6. Neighbors Reunion

Game On

Next Day



"Morning Sweetie, Can you give these to ms. Ahn next door??" 

"Sure thing mom."

Jiyoon took the lunchbox, changed clothes and went next door.


Ding Dong

"I'm coming!"

"Oh Hello-- Jiyoon?"


"Long time no see!" I said

"Yeah! You too" She replied

"How are you?"

"I just recovered from my sickness yesterday. I took 2 days off school if you are wondering." She said.

"But how come i haven't seen you in 3 years??"

"i went to a school that has a dorm in it. Since its pretty far and i dont wanna waste money."

"...are you in KNST?"

"Yep.. How did you know?"

"I'm transferring there."

"REALLY? wow we are gonna see each other often!!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah, oh and here is a lunchbox for your family." I handed the lunchbox to her.

"Ddok? (Rice Cakes) These are my favorites! Your mom makes them really good, Even better than my mom! Jaehyun will like it!" She squealed.

"...Jaehyun?" I said unsure

"Yeah? Ahn Jae Hyun? My brother?" 

Just in time, somebody called from inside.

"Heeyoun-ah, who is that?"


"Wait!" Someone grabbed my arm.

"Kwon Jiyoon? Long time no see!" Jaehyun greeted.

"H-hi Jaehyun ....." i said unsurely.

"How are you? You always run away from me." He pouted.

that's because i liked you idiot!!

"Um.......  "

"You like him don't you?" Hani whispered.

"MWO?" I blushed.

"Why don't you come in?" Jaehyun suggested.

"No-Thanks...." i instantly rejected.

"Who is this?" An unknown woman appeared.

"Oh, this is Kwon Jiyoon, my neighbor." Jaehyun introduces us.

"HI, im Gu Hyesun! Nice to meet you!" She shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"She's Jaehyun's girlfriend." Hani whispered again.

"Oh. Well then, i've got to get going." I said blankly

"I'll come with you, here bro, take this, bye!" Hani said.


in the Park

"What's with the blank face?"

Hani and I were swingings on the swings.


"You still like Jaehyun after all these years?"

"No, i just didnt like him anymore."

"Why? Is it because of Hyesun Unnie?" She asked

"No, Jaehyun is like 5 years older than me, and I don't want to steal anyone's boyfriend. They're happy together. Im not gonna ruin that."

"Well Hyesun Unnie is older than Jaehyun. I didnt like her at first, but she's nice."

"Well, I've got to go pack now." I sighed and stood up.

"Are you coming to the dorm tomorrow?"

"Yes, expect me later."



"Good bye Noona! Take care!" Jiwoo screamed.

"Yeah, bye!"


Hani texted me today that she will help me bring my boxes to the dorm.

We met in front of our houses, and took the subway together.



"Hi Jiyoon!" Jaesoo shouted.

"Hi Jaesoo."

"Hi, Hani!" Jaesoo greeted.

"Hi Jaesoo" she greeted back.

"Wait, how do you guys know each other?"

"She lives in the room next to us, with Somi." Jaesoo explained.

"I'm in the Jurnalistic club with Somi." Hani explained.


"OH hi Somi, we just talked about you." I said.

"Good thigs yeah? How are you? Are you better Hani?" 

"I am, thanks."

"Lets help Jiyoon bring her things."

"Somi, you take the clothes #1, Hani you take shoes and accesories, I will take clothes #2, and Jungkook, you bring books & Comics."

"Wait, Jungkook?" I blinked

"In the flesh." He smiled.

"When did you get here?" Hani said shocked

" 30 seconds ago."

"You creep." Somi mocked.

"Guys i will bring the snack and food box." I said.

"Good, let's go to our room then! 104 here we go!" They rushed, and left me alone.

"Did they seriously leave me alone here...." 

I saw a guy walking lazily into the dorm.

"Excuse me, do you know where the girls part of the dorm is?" I asked. 

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you take me there?" I pleaded

"...why, you can ask for directions..." he said unsurely

"I'm bad at directions... one time i went to the boys bathroom at my old school and saw a ---mph"

He clamps his hand into my mouth

"Okay, thats enough. I'll take you there."

"Thanks! Its room 104." I smiled

"... Let me take the box."



"Its really heavy.."

"That consists of food? Yeah right. Gimme that."

"Drop that!"


"Its a song that I like."

"Okay, give me the box." 


I gave the box to him. In reality,, the box was really heavy.

"....What is in this box.." he mumbled

"Heavy , isnt it? Its full of food." I smiled

"This heavy? It's like 6 kilos!" He shouted

"Yeah.. im a food lover"

"How come you are not fat?" He looked at me up and down.

"Are you mocking me? I do sports." I said proudly

"What kind of??"

"Everything, really. But my favorite one is soccer" i said adoringly

"I'm a soccer player myself, but too bad there is no team here anymore.." he said gloomily



"HEY, im gonna make a soccer team with 11 people in it. Do you want to join?" I pleaded

"With a field like that?"

"They are gonna fix it by the time we got all the recquirements. A supervisor, a coach, a manager, a secretary, and a minimum of 11 players." I counted.

"That's a lot. Hey, we haven't introduced ourselves? I'm Lee Joon."

"Kwon Ji yoon. With that athlethic build of yours, i didnt think you'll be that weak." I mocked


"So i need to find 10 more players, a coach, and a supervisor..." i counted off

"You found a manager and a secretary?? But wait! I didnt say that i'll join." He rushed

"Dont worry, with that attittude of yours, i know you will join. I'm gonna be the manager and Jaesoo is gonna be the secretary."

"Maybe you should make an ad about it in the school bulletin. People pass by it everyday, and make it huge and interesing as possible." He suggest

"Whoa, not bad of an idea.We'll get a full team in a week!" I cheered.

"You have to get the approval of the Council Head, Kim Junsu."

"I'll get it on Monday."

"...He's pretty scary for a 3rd year." He shuddered

"Oh, i'll be fine with it. Oh here is 104! Thanks Joon." I smiled

"Yeah, thank you too. Here is my line id if you need to contact me." He gave me a post it note.

"Thanks, i'll contact you later. What class are you in?"

"I'm a 3rd year. We have the system here that you can even join the ckubs until you are in college, as long as its in KSNT's reccomendation list. I'm in 3-D, majoring in dance."

"There ia majors?????? How come i did not know??"

"You take them in 2nd grade. Be sure of your choices. Now Tut Tut, i have an appointment with someone in 15 more minutes. Bye!" He gave the box back to me and waved while he left.

I waved back and went in the room

"What took you so long? " jungkook asked

"Ooh, she got a line id from a boy! A 3rd year!" Hani whistled

"Lee Joon? Like the most best dancer in school? Wow, havent been studying for a day and jackpot." Jaesoo wowed

"Hey Jaesoo, i found 1 of 11 soccer players, can you be the secretary?" I pleaded

"Sure, why not?" She shrugged

"By the way, Somi and Hani, can you help us make an ad for the soccer team? I need to give it to someone named Kim Junsu later." I asked

"Sure why not," Hani said.

"We'll make it big!!" Somi cheered.

"Thanks guys!"

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Chapter 5: She has great hopes. But, from hopes to making them happen is a long way.
Chapter 2: Good thing that she has the principal and his daughter as support in the new school.
Chapter 1: Now we know the story behind her transfer. Let's see what's happening from now on.