
If you were a library book, I'd check you out
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There he was again. The fifth time this week.


At the main desk, standing there  with his gorgeous face showing his charming smile to everyone he encountered, old women and young children alike.


But I had a Biology exam the next day. One I was severely unprepared for. I couldn't just spend my time looking at him like some weirdo. No matter how sweet his eye-smile or perfect his teeth which just happened to be framed by thick lips that I would love to-


"ing hell..." I muttered under my breath as I forced myself to look away from the main desk, down at the diagram of DNA laughing at me from the textbook spread out on the table.


I let out a louder groan than I anticipated as I sank my face into my palms, my elbows digging into the cold surface of the wood beneath me, earning me a disapproving look from the old man sat across from me.


Not that I cared. I was going to fail my exam tomorrow and it was all his fault. He was too distracting.


Do you think that's a good reason to skip an exam? I might need a note. From him to be precise. It would be an excuse to talk to him…


 'To whom it may concern, unfortunately Sehun will not be able to participate in the exam today as he is so damn thirsty for my-'


A less than graceful snort escaped me before the imaginary him could finish  and I only just managed to cover my mouth, still earning myself another pissed look from the old man. It took all my will power not to throw him the finger and, instead, look back down at my very important Biology work. Important, yes. Very very important.


He was crouched down next to the desk, gracing his beautiful features to some ungrateful little kid who was throwing paperbacks to the floor. He talked to the pouting little girl with animated expressions and exaggerated movements before he pushed a few strands of hair out of her red face, uncovering a piece of candy from behind her ear. This inevitably cheered her up considerably, turning her pouting face into a wide eye-smiling expression of giggles.


He's even good with kids! Ugh- I cant stand the little s but the fact that he can deal with them like that makes me want him more. Do I need to make that much fuss and destroy public property for you to give me your attention too?


Because I might consider it.


. Concentrate, Sehun. You'll end up failing and going nowhere in life all because of some guy’s .


I cradled my head in my hands as I practically forced myself to look down at the pages. The hydrogen bonds holding the base pairs break- DNA Polymerase catalyses the addition of free nucleotides to the exposed bases- Each chain acts as a template- The result is two DNA molecules, each made up of one newly synthesised chain- This is called the semi-conservative hypethesis-


It is a cute though-


I slammed the textbook closed, louder than I intended. That's it, I'm getting no where. My fate is in the hands of the Biology Gods now.


The slam of the book was the last straw from my beloved best friend across the table. He grumbled some kind of complaint before closing his own book and hauling himself up from the table, moving away from me.


Charming. I didn't bother to hide my glare at his back as he waddled away only being torn out of my reverie

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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 1: Good first chap, pkease more
SHINeeXxXLove #2
Chapter 1: OMG first chapter and it's already so perfect!
Wuzzup #3
Sekai and library YES YES YES