Love In Christmas


Hee Ra has always had a fear of boys. When she's confronted by a confession from the school's most popular guy, Woohyun, she just burst out in tears. However, she calms down when Woohyun says he wants to start out as being friends.^^



This my 1st fanfic ever....But it shot because I do not ready yet write many chapter....Hope you can find the happiness when you read this fanfic^^..If you think my story fun then please subscribe and be my friend :P

(I'm sorry I'm not really fluent in English bcuz English not my mother language ;)


Hee Ra has always had a fear of boys. When she's confronted by a confession from the school's most popular guy, Woohyun, she just burst out in tears. However, she calms down when Woohyun says he wants to start out as being friends.^^



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