
Yongsun's Someone


You deserves who wants you, only you, and makes you feel wanted. Someone who can’t help but message you first thing in the morning when the sun light is slow-dancing through the curtain, and they’re barely waking.

“Ahh. I’m welcoming sunrise again.” Yongsun said as she realized that she had been up all night finishing paper works. She stood up from her desk and went to the kitchen to whip up a cup of coffee.

“Oh, well. Better enjoy it since it’s here already.” She took her freshly made coffee and headed for the balcony, the sun was coming up in a few minutes.


She looked at her phone. One unread message. It was from her girlfriend, Byulyi. She opened it.

“Good morning, my sunshine. I see you’re already up…or you’re still up. Whatever. Come to bed, I wanna cuddle with you. I love you~ <3” It read. A smile formed on Yongsun’s lips.

She went back to her bedroom, placed her phone and cup of coffee at the table by their bed and dived into the covers, finding her way to her sleepy girlfriend. Byulyi often sleeps over. This was one of those nights.

“Good morning~” She said as she wrapped her hands around Byulyi. Byulyi moved so that she was facing Yongsun and wrapped her arms around Yongsun’s body as well. “Good morning baby.” Byulyi said, eyes still closed.

“Why did you send me a text? You could’ve just-“ Yongsun’s words were cut by Byulyi pressing her lips against hers. “Shhh, no talking. It’s still so early.”  Byulyi said, withdrawing from their kiss. Yongsun could only smile and the two cuddled the early morning away before facing the day ahead.

Someone who wants to spend their drunken Friday nights with you, but also their lazy lemonade Sundays. You deserve to be someone’s first choice. Someone’s best friend. Someone’s partner in crime. Someone’s everything.

Yongsun was on her way home from work. Even though it was a Friday night, she didn’t bother going out to party with her friends. After all, she doesn’t really handle her alcohol that very well. Her phone rang just when she entered the elevator so she wasn’t able to answer it, it was from Byulyi. When she reached her floor and she immediately sent a text to Byulyi, informing her that she was in the elevator at the time she called.

Yongsun walked towards her apartment door when she noticed someone was sitting by her door. She bent down so her face was on the same level as the girl napping by her door. The girl reeked of alcohol, Yongsun frowned.

“Byul?” She poked the girl’s left cheek, Byulyi opened her eyes.

“Yongdunniee! You’re here~ Why you no answer your phone-*hick*” Byulyi said, gibberish. Her cheeks were already red.

Yongsun sighed, “Come on, let’s stand up and get you inside.” She said as she helped her girlfriend.

“I have two bottles of soju. Let’s drink!” Byulyi said, lifting her hand, showing that she did have a plastic with two soju bottles inside. Yongsun carefully sat her girlfriend on the couch.

“Why did you drink, Byul-ah?” Yongsun sat beside Byulyi. “Did something happen at work?” She asked frowning. Byulyi nodded and opened one bottle, handed it to Yongsun then opening the second bottle for her.

“Geonbae!!!” Byulyi initiated the cheers. Yongsun chuckled at her drunk girlfriend, clicked her bottle against Byulyi’s and they drank.

“So, what happened at work, baby? Tell me, I’ll listen.” Yongsun asked.

Byulyi pouted, “Boss scolded me.” Byulyi said, tears were already forming on her eyes.

Yongsun could only smile at Byulyi. She looked like a kid tattletaling. “Ohh, Is that so? Aigoo, our poor Byulyi.” She said, as if she was talking to a child and patted Byulyi’s head while Byulyi was nodding.

Yongsun chuckled; she put her soju down at the table. “Come here, baby. Let me hug you.” She said while smiling and opening her arms. Byulyi rushed into Yongsun’s embrace after also putting her soju down on the table. “Aigoo, my big baby got scolded at work? Who dare do that to my, Byul-ie?” Yongsun asked.

Byulyi looked up so that she could see Yongsun’s face, “It’s true!! My boss scolded me!!” She cried like a kid then buried her face against Yongsun’s chest. “There, there…It’s okay, I’m here. Shh. It’s okay.” Yongsun calmed the crying Byulyi down as she her back gently.


Someone who holds their one-person umbrella right above you when it’s bucketing down, so that you’re sheltered, even if it means they get soaked through.

“I’m going to the market for a while, I’m-we’re out of food. Do you want me to buy you something specifically?” Yongsun walked past Byulyi and headed for the door, stopping to put her shoes on.

“Nah, I’m good with whatever you’re buying. Hurry back, okay?” Byulyi answered, eyes on the TV. “Okay, I’ll be right back. Love you!” Yongsun shouted as she left her apartment. “Love you too!” Byulyi shouted back.

A few minutes later, Byulyi heard thunder. “Huh? Is it going to rain? Did Yongsun bring an umbrella?” She thought as she looked at the window, it was getting cloudy and lightning could be seen from time to time.

She switched the channels to look whether any channel was broadcasting the weather. One did, it was on the flash news report. It said that Seoul would most likely experience thunderstorm throughout the day.

She stood up and walked to their door, looked for the umbrella. It was there. “Yongsun forgot to bring the umbrella.” She frowned.

She went back to the living room, got her phone and dialed Yongsun’s number. Only to find out that Yongsun left her phone too, it was on the kitchen counter. She heard another thunder, only louder.

Byulyi didn’t waste any more time, she quickly turned the TV off then headed to the bedroom to get a jacket, grabbed the umbrella on her way out. She ran to the market, good thing it wasn’t raining yet.


Yongsun just finished doing the groceries and was heading out the market store, when the rain poured hard. “Aish. I forgot to bring an umbrella.” She stayed inside for a while, thinking of what to do.

“Ahhh, screw it. It’s only a few blocks away. I can run for it.” Yongsun decided.

Just as she stepped out of the store, expecting to get wet, she didn’t. “Huh?” She looked up only to see an umbrella over her. Her eyes widened as she saw Byulyi, already drenched in the rain.

“Yaaah!” She shouted and pulled Byulyi closer so as to share the umbrella. “Why didn’t you bring another one!!? You’re already soaked!” She scolded.

Byulyi just laughed. “Says the one who actually forgot to bring an umbrella.” Yongsun eyed her. “Well, I’m sorry. It didn’t seem like it would rain a while ago.”

“Let’s go?” Byulyi said, still holding the umbrella over Yongsun. “I’m already soaked anyway so it doesn’t matter if I brought only one.” Byulyi smiled. Yongsun sulked. “Come on now, baby. So that I can wash off already.” Byulyi pulled Yongsun as she walked, carefully making sure that Yongsun doesn’t get wet by the rain.

You deserve someone who thinks of you, often. Someone who calls you on the phone at the end of a long day, because they want to hear the sound of your voice before they drift off into slumber.

Byulyi was on a business trip to Tokyo. She’s has just been there two days and tonight is her last night. She was flying back to Seoul first thing next morning.  She had just finished an incredible nerve-wracking conference with their company’s most valued clients and she is already exhausted as she can be.

She’s back at her hotel room, looking over Tokyo’s night skyline, admiring it. But something is missing.

She took her phone, dialed her girlfriend’s number and laid down to her bed. After a few rings, she picked up. “Hey, baby. How’s Tokyo?” She couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her girlfriend’s voice.

“I miss you.” Byulyi answered. “I miss your smile. I miss your scent. I miss-“

She was cut by Yongsun. “Stop being greasy, Moon Byulyi.” She heard a chuckle, she swears she could even hear her smiling. “But I miss you too. What time are you arriving tomorrow? I want to pick you up from the airport.” She could hear the eagerness in Yongsun’s voice.

“I’m boarding the plane around 6am. So I’ll be arriving there around 9am?” She answered. “Okay. I’ll be there. Text me as soon as you land, okay?” “Of course, baby.”  Then they were silent, no one was speaking but no one dared to hang up.

“Yongsun-ah.” Byulyi broke the ice. “Hmm?” “I love you.” Byulyi said. “I love you too.” She could only imagine Yongsun smiling like an idiot. “How’s your day?” “Mmm. Okay, I guess.”

And as if Yongsun sensed that she was lying, “Want me to sing you to sleep?” She offered.

“Yes, please.” This time, it was her smiling like an idiot. It’s been a while since Yongsun sang for her.

Like the small stars twinkling far away in the night sky
Every day, I’ll be there forever in the same place
Even if everything in the world changes
I will only shine on you like a star in the night sky”

“Byul-ah? Still there?”


“Already asleep?”

“Okay, good night baby. I love you. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Muah :*”

[Author’s Note: Just in case any of you doesn’t know this, this is Solar’s Part in “Star” sang by Kim Min Jae and her. :D]

Someone who makes plans with you on a Tuesday evening, because the weekend is just too far away, and who cares if we have to go to work the next day. Someone who says definitely, not maybe, and follows through.

“Byul-ah. I want to go to the beach.” Yongsun said. Both of them was in Byulyi’s apartment, they just finished work and just got home a few minutes ago. “But I wanna go now. Too bad the week just started and the Saturday’s still far from today.” Yongsun added. She sat beside Byulyi, pouting. That’s true, it was only Tuesday.

“Mm. Wanna go to Busan now?” Byulyi suggested. Yongsun’s eyes widened. “Ayyeee. Don’t joke like that. I might believe you.” Yongsun crossed her arms, leaning her back against the sofa. “I’m not kidding. We could go right now, drive to Busan, spend a few hours there then drive back in time to prepare for work.” Byulyi smiled at Yongsun who was still pouting.

“Are you sure?” Yongsun sounded a little worried. “Won’t you be too tired after driving all night?”

Byulyi shrugged Yongsun’s words. “Get your things ready. We’re going now.” She stood up.

Yongsun jumped up. “REALLY?!” She squealed, hugging Byulyi. Byulyi hugged her too then kissed Yongsun’s forehead, “Anything for my Princess.”

You deserve to hear a song on the radio that makes you melt on the inside at the mere thought of this someone.

Yongsun frantically left her apartment this morning. She woke up late, and as a result, she was going to be late for work. She hurried to her car and was practically speeding.

As she entered the highway, just about thirty minutes away from her office building, traffic suddenly kicked in. If there weren’t any traffic, she’s make it to her office on time. She grunted. “No, I cannot start the day in a bad mood.” She decided then the radio in her car.

“Yes, music. Music helps you keep calm.” She said to herself.

Just then, an all familiar song played on. A smile could now be seen on Yongsun’s face.  It was Eddy Kim’s The Manual playing.

She remembered how Byulyi sang this to her on their anniversary. She turned the volume up, letting the lyrics speak to her. Every word just screams Byulyi’s actions towards her. She can’t help but smile at the very thought of Byulyi.


Someone who could watch you sleeping for hours at a time, and be perfectly content in the grace and stillness of that moment. Someone who steals a cheeky kiss when you’re mid-sentence and least expecting to find their lips. Someone who wakes up next to you each day feeling like they’ve hit the jackpot, over and over again, and thinking what on earth did they do in their past life to be so damn lucky. You deserve someone’s complete attention. Someone who looks at you, and I mean really sees you, and all of the beauty you hold.


[Saturday Morning]

Byulyi woke up early as the sun was on her face. She looked at the time, 8:09am, it said.

She rolled over to face Yongsun still sound asleep. She smiled. “She’s such an angel. Asleep or not.”

Byulyi decided to just stay there and admiring Yongsun. How she looks perfect while sleeping. How calming her breathing was. How peaceful Yongsun looked.

After a while, Byulyi didn’t realized the time, Yongsun began to move. Meaning, she was slowly waking up. Byulyi just watched her, smiling. Yongsun stretched, still in bed then opened her eyes to meet Byulyi’s. She sighed.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Yongsun asked. “What time is it now?” Yongsun sat up.

Byulyi looked at the time, “A little pass 10am.” She sat up also.

They stayed there for a while just looking at each other. Yongsun motioned to stand up, “I guess, I better go make breakfa-“ Byulyi pulled her back and perfectly catching Yongsun in her arms, making their faces just inches apart. Then she closed in that little distance, touched Yongsun’s lips with hers.

Yongsun pulled away. “Good morning to you too.” She lightly hit Byulyi’s arm, grinning.

Someone who will happily pig out on pizza with you in bed, and not judge the sweatpants & top knot look you’re sporting. Someone who is just that into you. You deserve someone who challenges the both of you constantly; someone who makes you strive to be better each day, because they’re trying to be better too. Someone you can count on to stick around when the hits the fan, which it will. Someone who chooses to lift you up, always. You deserve magic, and fireworks, and confetti canons exploding in your clear blue skies.


Yongsun called in sick this morning and since she was rarely the type of employee who abuses their leaves, Yongsun’s boss let her.

But Yongsun wasn’t really sick. Though, she wasn’t in her best condition either. So Byulyi, took a leave from her work as well.

Byulyi knocked on Yongsun’s apartment door. “Delivery for Princess Yongsun!!” She shouted. She has a key, yes. But her hands are too preoccupied to fish out her duplicate keys in her bag. “Baby! It’s me. Let me in!”

Right then, Yongsun opened the door; she was wearing a baggy tshirt and her old sweatpants. Her hair was in a messy top knot. “Well greetings to you, Your Highness.” Byulyi beamed at Yongsun and bowed.

 “Welcome.” Yongsun greeted, not so cheerfully and went back to her room, not waiting for her girlfriend.

Byulyi went inside, closing the door behind her by the use of her foot. Then she walked towards Yongsun’s room.

“Hey, I got two boxes of pizza, a tub of chocolate ice cream, fried tteokbokki, and soondae.” She lifted them up so that Yongsun can see them, trying to make the food as bait to see Yongsun smile. “What do you want to eat first?” Byulyi asked. Yongsun just grabbed the pizza, opened one box and started to gobble slices of it down.

“Get me a spoon for ice cream.” Yongsun ordered. “Put the tteok and soondae in the fridge. For later.” She added and Byulyi immediately did what she was told to do.

“Here’s your spoon, princess.” Byulyi coming back from the kitchen, handed her a spoon.

Yongsun just snatched it from Byulyi’s hand. “Movie.” Yongsun said, backing to the edge of her bed that’s touching the wall and waited for Byulyi. Snacking as she did.

Byulyi went to turn on the TV in Yongsun’s room, putting on Grave Encounter and then joining Yongsun on her bed. Yongsun snuggled against Byulyi, and the latter just let her, even adjusting her position for Yongsun. They watched the movie like that while Yongsun constantly feeding Byulyi.

After the movie, they just stayed like that, silent in each other’s embrace.

“Byul-ah.” Yongsun finally spoke.

“Yes, Princess?” Byulyi answered, Yongsun grinned.

“Thank you.” Yongsun said.

“For what, princess?” Byulyi was confused.

Yongsun moved so that she could face Byulyi, still snuggling. “For everything.” Yongsun’s eyes locked with Byulyi’s. “For being my someone.

Byulyi smiled. “Anything for you, my Princess.” She gave Yongsun a peck.

Yongsun smiled. “I love you, Moon ByulYi.” This time, Yongsun kissed Byulyi.

“I love you more, Kim Yongsun.” Byulyi said, before deepening their kiss.


Oh, why was Yongsun like that, you ask?

Yep. PMS.


Author's Note: I would like to thank you for reading this one shot, I would appreciate if you guys would comment, hehe, I like reading what you guys think about my work. :D Also, I would like to promote my on-going short fic entitled "Coincidentally on Purpose" what you can also find here in asianfanfics.com :D that story's chapter1 is up, gonna put up chap2 next wk after my exams. (Here's the link though, in case you're feeling lazy to look for it. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1113539/coincidentally-on-purpose-moonsun) Hehe, not forcing you to read that. Just promoting myself :)) Alright, again, thank you for reading this. Hope you enjoyed and liked this one. :D <3 A'ight, I'm out.


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Chapter 1: My MoonSun heart is so happy after reading this story
Thank u Author nim for wrote this beautiful story
Chapter 1: That was really nice I loved it!
Chapter 1: Awwwee :') Twas heart warming!
hyolover183 #4
Chapter 1: aaww..i want to find my someone like MoonSun did. This is really wonderful storyline, authornim. keep up with ur great writings, authornim jjang!
Thatrandomasian #5
Chapter 1: This is super cute~ thank you for the great fic! Hope to see you write more!
Chapter 1: This is so sweet xD oh my moonsun feelzzz xD
Chapter 1: Moonsun fluff! Enjoyed it. ^.^
Chapter 1: can I have someone like byul in my life... fajkshdkkskhs my feelssssssssssssssss
am_251 #9
Chapter 1: DAMNNNNN the feelsssss~~~~ MOONSUN wants to kill me with their sweetness ^~^ thank you for writing this author it made my day more brighter so thank you so much ^_^