Minkyung - Davichi’s Vocal Analysis

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Vocal Range

D3 ~ A5 (2 octaves, 3 notes and 1 semitone)

[could possibly go higher]

Supported Range

Bb3 ~ C5

Vocal Type

Light Lyric Soprano


MinKyung produces Decent/OK notes up to C5/C#5 with some open-throat notes and some resonant notes. She rarely strains due to that she rarely goes out of her tessitura.


MinKyung can have some intonation problems in a performance, though not many. She also doesn’t always sing with a risen palate, which causes her to not always have the best of placement. She also has throat tension at times. She also at times can be inconsistent within her supported range. Also because HaeRi does all the difficult parts in Davichi songs, MinKyung is never truly under pressure to do better outside of tessitura/improve because HaeRi does it for her. MinKyung can also sometimes have an unstable vibrato.

Overall analysis

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