
Sunset and Snow
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To love is to recieve a glimpse of heaven.

Her smile is a resemblance to the beauty of the horizon during the sundown where everything turns magical; she's the magnet which his ferrum is attracted to; she's oxygen and he's dying to breath - he always describes her as the perfect one. She told him they were the perfect match - she feels really comfortable with him and this bond they share together is as strong as the covalent bond. Time is ridiculously limited, but when he's with her; time would always be unlimited like her wants and desire to conquer the world. 

We were the perfect match, maybe that's why we burnt out.

Her skin is as white as the first snow; her auburn hair is the highlight of everything; her all-black outfits are always on point and she looks best when her hair is tied up into a messy bun whilst only wearing his oversized black sweatshirt. Seconds turns to minutes, minutes turns to hours, hours turns to days, days turns to weeks and apparently, weeks turns to months. Thankfully it didn't proceed to a year, yet. She doesn't have any valid answers when people come and ask her about him. Because honestly, she haven't seen him for months. Why? 

That one cold summer night when she thought everything is going to be alright just like what he had promised at the first place, he comes and tell her that they need to split up. Again, why the sudden changes? In a relationship, one person will always be selfish to protect themself and t

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ee-mei #1
Chapter 1: Please make a sequel for this, although I am so mad about Hanbin right here