start are at the business party....




…You take a few steps to N as he gives a bored expression sitting in his seat. You press your lips together and fold your arms. “Hello Mr. Seung Jun Park.” you say in English looking at him. “It would have been nice if you would have greeted me first.” N gives you a look which was dangerous to your emotions. You held them in as he stood up. He looks away for a moment then back to you. “I didn't think it was necessary for me to greet you .” he replies nonchalantly. You feel hurt by his words and it showed on your face for a second before it hardened. You drop your hands turn your head slightly.

“Our parents wants us to get married and-”

“-that's their decision. Not mine.”

You give a small sigh start to turn to walk away from N. Before you could walk away, he grabs your hand quickly and you turn back to him. You look up at him, eyes wide with confusion. “You are very pretty, you know that right?” N says in Korean with a changed expression. His eyes were seductive but his smile was kind and innocent. His look gave you butterflies and you held your breath. He kissed your hand and continued looking back at you. “A pretty girl like you wouldn't want a guy like me.” 

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RachAlexandrea #1
Chapter 10: At least he didn't fall for that. So happy.
_ariey04 #2
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the next chapter
Cyber_girl4427 #3
Chapter 9: N is not my bias but your work has upgraded him to my bias wrecker
RachAlexandrea #4
Chapter 9: I love this. I'm fangirling so much hahaa
Cyber_girl4427 #5
Chapter 8: I can't even
RachAlexandrea #6
Chapter 7: This story is so creative :D