Fourth member's oneshot is up!!!

Invisible Gap
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11/6/16: Tysm for the 50 subbies! ♡


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Poor Yeonbin...Why the both left her?? It's so selfish to just think about your pain not what will happen on your beloves when you live...They were so cruel to Yeonbin:( and it was all Namjoon's fault,was it so hard to trust his wife????
Chapter 1: Why???? Both of them left Yeonbin alone without her parents. This is too heartbreaking. :"(
It was just like a complicated marriage life and I'm sad they just left their daughter like that. T.T waaa it's so sad. Oh my goshh.
Your stories are so touching got me in the feels of your story.Deep emotions. I just love your writing style.It's really good! ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: oh my.... i am drowning already from the previous story, and now idk what happen to me and my heart (i feel like my comments to these 3 oneshots;one sided, erasing you, and invisible gap; looks like a trilogy). it's so sad that they left yeonbin alone (i know minseok is there, but it's still different right ?) T_T
oh btw, i love your layout, it's kinda represent the sad aura, but also give the calming effect (sorry for my randomness) ;)
Hiiyo95 #4
My hearteu... U got me author-nim >.<
how can I explain this, the emotion of the story is pretty good(?) and ur language style is so touching~
I loved the ending, namjoon regret what have he done and then he's dead

sorry for my poor grammar, but I hope u'll understand what I'm talking about :)