
3 Times Momo Felt Thankful for Mina

Mina could see that Momo was stresssed.The more days passed by getting closer to Momo's solo vapp day the more stressful momo was becoming. But no one seemed to notice that. And when asked about it Momo would quickly deny it and say that's she's okay, and that they don't need to worry about her,that she'll do well.Other members seemed to believe her but Mina, though, she knew that Momo was lying. She could tell from the way Momo spent her whole day walking around with her little notebook watching vapps of their seniors and of the other members, writing down the ideas she had, that momo was indeed nervous.Mina could understand, being the first member who had her solo vapp,she could totally understand.Plus, Momo had alot of pressure too since chaeyoung's vapp lasted like 3 hours, Momo's one needs to last a long time too. And Momo wasn't so confident in spending three hours talking in korean, for god's sake she can't even talk Japanese right anymore, let alone korean.And being the main dancer for the group, people expected alot from the blonde haired girl, they expected dance covers, powerful moves,a y performance..

Ah..Momo was definitely nervous.

The night before her vapp, Momo couldn't fall asleep as she kept worrying about tomorrow.She didn't want to mess up.She felt like something was missing for her vapp, she wanted to make her fans happy and proud of stanning her but she keeps feeling that what she prepared was not enough. She quickly got up from her bed, trying not to wake a sleeping jeongyeon from her beauty sleep, and went out of the room closing the door quietly behind her.She made her way to the basement trying not to make a sound to wake the other sleeping members, but failing to notice the small light coming from the biggest room of the house.

She put her earphones on, and started practicing once again.

A few minutes passed by and momo has had enough, taking her earphones out in frustration, she sat down on the cold floor, feeling hopeless.Her head hurts from all the energy she used trying to come up with more ideas for her vapp. She sighed for the fourth time, and she put her earphones back into her ears.

She should just practice more

maybe add a few dance moves in the opening scene?

or should she just dance to songs of other idols?

Fans seemed to like that a lot but what if they want something new?

And just as she was about to start the music again, a small voice coming from behind caught her off guard

"Momoring,how about you show them the performance you and i did back in sixteen they all seemed to love it? After maybe add your beyonce cover dance and your fans would totally go crazy over that" Mina, who was watching momo from behind said. Momo stared at mina's face not knowing what to say.She didn't expect the younger one to be awake at this hour and she surely did not expect mina to know about her worried state and the reason behind it.But from what the red haired girl just said, it seems that she did in fact know what's been on momo's mind recently.

"Mina? why are you awake at this time?" Momo asked still surprised.

"i-...i was playing games on my phone" giggled mina feeling embarrassed. Momo thought that mina was about to go back to her room after giving her the new ideas but mina proved her wrong once again when she came next to Momo, looking up at their reflexions in the mirror

"Let's do this!" Mina said taking Momo's phone out and searching for the song she and momo used to dance to alot back in sixteen. That's when Momo finally realised that mina was not going back to sleep, no, the later actually decided to join her practice session. Momo couldn't utter a word. She felt touched by her Japanese friend who was giving up her sleep time so she could help her out. Feeling her heart skipping a beat at how thoughtful her friend is, Momo smiled gently at the beautiful girl who was still searching for the song. Mina made sure throughout the whole session to reassure Momo telling her that what she prepared was more than enough and that as mina said "Momoring you can dance to the alphabet song and i'd still find it amazing".

You could say that that night Momo felt so thankful that she has mina in her life.


Mina couldn't understand. Something was obviously wrong with Momo.Momo may be smiling but it's not the usual momo smile that would make mina's day feel better. This was what mina hates the most: a fake momo smile. But Mina didn't know why this time.She didn't know the reason behind momo's sad mood and what she hated the most was when she asked the blonde girl if something was wrong , she denied it again telling mina that she was just "too tired" or "didn't sleep enough" and mina hated it, oh how she hated it when momo pretended that everything was okay just cause she didn't want to feel like a burden to others. Mina tried asking the other members but all she got was a "what ? she seems fine to me" from jeongyeon and a "it's probably cause she hadn't had jokbal for a week now" from nayeon.

She would have backed up, thinking that maybe nothing was wrong and it was all in her head but she couldn't help but feel sad every time she stared into momo to find the older girl sulking.

And when tonight, only her and momo were left in the living room, each one of them sitting at the side of the sofa, mina thought it was her chance to maybe ask again.

As she was currently pretending to be invested into the game while she thinks about how to start that conversation with momo, she hears Momo greeting someone in Japanese. Confused, she lifted her head up from the silly game to look at the blonde girl who was talking on her phone. She hears Momo asking about her sister and dad and she concludes that momo is talking with her mom. She waited for momo to finish and when the room became quiet signalizing the end of the call, Mina looked up to speak with momo about it.

But no, now , Mina didn't need to ask anymore.

Looking at the tears that were forming in momo's eyes after she hung up on the phone Mina finally understood by her own what was bothering momo this whole time.

Momo was feeling homesick.

Mina could understand this feeling.After all she too once in a while feels so homesick and misses her family so much she'd spend the whole night crying about it. She simply stood up and headed to her room. Momo thinking that mina saw her tears and probably was giving her some privacy, felt thankful but Mina came back without uttering one word and went to plug-in the dvd player. She then looked for the remote, and sat down right next to Momo, putting her bag of snacks on the table, opening the tv screen. Momo was confused not understanding what was happening until mina whispered to her with the language that she was the most familiar with.

"Momoring..i stole sana's Hana Yori Dango dvds since it's your favorite Japanese show let's binge watch it until sana finds out cause after that she is so gonna kill me" smiled mina.

That made momo chuckle as she knew how much sana hated it when someone touched her dvd collection, and since it's mina the one who took them, that just makes the situation funnier.

Starting the first episode and hearing that familiar language again, Momo found herself smiling without realising it. God, she couldn't help but feel so much affection for the younger girl who always understood what was wrong and who always go out of her way to make her happy.

After a few episodes, Momo turned to stare at mina. "Minari" said momo urging the younger girl who was avoiding eye contact to look at her, "..Thank you" said momo as she wrapped her arms around mina hugging her as tightly as she could. Mina was so thankful that momo couldn't see the blush forming on her face right now cause she wouldn't know how to explain it either to be honest but damn does it feel nice to be hugged by the older girl. but of course good things always come to an end and by end she meant Sana shouting in Japanese for the whole neighborhood to hear

"MINA I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOURE THE ONE WHO TOOK MY DVDS YOU ARE SO SCREWED! YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST GOTTEN MY PERMISSION!" screamed a fuming Sana making her way into the leaving room. Mina quickly jumped out of momo's embrace "Oh well ! this was fun! see you in our next life Momoring!" Exclaimed Mina laughing out loud and headed straight into the maknaes room planning to hide behind Tzuyu cause Sana would never hurt her with Tzuyu around. Momo burst out laughing at how dorky mina can be sometimes.

oh how thankful she is to have mina in her life.


Mina has had enough. Momo was sick but why does she keep denying it? They were all gathered together for ELEGANT PRIVATE LIFE filming and momo could barely walk straight on her own as she felt weak.Mina wanted her to rest but Momo would never accept to do that.She didn't want her fans worrying about her or even anyone worrying about her so she just went along with the filming as if everything was normal and as if she wasn't struggling really hard to keep her eyes open.

While the other members decided to ride the biggest rollercoaster,Mina and momo who hated scary rides, decided not to tag along and just wait for the other members to finish.Choosing a quiet table at the small coffee, Mina and Momo took a seat together. Momo was having a hard time breathing as her nose was stuffed and she really wouldn't mind resting her head on the table for a bit of time, maybe even sleep for 15 minutes . Mina on the other hand just wanted the girl to feel better.She hated seeing momo sick.She doesn't understand why she hated it that much but seeing how weak the older girl looked like right now,shivering from the cold weather,she wished she could cast some magic spell so she could cure her.

"Momo unnie, if you want to sleep for a bit it's okay i'll wake you up when the other members get here" told her mina

"I'm okay, i don't need to rest or anything,I'm just a bit sleepy it's no big deal" lied Momo not wanting to worry the younger girl but Mina was already worried

"Momoring you're sick" said mina in a serious tone

"I'm not" insisted Momo

"you can barely open your eyes why don't you just admit that you're sick" argued back mina

"Because i'm not" said momo again Before she could catch what she was doing , Mina stood up from the other side of the table and got closer to Momo's face reaching out with her hand to touch momo's head to check if the older girl had a fever or not.

"YOURE BURNING" Mina exclaimed but before she could finish the sentence , she finally noticed how close her face was actually to momo's as she found herself staring directly into momo's brown eyes.

Momo would have protested and would have insisted that she was okay and that she did not have a fever but after what just happened and how really REALLY beautiful mina's eyes and soft lips looked up close, she was beginning to feel her face heat up. maybe she did after all have a fever.

Mina who jumped back to her seat and composed herself, found her voice back again

"I'm telling manager oppa! at least you should have some medicine"

"don't tell him! it's the last episode and i really would love to film it with you guys and he would tell me to go back to the dorm, just this once?" pouted momo using her aegyo voice.

Mina was still gonna insist but she made the big mistake of looking up and meeting momo's puppy eyes.

Damn those puppy eyes thought mina to herself. They always get her. she finished by agreeing to not tell the manager but she got momo to promise her that she'll tell him after the filming. "Momoring, why do you always hide it when you don't feel well?" suddenly blurted out mina.

She wasn't really gonna ask that but somehow she really needed to know the reason behind it

"You guys have already your own stuff to worry about, i don't want you all to worry about me too" simply said momo smiling gently at mina. Mina was gonna answer Momo and tell her that she was wrong and that she don't want momo to feel stressed and worried on her own anymore, that she wanted to be there for her, like she was always there for mina. but jihyo shouting "we're back!" cut off the conversation.

Talk about bad timing thought mina to herself. She'll have to find another time to tell momo about it.


Since this was the last episode, they had to write letters to each other.This was a chance for everyone to tell the other what they always wanted to.Each one of them wrote seriously on their own and now they all gathered together to read them out loud without knowing who wrote the letter to who.

After tzuyu's funny shopping sites remark, it was now momo's turn to read the letter in front of her

'I think that Momo unnie always works really hard even when she pretends to not do anything

When it gets really difficult, i hope that from now on you'll lean on the other members.

I'm really happy and thankful to be in TWICE with you unnie, i love you."

Momo didn't need to know who this was by cause by just looking at the content of the letter she know that this was mina's letter And nayeon's remark about the spelling mistakes just confirms her theory. She smiled softly to herself and then said "i understand this person's feelings, this person thinks more maturely than me, so she has been really helpful to me" added momo seriously while mina who was embarrassed looked shyly at the floor.


Once back to their dorm, jeongyeon entered her room to find a sleeping momo occupying all the bed. Not wanting to bother the sick girl she just decided to join the leader's room.

Meanwhile, Mina who was on the sofa couldn't help but worry about momo's fever.The later girl did not talk about the manager about it yet cause she fell asleep and the fever won't be going away by it's own..ah why the hell does she worry so much about momo? she didn't understand it either, she just couldn't but something inside of her always made it her duty to protect and look after momo.

Standing up, she grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom to make it wet, then headed straight to momo's room. Trying not to wake up the sleeping girl mina carefully stepped in the room.Getting closer to the bed she carefully bent down to place the wet towel on momo's still burning head.She was about to head back but she couldn't help but admire the sleeping girl's beautiful features and peaceful face.

Momo was indeed so freaking beautiful.

If you asked mina what was she doing right now, she wouldn't know how to answer that either. But she knows that it's time for her to head back to her room. She gently turned her back to make her way out, but a soft tug on her shirt made her look back.

"Mina wait" said the now no longer sleeping Momo surprising mina "..thank you for always taking care of me" she added shyly. Mina stayed silent at first caught off guard by what momo said but then muttered in a very low voice "Always" as she blushed harder. She's not usually the kind to show a lot of affection or care that bluntly to anyone.

"Also, Mina, thank you for not telling the manager earlier even though you were worried about me i really appreciate it" added momo sitting up so she can face mina.

Mina just smiled and nodded, feeling embarrassed by the things momo was saying.

She was about to go out thinking that their conversation was over but she got turned around one more time but this time she felt Momo's lips meet her cheek quickly as she said "And Mina, I'm also very glad and thankful that i get to be in TWICE with you too"


Author's note: Well that's it! this is my first mimo one shot as i really love the paring so much i may even write a whole mimo story in the future if anyone is interested. Thank you for reading, please comment and let me know what you guys think! ( and sorry for spelling mistakes !)

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Chapter 1: Thank you for this, author!! ^^
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Thanks for this cute and realistic fic ^^
barron_8 #3
Chapter 1: This is amazing! :3
blanketlove 93 streak #4
Chapter 1: do write a fullllll mimo fic! i enjoy your writings :-))
Panda21595 #5
Chapter 1: AHHHHHH I love it, that mimo letter really killed me and I'm glad you wrote about it. These situations totally make sense.
Also you really hit me in the feels especially because I'm a lot like Momo and totally get everything she did, I wish I had someone like Mina in my life lol.
This is great, nice work!
2azness #6
Chapter 1: Omo so sweet <3 and yesss pls write a full mimo fic!! WE ARE VERY INTERESTED
Chapter 1: So sweet~ I fall hard and harder for this pairing, really hope you will write more about them :)
yellow0325 #8
Chapter 1: oh gosh!!this is too sweet..!more please!!
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 1: This is so.. amazing!!!!!!
You are really so good!!!
Please write more mimo , please??? It feels so real.. it because you are so good in writing it.