chapter 3 alone time ^////////////^

onkey family

" onew why don't we go one a date since taemin had to go for a scheudle " key said as he started to put the dishes away . " sure why not my mom  just texed something hopefully she ok " onew said he stared at his phone then sighed . " key we might go to a concert for a group called music playes my mom said that her friend wich she meet when going to amercia she said that she wants us to meet her so and more like demmand and the girl has a gift for us " onew said handing his phone over ." ok then should eave soon since we  may pap and fans " key said . " ok then lets get dress and go ok " onew said. 

after a while 

" hi you must mrs. lee son " a girl said but she was on her knees looking for something . " um yes what are looking for " key asked . " my glasses i cant see i lost them after heel broke " the girl said then onew and key hepled her find them " 

 the best could find her she has blue 

eyes  and then her britsh friend  

" thank you so much i would get yelled by my friend  for losing this pair wich i got form him " the girl said blushing . " aw so cute whats your name dear . " key asked as cleanded her glasses then put them on . " oh where my manners I'm Music players only sweetie girl Sonya nice metcha SHINee dudu leader and almighty key here your vip tickets " she said to them then they heard a voice come behind her . " SONYA WE HAVE PROBLEM " a britsih guy said in english . " what do mean my dear leader " sonya said angered . " well eric nam canuled so did day 6 jae do to colds we dont have a special stage for our fans " the guy said . " i got a plan onew ssi key please can do promfonce with us " sonya beggedto them . " ok "  they said . " thank you so much our fans would love this ok here the music sheets i trust you guys can learn it quik with the help from me right " sonya draggig them to her dressing room . " ok i got 20 minutes before i need to go to stage lets get started " she said . 

time skip

" sonya we need you on stage " the twins came to her dressing room   " ok you to work hard lets go twins " sonya said runing with the twins . " hey onew i rememed my part so did you let put our tickets and see them sing " key said . Onew nodded they say the whole group the music then scared poor sonya by picking her up . (the french member  then the chinese  best i could find him the finesh member  then greek  thats all ) " wow look like all them are from different places " onew said . " hey guys did enjoy part of our show said sweeting . " ya so where are you guys come from " key asked . " oh im from good old America and sate is pennsylvania then we got england , japan,  italy , finland , greece , and cina . " she told them going to change and pointing to go change quikly . ( ofiut  ) " ok guys were on next " she said to them . " hi guys we have a suripse for yall . " sonya said then telling key and onew to come up . "please give warm welcomeing to onew and key from SHINee " sonya said as boys came up and the started to sing . 

after the conert 

" thank you guys so much oh our ceo said to us that you can come when any time to poprocket and to any dorms of all groups oh tell your ceo that he will be getting something impronat oh here the gift i got for the new couple and your baby taemin and the other for SHINee "sonya she gave them two boxes . " bye guys thank for make it  some much fun singing i'll tell my ceo about bye music player bye sonya " key and onew said they had good time with the MUSICPLAYERS  everybody who got to know them their where down earth ecipally their leader / mankae and sonya . 

at SHINee dorm . 


" umma appa did you have nice day " taemin said hugging them once they got back from their date . " ya we meet the MUSIC PLAYERS and got gifts " said onew . " cool why does this one say onkey and baby taemin   ? " asked . " oh that because for us two and you lets see what inside "  said key once uponed they found necklace that look like pice of a heart . Then a necklaase for onew and key.     " umma you get the heart and appa get the key and look each one has you name craven into and this one has mine "  said taemin he put it on . " hey look a letter " onew said he started to read it . 


Dear onkey family,

       I sonya gave you these things for a reason you see you guys real made  follow my dreams.

also my family did to but i have something called austim

wich means i have hard doing some stuff like expreining my feelings 

i also have ahd so i have time sit still my memeber understood

that i may hyper all sudden and talk really fast once i got exited or nevours 

i have had heard time school when it come to writing strienten stuff

i cant speak my mind like most do 

so i sing it out loud pride like my daddy told me

i love your music keep doing it they  you do oh i found about your feeling for 

each other once i meet your mother before your debut 

we told me how onew liked key and key liked onew 

i said give them time love cant be rushed oh me and gadalof 

are your sunbaes do to we been in the music busy before you guys dont worry 

we dont like  be called that it gets arwaked 

onew your manake is the leader do to expence with leading

so do i but i didnt want it do im shy at times and if your asking 

all member are dating each other expect me and the leader we want wait besides

that we deal with them have lover qual and no twincest

do hope for the best of your realtion ship 


sincelrly sonya silvier 

" ok how about we eat then go to  bed we got secudles tommorow " onew said . 





end for now 




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