"You were my favorite one."

"You were my favorite one."

Yoongi groaned, mornings were just not his thing. The only thing that can appease his terrible mood in the morning was coffee. But not just your average, normal coffee. Coffee specifically from Starbucks. This was due to the reason that Yoongi can’t trust himself to make coffee. It would be either too sweet or too bitter.


  However, there’s another reason why Yoongi only goes to Starbucks every morning. Obviously, to smell the sweet aroma in the cafe. To drink strong coffee whilst looking out the shop’s window. Wrong. There was a particular someone who caught his eye. This particular being’s name was Kim Seokjin.


   Anxious about his pace, Yoongi rushes to the shop, but slows down as he approaches the destination. “What if they haven’t opened yet?” Yoongi thinks. That would mean he’d probably see Seokjin again (aka be awkward and up the meeting). Maybe even start up a casual conversation with him. Yes, his first “casual conversation” since up to now he’s been stalking him like some creep this whole time. Yoongi peeks through the window, looking inside. The shop was already open and there were a few people already inside.


Yoongi nervously walks in and makes his way to the counter. “. Yoongi. Act Cool. Act Cool-” his thoughts are stopped as he sees Seokjin behind the counter, handing someone their order. Seokjin turns to him and gives a smile, “Welcome!” Yoongi stutters, “I-I’ll h-have t-the--”

“umm, the usual?”


“That’ll be $4.50, along with your Iced Latte with a few shots of espresso.”


Seokjin winked as he said that. All flushed Yoongi could do was look away as his hand shakily gave the money.… and drop a coin. “Oh! I-I’m sorry..” Yoongi tried to catch the rolling coin from falling off the counter, but it looks like Seokjin thought the same thing as well. Seokjin’s face was just inches away from Yoongi’s. Yoongi caught a whiff of what Seokjin’s hair smelled like, it hinted a weak sweet scent. Seokjin’s position was bent forward and he caught the coin instead, and Yoongi? He caught Seokjin’s hand that caught the coin. Yoongi quickly let go and pulled his hand away. “S-Sorry..” “Hm? It’s okay, really.” Seokjin flashed a smile at him. Yoongi’s heart fluttered as he bowed down and squeaked a tiny “t-thanks!”.


All Seokjin knew about the mysterious pink-haired man was that his name was Yoongi. He would always come to Starbucks every morning, ordering his usual Iced Latte. Sometimes Yoongi would come in and take out a bunch of papers, Seokjin loved those kinds of days. That was because Yoongi would put on his glasses, note to self: Yoongi looked very cute. Seokjin would walk over to his table and give him his drink, but also look over his papers. “Ahh, Yoongi must be a composer” Seokjin thought. Since the papers he had were actually music sheets, and some had words scribbled in. Seokjin is always amused by Yoongi, sometimes he’d catch Yoongi looking at him then look away. Or sometimes, when Yoongi comes in the afternoon, he’d doze off as he’s working. Then Seokjin would secretly place a blanket around him. Then quietly hurry back behind the counter and watch him sleep (but eventually stop, since he has a job to do and can’t spend the time shooting puppy eyes at someone who can’t reciprocate them at the moment).


“Here’s your order sir” Seokjin gave a small smile as he handed Yoongi’s order. Yoongi hated himself and how he couldn’t control his damn hand. Seokjin noticed this and placed a hand under Yoongi’s to keep it stable, and prevent a spill from happening. Seokjin gave a small nod at him that it was all right, Yoongi eyes were wide and he gave a small nod too, then rushed out of the shop. When he left, he let out a sigh of relief and his whole face was flushed.


“Ow!” Seokjin yelped, accidentally burning himself from pouring the hot coffee. His mind was unfocused, and he couldn’t stop chuckling to himself. Thinking about Yoongi, and how cute he was back there. Seokjin wants to know more about Yoongi, and he wants to try to be a part of Yoongi’s life.


Yoongi walked to a playground while drinking his iced latte. He didn’t know where else to go and walking home sounded boring. He has nothing to do at home honestly, and today was his day off.

Yoongi sat down on a swing and slowly pushed himself, “Ah, this is great. Spending a day off like this.” He groaned. Yoongi gently placed his drink down away from his swing. “Might as well do this then.” Yoongi pushed himself and gathered his momentum to keep on swinging. Gradually picking up his speed, Yoongi laughed and gave a gummy smile. Yes, he is a grown man, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying the playground. “I’m young forever,” Yoongi smiles to himself.


Seokjin was off his shift now, walking towards his own home to help his nagging mom around the house. Until something he hears stops him in his own tracks. It was a loud laugh. It sounded like a man. And it was coming out of the children’s playground.

Seokjin couldn’t help but walk towards the playground out of his curiousity. But he had to stop himself and think this throughly, “Who would be laughing at a playground at 2 pm? What if it’s a trap? This is exactly like a horror movie. People who walk toward sounds always die...” Seokjin finally came up with a resolution: Take a small peek and run as fast as you can to the police station.

As he stealthily pressed against the wall and tried to catch a tiny glimpse, what he saw made him laugh harder than the man who was already laughing. Yoongi stops and turns around as he’s trying to spin himself on the roundabout. Seokjin covers his mouth and peers at Yoongi. But he can’t contain his laughter and ends up leaning against the wall. Seokjin bangs the wall with his fist as he shakes his head, losing his senses and his breath. Yoongi blushes and mutters, “I-I didn’t have anything else to do today...d-don’t blame me!” He points at Seokjin. Seokjin just laughs even harder as he makes his way to Yoongi. He wipes his tears and points at the roundabout, “So then, do you need any help with that? You looked pretty ridiculous back there.”


Seokjin and Yoongi spent an hour trying every single thing on the playground from the slides to animal springers. To make things even absurd, they both started a conversation on which equipment was the best.
“The swings are best, it’s something you can do independently. No one has to push you, you can do it yourself.”
“If I remember correctly, I pushed you awhile ago.”
Seokjin pretended to clean his ears, “Sorry, I guess I heard wrong. Did you say independent awhile ago?” Yoongi was flustered, “Before you came, I was pushing myself on the swing! Why are you here?” Seokjin scanned him, “Hey, it’s better than seeing an idiot, a grown idiot to add, ‘independently’ struggling to spin himself of a roundabout.” Yoongi gaped, he can’t believe he was interested in this guy. “I’m not here for fun, I’m just here because I’m bored at home.” Yoongi grumbled. Seokjin rested his head on his hand, “Really? Looks like you were having fun.”


Yoongi had nothing to shoot back, so he and Seokjin just silently gazed at each other, until Seokjin’s phone went off. They were both startled and nearly fell off the animal springers. Seokjin gave a small nervous laugh, Yoongi did the same. “Please give me a minute,” Seokjin held up a finger and turned around. Yoongi listened to Seokjin’s replies, wondering who he was talking to.


“Yes?! Is that how you speak to your mom?!”


“Hurry up and come home! What is taking you so long? Your shift at the cafe was done hours ago!”

“Something came up, I’ll come home now.”

“You better.”

“Okay, love you, bye.”


Seokjin gave a small smile and pointed at his phone, “Hah, women. I’m afraid I have to get going now, bye Yoongi. See you tomorrow.” “Yeah, you can’t keep your girlfriend waiting right? Bye Seokjin.” Yoongi laughed a little and rubbed his neck. Seokjin quickly got off the springer and leered at him. Approaching Yoongi’s face with his own. “What did you just say?” “Uhh, bye? You can’t keep your girlfriend waiting too long right?”


Seokjin flicked Yoongi’s forehead and mumbled, “God. How stupid.” Yoongi heard those words and shot back, “Who are you calling stupid?!” “You.” Seokjin pushed back Yoongi’s forehead with his index finger. “You idiot, this is the first time we’ve ever interacted for more than 30 seconds, and you’re already assuming I have a girlfriend.”

“What do you mean by assume? Don’t you have one?”


Seokjin passed a hand through his hair, pushing it back. “If it makes you feel any better, that was my mom demanding me to get back home. I didn’t go home early today because someone took my time.” Seokjin raised an eyebrow at Yoongi.

Yoongi gaped at Seokjin. “H-How was I supposed to know? You ended that call with “love you”! Seokjin groaned, “Normal people say that to their mom. I’m sorry.”

Yoongi was irritated because Seokjin was right. He crossed his arms. “Why are you still talking to me if you need to leave?” Yoongi grumbled. Seokjin gave a small snicker, thinking to himself, “God. He’s such a little kid. He looks like one too.”


“What are looking at?” Yoongi eyed Seokjin. “Nothing. Anyways, we’re going now.” “Hey. What do you mean by ‘we’re’?” Seokjin took Yoongi’s arm, “Look, are you gonna stay here all day and scare kids or come over to my house?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow, “W-What are we going to do at your house?”


“What sort of things?”

“If you’re that interested, why don’t you come with me already?”


With that, Seokjin pulled on Yoongi’s arm, dragging him towards his house.


“Finally you’r- Ooh, who’s this?” Seokjin’s mom ogled Yoongi from head to toe. “Mom, please stop that. You’re scaring my friend.” Seokjin took off his shoes and placed them aside. Yoongi did the same. “What’s his name?”

“I don’t know.”

“Jinnie come on! You never brought anyone into this household before!”

“I did bring someone in once.”

“Someone? You brought in a lost puppy a week ago!”

Yoongi perked up, “Lost puppy?” “Yes! He was very attached to it. I literally had to pry the puppy out of his arms so we could give it to the owner.” “Mom. The puppy was kidnapped.” Seokjin growled. “Or so he says. When in actuality, he can’t accept the fact he couldn’t keep the puppy.” Seokjin groaned, “Mom, you know you could be the reason why I don’t ever bring anyone here. I’m going upstairs now. Come on Yoongi, let’s go.”


Seokjin stormed up the stairs. Yoongi tried to follow right after him, until Seokjin’s mom grabbed his arm. “Yoongi eh? What’s your full name?” “M-Min...Yoongi.” Seokjin’s mom clicked her tongue, “Min isn’t a very common surname...oh! You’re shy as well.” Seokjin’s mom snickered, “Jinnie, that sly boy. He really knows what he wants.”

“Uh, excuse me?”

“Oh, nothing, anyways you can call me Mrs. Kim.”


Mrs. Kim let go of Yoongi’s and shooed him, “Hurry now, Jinnie will yell at me if you’re not up there with him.” “Um all right, bye Mrs. Kim..” “I’ll call both of you down for dinner! You better stay for dinner!” Mrs. Kim shook her finger at him. Yoongi nodded and quietly went up the stairs. When he got to the end, he was surprised to how many doors were here and there. All of them were closed and looked the same, “S-Seokjin?” Yoongi called out as he quietly passed each door. “Seokjin, are you here?” Yoongi knocked on a random door and called out a bit louder than last time.


“Yoongi, I’m here.” Seokjin opened a door right behind Yoongi. Yoongi let out a sigh of relief, “Couldn’t you have at least put a sign or something? Like, ‘Here is Seokjin’s territory’, ‘Do not enter. This is Seokjin’s zone’, or plainly ‘Seokjin’s room’?” Seokjin gave a short laugh, “I don’t have the time to. Come in,” he left the door open. “So what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know, what about you?”

“I was guessing we could play League of Legends.

“League? What’s that?”

“It’s a moba,”

“Okay. Now what’s that?”


Seokjin explained to Yoongi everything about mobas, mmorpgs, rpgs, and basically everything about games. “So what do I do in league?” “You play as a champion and along with 4 other people, although depending on the game’s mode, you fight another 5-man team” “Sounds hard.” “It is hard.” Seokjin motioned Yoongi to come over, “The game is patching right now and it takes a long time. So why don’t you tell me about yourself?”


Yoongi sat down on Seokjin’s bed, “Umm..what do you want to know?”

“Anything really”

“Uhh, I hate converse..” Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck. Seokjin laughed, “Anything else? What do you do?”

“I can rap?”


“Woah, rap for me” Seokjin’s eyes were filled with amazement. “Here” Seokjin handed him a water bottle, “it’s your mic now.” Yoongi blushed and took the water bottle, he cleared his throat and rapped.


“If only I had just one day
I want to peacefully fall asleep intoxicated with your sweet scent
If there’s a chance in my busy schedule
I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes

I like that, your long, straight hair
Your breathtaking neck when you put it up and the strands that fall out
Wherever we go, my handbag is your waist
Yo ma honey, whenever I see you, I run out of breath

Like the streets of Myungdong, our BGM is the sound of breathing
Your voice when you say my name
I wanna be locked in you and swim in you, I want to know you more
An explorer venturing through your deep forest of mystery

I appreciate the masterpiece that is you because your existence alone is art
I imagine this all night every day because it’s a meaningless dream anyway..


Seokjin clapped loudly, “That was daebak! Where do you get these ideas from?” Yoongi gave his signature gummy smile, “My brain. Duhh.” Seokjin smiled, “You know what’s my favorite part?” “What?” Seokjin slowly scooted towards Yoongi closer, until he was breathing at his ear.   “Your voice when you say my name
I wanna be locked in you and swim in you, I want to know you more”  Seokjin seductively whispered into Yoongi’s ear. Yoongi trembled as Seokjin pulled away and looked at him. “But I can’t decide which one’s better, ‘If there’s a chance in my busy schedule
I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes’ sounds good as well.” Seokjin cups Yoongi’s face in his hands. “Yoongi.” Seokjin says sternly, as he’s gazing into Yoongi’s eyes, inches away from his face. “S-Seokjin..” Yoongi breathes. His legs feel like jelly, he’s trembling from Seokjin’s touch. Yoongi can’t move a muscle. Seokjin inches closer, their lips grazed. Yoongi shut his eyes, waiting for their lips to touch. He could feel Seokin’s warmth, it was close, it was- ding. Suddenly, Seokjin’s warmth disappeared, he couldn’t feel his presence anymore.


Yoongi’s eyes fluttered open, Seokjin was in front of his desktop, clicking away. “What?” Yoongi muttered. Seokjin turned around in his chair, “League’s ready, let’s play” He smiled. Yoongi sauntered next to Seokjin, he felt a little disappointed inside. But don’t get him wrong, it wasn’t the kiss or anything.. Yoongi was slanting, trying to see what Seokjin was doing on League. Seokjin stood up, “Here, you can sit. I’ll guide you from behind.” Yoongi plopped himself down, going through the tutorial and clicked vigorously, forcing his champion to move around. As Yoongi gets more into the game, the more frustrated he gets. Since he’s getting himself killed by an enemy tower or an enemy champion. Seokjin laughed, “We’re playing against beginner bots, and you can’t even kill one yet?” “It’s because of this champion you chose for me. Why’d you make me play a weak girl?” Yoongi inquired. “Ashe isn’t a weak girl, she’s fairly strong. If you stop complaining and listen to me, maybe you wouldn’t die so much.” Seokjin shot back. The more Yoongi got frustrated, the more disappointed he got in himself. Seokjin paid attention to Yoongi’s emotions as he continued to play. Eventually, Yoongi snapped and picked up the keyboard, threatening to break it. Seokjin panicked, “Yoongi stop for a second.” “What now?” Yoongi let out a groan.

Seokjin placed his hand on Yoongi’s, and guided his hand and the mouse. Yoongi continued playing League with Seokjin’s hand on his. Seokjin told him many tips, tips that sounded weird, such as “farming”. Which meant that you killed enemy minions for gold in the game. Seokjin began teaching him throughout the game and eventually, Yoongi got more kills in the game and he began to cheer up. “Did you see that? Did you? Please tell me you did.” Yoongi was literally jumping out of his chair in excitement. Every time he killed an enemy bot, he’d turn around and ask Seokjin if he saw what he did. Seokjin , “Sorry, can you inform me on what happened? I was caught up watching something else.” Yoongi facepalmed himself and dragged his face down, letting out what seemed like a zombie moan. “It’s okay, I’ll probably do it aga-”

“Nice kill.”


“I said, ‘Nice kill’”

“So you did see it!”
“Of course I did. What else is in here that’d keep my attention away from you?”

Seokjin laughed as he tousled Yoongi’s hair, Yoongi blushed. “S-So, how am I doing so far?”

“Pretty good.”


Yoongi lifted his head up, to look at Seokjin. Seokjin gave a small smile as he looked at Yoongi’s face below him. “DINNER’S READY!” Mrs. Kim’s voice roared from downstairs. “HURRY UP AND GET DOWN HERE YOU LOVEBIRDS!” Mrs. Kim hollered. “I BET YOU BOTH ARE SHOOTING GOO GOO EYES AT ONE ANOTHER.” “WE ARE NOT!” Seokjin yelled at the top of his lungs. Yoongi had to cover his ears. “Come on Yoongi, let’s go down if you value your eardrums.” Seokjin walked out the door and made his way down the stairs, Yoongi followed after.


The dinner at the Kims’ table wasn’t like a dinner at all, but more of an interrogation. Mrs. Kim was just bombarding them with questions, most of them were directed at Yoongi.
“Where do you work?”
“At a studio, I’m actually a rapper?”
“A rapper! Woah”

Mrs. Kim’s eyes were filled with an amazement just like her son. Before Mrs. Kim was about to say anything, Seokjin interrupted, “Yoongi promised me that he would only let me hear him rap.” Mrs. Kim rolled her eyes, “Jinnie. He works as a rapper. People are supposed to listen to him rap. Why can’t he rap right now?” Seokjin held in his breath, “Mom, we’re eating right now. Give him a break.” “Aww fine.” Mrs. Kim sighed in disappointment.


Mrs. Kim didn’t ask much questions all at once, only a few here and there as they ate their dinner. Seokjin learned a bit more about Yoongi, it turned out that Yoongi was from Daegu and he came to Seoul without his parents. Also, Yoongi was a year younger than Seokjin, he was born in March 9, 1993. While Seokjin was born in December 4, 1992.


When Yoongi was done eating dinner, Seokjin strolled outside with him. “Do you want me to walk you home?”

“No thank you.”

“Why not?”
“What if you get jumped on?”
“Jumped on? Look at you, someone could be around the corner waiting to devour you.”
“Don’t scare me..”

Yoongi slowly shuffled his feet as he walked with Seokjin. “Why aren’t you leaving me yet?” “So where’s your house?” Seokjin ignored Yoongi’s question. “Go back already, I can walk home by myself.” Yoongi stopped in his tracks. “Where’s your house?” Seokjin took Yoongi’s hand, tugging him forward. “Let go..” Yoongi tried to shake away from Seokjin’s grip. Seokjin only pulled Yoongi closer and hugged him. “If you won’t tell me where your house is right now, I won’t hesitate to carry you back to my room and drop you on my bed….or would you prefer that?” Yoongi pushed Seokjin away. “I-I can walk home by myself! Okay? D-Don’t touch me.” “My bed it is then.” Seokjin tried to pick Yoongi up by sweeping him off his feet first. “P-Put me down! What are you doing?! S-Stop!” Yoongi flailed his legs and arms around in Seokjin’s embrace. But Seokjin wouldn’t put him down. “We’re going to my bed.” Seokjin said with a straight forward face. “No. We are not. Put me down.” Yoongi began softly hitting Seokjin because he doesn’t think he can actually hurt him. Yoongi finally gave up, “If we get jumped on, I’m going to take revenge and leave you here.” Seokjin laughed, “What is with you and getting worked up about getting jumped on? Seems to me you want to get jumped on.” “I do not. I mean, we’re unarmed, in the middle of the night, and it’s dark. This is like the perfect moment where anyone can jump u-” “HELLO? IS ANYBODY HERE THAT CAN POSSIBLY JUMP ON US? BECAUSE MY FRIEND HERE...WELL, HE REALLY, REALLY WANTS TO GET JUMPED ON!” Seokjin yelled at the top of his lungs.


Yoongi quickly covered up Seokjin’s mouth. “Shut up! Do you want us to get jumped on?”

“Well, do you want to get jumped on?”

“Of course not!”
“Then stopped getting worked up about something else when I’m around.”

“You’re getting worked up on something that isn’t about me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m a handsome individual who has taken interest in you, and I don’t even know if our feelings are mutual.”

All Yoongi could do was gape at Seokjin who was carrying him. “I mean, what else is more worrying than I?”

“W-What if you get jumped on?”
“What if you get h-hurt because of me?”


Seokjin placed Yoongi down and leaned towards him. Seokjin flicked Yoongi’s forehead, “Ow!” “I’m already hurt because of you.” Yoongi rubbed his forehead and his eyes were wide, “You were the one that hurt me first.” “I meant the other way, idiot.” Seokjin kissed Yoongi’s forehead. Yoongi let out a tiny peep, he wasn’t expecting Seokjin to do that to him. “My heart,” Seokjin rubbed his chest, “it hurts because I can’t do anything to you and I have to hold back.” Yoongi couldn’t believe what he was hearing, Seokjin liked him? Yoongi couldn’t hold back either, and before he knew it, he ended up pulling Seokjin towards him, in for a kiss. Seokjin tilted his head, deepening the kiss. Yoongi had to break the kiss to breathe, he couldn’t move his body anymore. It was happening again, his legs were turning into jelly. He couldn’t feel them, he was heating up as well, “S-Seokjin, my legs, I- I can’t feel them…” Yoongi gave a small whimper. This snapped something in Seokjin’s mind. They happened to be near the playground from before, so Seokjin carried Yoongi and Yoongi sat down on the swing. Seokjin and Yoongi began their makeout session, Seokjin was pulling Yoongi in. While Yoongi was holding onto the chains of the swing, gripping them tightly, his knuckles were turning white. The sound of their lips connecting and the kiss breaking echoed around the playground. Yoongi was panting, his lips were swollen. Seokjin kissed him passionately again, as he broke the kiss, a trail of saliva connected both their lips. Seokjin his plump lips seductively. He left trails of kisses, anywhere where he can get his lips on. Seokjin gave Yoongi a hickey, Yoongi only whimpered, he had no ounce of power left in him to prevent Seokjin’s actions. Seokjin carried Yoongi, Yoongi was warm, panting, and slowly dozing off to sleep. “We’re kissing passionately at a children’s playground and here you are drifting to sleep. Yep, this is the person I’m interested in.” Seokjin gave a small chuckled, as he hoisted Yoongi over his back. “You never told me back there.” Yoongi wrapped his arms around Seokjin’s neck and yawned. “What do you mean?” Seokjin raised an eyebrow. “Which equipment was the best?” Yoongi murmured, his voice slowly quieting,  he was in a drowse. “The best? Well, it’s more like a favorite. You were my favorite one.” Seokjin laughed as he carried Yoongi out the park.


Author's Note:
What do you all think? Sometimes I feel as if I shouldn't have made this a one-shot lol.
This is for all you heart broken YoonJin fans lol, (also please excuse my terrible punctuation /cries)



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Chapter 1: So cute^_^
MrsLuhan88 #2
Chapter 1: This. Is.perfect. Gahhh can there be a SEQUEL PLEASSSEEEE
AssassinWitzard #3
Chapter 1: I hate you
great joooob i literally screamed every line :-) i even stopped for 15 minutes to just cry on the floor while staring at the ceiling, let me drown in depression i am really thankful for this i dont know anymore