Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes

Some people say they hate their birthdays. Some people even hide them. But you never understood that. How can you hate the day you were born? You’re not exactly the partying type and you’ve never even had a big birthday party, just a small gathering with your close friends is just an yearly event. You don’t even invite anyone. Your close friends just know that you’ll be waiting with house full of food. 

But last year, you invited Kim Junmyeon.

It wasn’t like you weren’t friends. You were pretty close, considering the fact that he had his own circle of friends and you had yours. You didn’t really hang out together so you didn’t expect him to know when you were born. 

He surprised you. On your birthday, you went to search for him, but he found you first. With a gift in his hands and a big warm smile on his face, he welcomed you in a big hug and told you how happy he wanted you to be for the rest of your life. The shock didn’t leave your face even when he was sitting in your living room, chatting and laughing with your friends. That was the moment you realized that, you wouldn’t get tired of looking at his smile. His laugh made everything around him shine. And it made you happy.

You really hoped that he wouldn’t forget this day, this year. As it was your senior year, your friends persuaded you to organize a big party. “You won’t meet those people on your next birthday” was all they said to you for a month, so you agreed. Your parents weren’t against it and maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea.

This time, you didn’t tell anyone. Your friends made sure, whole school knew about your party, and you were sure Suho and his circle would hear about it too. Suho was a nickname his friends had given Junmyeon. “Guardian”. Because he always takes care of them. And to be honest, your sympathy for him grew and grew every time you thought about that. 

He was perfect like that. Probably the richest kid in school, so of course he was very popular. He didn’t mind spending his money on his friends, that’s why many tried to get close to him. But it didn’t make him arrogant. No, he tried even harder, so people would see his personality before his money. He had told you this few months ago and at that point you felt that you were actually falling for him. 

On your birthday, you wanted to see him in school. You hoped, you’d get some kind of a clue that he’d come to your party, but he was nowhere to be seen. You noticed some of his friends at lunch, but you weren’t close enough with them to ask where Suho was. You were disappointed, but all you could do was wait.

At 9 o’clock, your house was already packed. Mostly with people, you had never talked to before. Your friends tried to spend the night with you, but you knew they really wanted to party and have the time of their lives, and you just couldn’t keep them to yourself. It was pleasant when people wished you happy birthday, (even if they hadn’t even heard your name few day ago), but you were still waiting for him.

You told yourself that he was probably busy in the evening and would join you later, but at midnight, you lost all hope. You didn’t even see his friends and you were sure they were invited. Well it didn’t matter to you, that your party wasn’t important for them, but Suho… Every time you thought about him, your heart felt heavier and heavier.

Eventually, you lost all desire to be among those loud people. You walked to the door of the house, trying to avoid dancers, who’d most likely give you many kinds of injuries, if you got too close to them. You walked out into the street and tried to consume as much fresh air, as you could. It was a bit chilly, as you started to walk, but you didn’t really care. 

You were just walking alone, and trying to understand, why an absence of one person, made you want to throw everyone out of your house and just hide in your own sadness. You scolded yourself for being such a stupid girl. Hating your birthday because a boy didn’t come? How old were you?! 

These thoughts didn’t let you notice a car, that was slowing down and when you looked back, it was already following your steps. How could you be so stupid not to notice it? Great! Now some creep was stalking you, on your own birthday.

You kept walking, when the car behind you stopped. You didn’t look back, but you could hear the door open and someone get out. Now their footsteps quickened as they got closer to you. Your heart was beating so fast, you thought it would burst. Finally you couldn’t take it anymore and turned around. 

In front of you was standing, no one else but Suho. 

You didn’t know when your heart was beating faster, at the thought of some maniac following you, or at the sight of him smiling.

“Are you crazy? You almost gave me a heart attack.” you said loudly. 

“Did I scare you? I’m so sorry!” He looked really worried and it made you laugh.

“I just thought some freak was following me, yeah, it was nothing.” you said sarcastically. “What are you doing here?” 

“Are you asking me? I came to a party without a birthday girl.” 

“I couldn’t stand it anymore.” you looked at your feet, “sorry that I wasn’t there, but I didn’t think you’d come.” 

“Why wouldn’t I?” he asked you.

“I don’t know…” 

“Come on, let’s finish your walk together.” he said and you started to walk slowly, never looking at each other.

After some time in silence, Suho started talking.

“So.. why did you leave your own party?”

“I.. I didn’t feel like dancing… or talking.. or being there.” you stuttered.

“But why have a party in the first place?” he asked confused.

“Well, my friends talked me into it and … to be honest, I also wanted it.. kinda, but now I realized, I wanted it for a different reason.” you said and you knew if he questioned you, you would tell him everything. 

“Will you tell me the reason?” he asked after a minute. You wanted to say it and you did.

“I’ll be honest. I lost the joy, when you didn’t came.” you could feel how hard you were blushing and hoped he didn’t notice.

“But, I came.” he said.

“Yes, now I see.” 

You were quiet again. 

He was the one to break silence again.

“Can I be honest too?” he asked.


“You wanna know the reason I was late?” 

“I don’t know, do I?” you returned the question. You certainly didn’t want the answer, if it would break your heart.

“I didn’t want you to have this party.” he said calmly.

You thought about his words. What could he mean behind them?

“Why?” you asked.

“To be honest, I’ve been waiting for your birthday, for quite some time now.” he stopped walking.

“I’ve been waiting, because I thought you’d have that small gathering, with your friends. I really enjoyed it last year and this time, I also wanted some private time with you. And when I heard about this big party, I was disappointed and didn’t want to come.” he gaze was making you weak and you didn’t know how much longer you’d hold it. “But I couldn’t stay home either.”

“Why?” you asked.

“I had to give you your present, didn’t I?” he said and pulled a small box from his back pocket.

“Actually it’s kind of special and I’m really glad we’re not among those animals back at your home.” you laughed, but it wasn’t because of the joke.

You were nervous. So nervous that you whole body was shaking.

“Are you cold?” he asked. His face was very worried.

“Yes, a little.” you lied.

“Wait here, I’ll get the car.” he said and quickly ran to the opposite direction. You understood his nickname. He was always ready to take care of you. He drove back so quickly, that you didn’t even have time to think about his previous words.

You got in the car and waited for him to continue. 

“So, am I gonna see my present, or what?” you asked, smiling at him.

He laughed. “God, I’m nervous, I totally forgot.” he said and pulled the box. 

“Boys laughed at me, when I showed them, but I love it. And I hope you’ll love it too.” He opened the box. Inside was a small pendant, on a thin golden chain. It was so beautiful and simple at the same time, that you lost all your ability to speak.

What did he mean, by this?

“Do.. do you like it?” he asked.

“Suho… this is beautiful, where did you find it?” 

“Actually I had it made for you, so it’s sort of, one of a kind.” He said as a matter of fact. But it made you speechless.


“No, please, don’t say that I didn’t have to and you can’t take it, okay? It’s been made for you, what am I going to do with it.” he told you.

“I’d never say that. It’s true you didn’t have to but, I love this. I can’t even express how thankful I am, or how to pay you back.” 

“Firstly. let me put it on you.” he smiled and as always, all the worries disappeared. He pulled the pendant and put it around your neck. 

“And secondly…” he continued.

“Whatever you wish, Suho.”

“Well, then, I’d love it if you would take this present as a hint, that maybe I want to be more than just your friend.” he said, but when he saw my stunned face, he added “only if you want to, of course.”

I was silent. I was smiling. I was happy.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

“How I never want to return to that party.” you answered and pulled him into a hug. He hid his face in the crook of your neck and you could feel his smile.

“Can I take that as a yes?” he mumbled.

“Take that as you want, but I’m not letting you go now.”

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diana05 #1
Chapter 1: this story is so cute ^^
Chapter 1: This is actually really cute :3 I was smiling all along, even though I know how it will end. Refreshing :D

Thank you for posting this!

Hwaiting~!! ^^