Invisible Love

Invisible Love


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   Taemin's POV

"Taemin, Im so sorry, I didnt meant to hurt you."

You already did, Kang Jiyoung. Those words, are killing me. They keep flashin in my mind over and over again. I can't lose you Jiyoung, I can't!


Cellphone rings

"Yoboseyo?" I answered calmly.

"Lee Taemin?" Someone asked my name, with a husky tone.

"Umm...neh?" I tried to sound as better as I could, but still a little shaky tone came out from my voice.

"Could you please come to ______'s Hospital, Kang Jiyoung can leave the hospital now." Someone simply said. Jiyong? Like if I am her family or someone in her life!

"Hmm... there's no one else that can go pick her?" I asked...

I could hear someone sigh "Uhh.. she said you are the only one" He added

My lips parted as I scratched the back of my hair "Aish... I'll be there in minutes"


| 20 minutes later |


"Im here" I said annoyed. Trying to avoid looking at Jiyong... but still... my eyes betrayed me, I glanced secretly at her and saw a happy expression.

"Taemin-oppa" Jiyoung's voice sounded happy and about to cry. I clowsed my eyes as I sighed trying not to say anything else.

I turned my head, I couldn't even look at her!


| 10 minutes later... @ the car |


"Im sorry, Taemin-oppa" She said.

I didnt answered, I just kept driving trying to ignore or pretend I didn't listened.

"So... where are you going to stay?" I asked still looking forward.

"Uhh... I dont have where to stay" She slowly trailed off.

"Then you should stay in a motel" I simply said but I felt her froze and look at me. I forced myself to keep looking at the road and not look at her.

"But... I dont like motels, Im scared of them" She said but slowly stopped because she noticed I was getting a little mad. Which I wasn't... is just... I can't stay with her.

"Then you have a huge problem"

"But... cant I stay at your house for some time?" She asked, this time I looked at her. She was with a smile and her smile faded slowly away as she saw my reaction.

"Why do you even want to stay? For I don't know... in some months die?" I kind of yelled loudly and felt her jump from my sudden high tone.

"Oppa? I.. I-" She said and paused to cry

"Im sorry, Jiyoung, can't stay at my house" I said... Tears slowly falling down my cheeks and sobs could be heard. My lips parted to catch breath slowly and my shoulders not even moving because of my tense mood of trying not to cry.

"It's not my fault, this is how it was meant--"

"WELL Jiyong I don't care! Then if you're about to cry then do whatever you want! Just DON'T involve me in this... you know that you're hurting me more and more?" Now she could hear my crying, my eyes were having a hard time trying to focus.

I kept driving...

Minutes of silence

She didn't say anything. She was looking out of the window... breathing deeply. I couldn't help but to let her stay.

"You can stay" I murmured... I closed my eyes hoping she won't listen.


"Th-that you can stay" I repeated this time a little louder.

"Th-Thanks" She bowed sightly her head and leaned back on the seat.

I felt her crying once again. My chest was about to burst. "Don't cry" I said and grabbed her hand, trying to look at her but I was too focused on the road.

"I..Im going to miss you so much" She whispered between her sobs. My heart jumping up and down, feeling it crash into pieces.

"Do-Don't say that!" I stuttered trying to avoid my sobs.

"Im not afraid to go, Im just afraid to lose you" She said softly as she cried. Her hands were covering her face trying not to show her tears rolling down her cheeks.

I stood quiet, the park was a little close. I decided to stop at the park, to relax our minds.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a whispering tone.


"Taemin what are you doing?" She asked confused with a brow raised.

She started to walk towards me, I walked faster towards her...and hugged her. She stood froze for some seconds but slowly she wrapped her hands around my back. I pulled myself back and looked at her, I cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears away, she closed her eyes as I carresed her cheeks.

"You will never lose me" I said as I took the bangs away from her face. For some seconds, I looked at her angelic face... and then went closer and closer... until our lips touched, she dropped her hands from my back. My hands went down to her waist and she lifted her hands to wrap them around my neck.

I broke the kiss to see if she was calmed and it looked like if she really was. Slowly a smile formed in her lips and slowly her eyes opened. Then I was the one smiling... I pulled her hand to a hug again and carresed her hair.

"Im going to give you the map, where you will always find me no matter what" I whispered in her ear as my head burried in her hair.

She nodded slowly and then rested her head in my chest.

We got to a lake and sat on the ground.

"Remember when we first dated that you were so beautiful and I just looked like sponge bob with a yellow shirt with light green circles... and everyone thought you were playing with me because I was weird" I said and wrapped my left hand around her waist.

She nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder.

We talked about memories... when we first met, our first date, our first kiss, things we've been trough...etc...


"Jiyoung" I called her name with a soft tone.

"Yes?" She tilted her head up to look at me and smiled.

"I love you" I whispered and pinched her nose.

"I love you too" She whispered back.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and went closer as I went closer until our lips touched again... while I was kissing her my tears came out, she slowly opened her eyes

"Remember, we will always see each other" She remembered and wiped off one of my tears.

I sighed and leaned back "Yeah, where?" I asked.

"In our hearts, is the perfect place" She said and placed her hands on my chest.

I smiled in response as I sat up. I pulled her gently to kiss her once again...



2 months later


"Jiyoung is going to die soon" The doctor announced.

"What?" I slowly said with a shocked reaction, with my eyes tearing, with an Image of her in my head.

"Sorry" He said as he opened the door and left

I slowly turned to see her, sleeping like an angel. With the 'beep' 'beep' 'beep' sound of the machines. I went closer and kissed her hand.

"It looks like its time to go" I said as I smiled looking at her face but my cheeks went down and my eyes teared even harder. "I dont want you to go" I softly whispered crying. "I dont" I whispered once again burrying my face on her belly.


"Taemin" She whispered, her voice seemed tired and weak

"Shh, shh" I shushed her as I stood up rubbing her forehead

"Im not leaving you" She whispered and her eyes started to tear

I nodded two times faster as I could to let her see everything was okay, (which wasn't) I bit my lower lip trying to hide the sobs, I forced a little smile and catched my breath slowly.

"I love you" She mouthed.

"I...I love you too" I said and kissed her forehead

We kept looking at each other for minutes, until she went to sleep once again and a little after I went to sleep to, leaning against the cushioned chair.


That day, That day... Jiyoung went for a whole new adventure. Jiyoung went to a place where she could play, scream, run and not get tired.

But I will always remember, that if I need her... I have her map, not in my backpack but in my heart!

I will love her always, I have faith she is right beside me everytime. Just like the wind, can't see it but even if you think you don't you are touching it. This will be our Invisible Love



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childarie #1
Chapter 1: It touches my heart :-< So sweet yet so sad...
Letterofspring #2
Chapter 1: So sad... love this.. <3
cant imagine..
Great <3
oh<br />
my<br />
god<br />
<br />
Sorry but that's really the only words i can say, because i'm sad ;( )
Dahnnisya #5
OhMyGod, i love your story but this is soo saaaadddd :__( JingMin T_T<br />
<br />
czakhareina #6
jing is so cute...!!!<br />
This is so sweet yet sad. :(
Aw!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aigoo, TaeMin-ah; so sad! *sniffs*<br />
Such sweet and sad fic; gosh *sighs* <3<br />
Taemeans #9
awwww oh my so sweet. i almost teared.