Personality Clash

Personality Clash

I think of myself as a warm person. I’m friendly, I’m kind, I don’t bully anyone. I try to be on good terms with everyone. I don’t want any enemies. In general, I want people to like me, so I act like it. But sometimes it’s impossible. It’s impossible to be nice to him. I know everyone’s different and during your life, you will meet people you’ll just have to avoid. But Oh Sehun is the only person on earth, that makes my head spin. 

When our best friends announced that they were in a relationship, I was happy. Suho, one of Sehun’s closest friends is amazing. He’s nice, gentle, humble. Basically everything opposite of Sehun. And I was happy because my best friend deserves someone like Suho. 

Then my other friends became close with other members of Sehun’s circle. And after a month, there was nothing I could do, but to sit with a huge crowd during lunch at school. I didn’t mind those boys. They were always so loud and happy. It was like being with energetic puppies. But it also meant that I had to sit at the same table as Oh Sehun. 

You probably think I’m exaggerating. I mean what could be so hard with ignoring a boy for an hour right? I thought so too. I was so wrong. 

Absolutely every word Sehun said, irritated me. I don’t even know why we were such opposites, but it was obvious, that we couldn’t be left alone, unattended. If our friends weren’t sitting around us, we’d probably claw each other throats.  

This went on for months. Our friends tried to bring us to reason, but it was all in vain. Sehun and I were born to hate each other. And just when I thought, that I got used to those everyday fights…. 

It was just a normal day. I was standing in the corridor, chatting with my best friend, when Suho and Sehun approached us. I did my best to ignore him and his meaningless comments. But in the end, my self control wasn’t enough. 

“Why are you so quiet, Y/N?” he turned to me. “Usually you have a big supply of those absurd thoughts.” 

“Sehun, shut up and be nice!” Suho told him. He was sensing a fight and he was right.

“No, it’s okay, Suho, I want to hear what our dear friend has to say.” I said and turned my gaze to Sehun. My stare was aggressive and so was his. 

“Y/N, Sehun, let’s not fight okay?” my best friend grabbed my arm.

“We’re not fighting. Arguments should have a motive. I don’t think Y/N has ever heard about that. She’s too used to talking without even understanding the words she says.” Sehun said without looking away from me. 

I know I should’ve ignored him. I could have just walked away, but with Oh Sehun, that meant losing. And I would never allow that.

I’m sure, soon our “argument” could have been heard on the other side of the planet. I did exactly as he said, and didn’t once think about what I yelled at him. Finally, I was emptying my heart and it felt good. I couldn’t even hear half of what he was saying to me. 

Our fight would probably last much more, if we hadn’t heard familiar voice yell at us. 

We had been loud enough for the principal to hear us. In the matter of seconds I was sitting in his cabinet with Sehun on my right. The principal went on and on about how we were immature and irresponsible children, who couldn’t even keep their own thoughts to themselves. 

“I’m tired of you two always getting in these kinds of situations. I have no other choice. You two will work together for school, for as long as it takes for you to get along. Is it clear?” he said finally.

“I said, is it clear?” the principal continued. “You’ll start today. I’ll let someone inform you on your duties. Now go and don’t ever let me see what I saw today.”

As I was walking out, I cursed everyone and everything I could think of. Working with him, for who knows how long! This would definitely be the end of me.

“You know it’s your fault right.” I heard him say behind me.

“If you start over again, I swear, even the president won’t be enough to stop me from strangling you.” I told him. “Don’t come near me!”

“Oh, you’re deaf, along with everything else. We’ll have to work together, Y/N. Or is you little brain to slow? Are you still getting that information?” 

“Goodbye, Sehun.” I said and walked away. 

The rest of the day was torture. All I could think about was my detention. My friends only said that it’s my fault. That there’s definitely something wrong if I’m the only person in our group who fights with Sehun. To be honest, I’ve thought about that, but my thoughts were always interrupted, by his annoying voice and stupid comments. How could I even think about getting closer with him.

At the end of the day, one of the teachers came up to me to inform me about my detention. Sehun and I, would have to restock the books in the library and then clean up in the kitchen. If we didn’t have enough time, kitchen would have to be cleaned tomorrow. 

I didn’t want this. I’d clean whole school, if only he would go home. I basically dragged my feet to the library. I looked for the books that needed restocking. It turned out to be another small library. I was definitely stuck here for a long time. 

Sehun still hadn’t showed up, but I started working. Then we’d have less work to do together and maybe my torture wouldn’t be as long. 

I quietly sorted the books by genres and put them in their rightful places. It was actually a lot more pleasant then I’d thought. The library was deserted and calm. But then Mr. Oh showed up. He slammed the door loudly and threw his leather jacket on the floor.

“You’re 20 minutes late, you know that?” I asked.

“You missed me already? You should’ve just called, Y/N, I would have run as fast as I could.” he replied.

“Listen here, idiot, either be quiet, or go away, I don’t need your help.” 

“I think you forgot the goal of this detention. We have to get along. I’m not going anywhere.” he said and sat down on a wooden chair.

“Then lift your up and start working.” I told him.

The bickering continued for a long long time. 

We, or should I say, I, finished work after almost 6 hours. I was already exhausted, but leaving meant that I had to see him, tomorrow, that’s why I dragged him out of the library, into the kitchen. Inside there were hundreds of plates, needed to be cleaned and put in their place. 

I started without even glancing at Sehun. 

“You know it’s almost 10 pm, why aren’t you tired yet?” he asked.

“Who says, I’m not tired, I just want to finish earlier, so I can get away from your face.”

“Oh, don’t lie, everyone wants my handsome face.” he grinned.

“Why are you in such a good mood? You’re stuck with me for the whole day. You’re supposed to be hating me remember?” I asked.

“I’m in a good mood, because I want to be in a good mood. And besides I’m having a great time.”

“Of course you’re having a great time! You’ve been sitting there watching me work for hours!!”

“Oh my god, why are you so whiny? Here I’ll help you!” he said and picked up those plates that needed to be put in the closet. 

Finally he disappeared from view, until I heard a loud noise of things (probably plates, but I wouldn’t mind it being Sehun’s neck) breaking. I ran to the closet and inside, I saw him sitting on the floor. The plates were shattered on the floor and I looked at Sehun’s hands. They were covered in blood. 

“Oh my god, you idiot, what did you do?!” I exclaimed. 

“I slipped and they fell out of my hands, it’s not my fault!!” he yelled.

“I’m talking about your hands, why did you pick the pieces up? Look how much blood you’ve lost!” 

“I didn’t pick anything! I fell and my hands landed on those broken plates! Why are you standing, help me! I’m bleeding to death!” 

“Don’t be a drama queen, it’s just blood, Sehun.” I told him, as I kneeled next to him to see his cuts.

“Yes, but it’s my blood and I can’t lose much of it you know!” he said to my face.

I let go of his hands. “You know I’m just going to leave you now.” I told him and stood up. He didn’t say anything for a few seconds.

“Y/N” he said carefully. “Please, come back.” What was I hearing? Oh Sehun was asking for something. “Please, I’ve always been afraid of these things. I’m not feeling well.” 

I looked at his face, to see if he was kidding. 

He wasn’t.

He was almost as white, as the pieces of plates around him. His hands were shacking as he looked at them. 

I quickly sat back next to him and took his hands into mine. 

“Hey, Sehun, look at me. Don’t look at your hands okay? Look at me.” But he wasn’t listening. 

“Sehun!” I said and placed my palm on his cheek. This time he looked. “I know where I can get first aid box. I’ll be here in a minute okay? Just don’t look at your hands, everything’s alright.” 

For the first time, I saw him scared. He was actually frightened. 

“No, I’ll come with you.” he said, his voice was shaking.

“I don’t want you to lose more blood. I’ll be here in 20 seconds. Count if you want, okay?” I said and quickly ran to the nearest bathroom, that I knew kept the first aid kit. When I returned I heard him. He was actually counting. I re his 18 and opened the box. 

In the nearest sink, I drenched a little fabric in water and washed away his blood. His breathing was slowly becoming stable. I wrapped his hands in bandage and showed him, that he was already safe. 

Color returned to his face, but he still couldn’t speak.

Then I noticed that when I had placed my hand on his cheek earlier, I’d left some of his blood on it. With that little cloth, I rubbed it off, as gently as I could. His eyes were now focused on mine, but Instead of being aggressive, the the gaze was more warm and grateful.

“Tha-thank you..” he stuttered on his words. 

“It’s nothing.” I whispered back. “I-I didn’t know y-you were afraid of blood.” 

“Don’t tell anyone.” he said quietly “Please.” This was the second time he had said please in an hour. 

“I won’t. But you know no one will laugh at you.” I told him. He was quiet. My eyes explored his face and for the first time, I noticed how beautiful his features were. He was different. He seemed vulnerable. This wasn’t the boy I started fighting with. After a long minute he whispered: 

“I know, but I want this night to stay private.”


“Because, maybe from today we can get along.” he said. I was thinking about his words, about what he meant, but I was cut off. His soft lips were now gently caressing my cheek. I felt shivers down my body and I was sure he could feel it. His lips lingered at the corner of my mouth for a little longer and he pulled away. I couldn’t think straight. This feeling that was forming in my body, was very unfamiliar. I finally understood what those butterflies meant, but for me, it was more like an army of bees. 

“We’ll have to work tomorrow.” I suddenly said out loud. 

“Yes, I know” he whispered. 

“I won’t let you touch those plates again.”

“I’ll come anyway.”

“Your hands have to heal properly, you should call in sick.” 

“I won’t.” 

“Why are you being like this?” 

“Like what?” he asked me.

“I’m telling you that you can skip detention and you say you won’t do that.” 

Suddenly he looked at his hands and smiled back at me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N. Don’t disappoint me.”

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junmenpapi #1
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!
Chapter 1: Great story ^^
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute cute
ciarashii #4
Chapter 1: This story is so cute. I hope you'll write a sequel for this authornim :)