【Spell 1: Late & Changes】


《Chapter 1》


Jisoo and Jihoon were very close to loosing their temper.

"Where the actual heck is he?" Jihoon grumbled under his breath. "Geez you two. If you guys stop getting so pissy, we should've found him minutes ago." Jeonghan, their friend said.

'Minutes ago my ,' Jisoo thought. Well that 'minutes ago' was an hour ago. It was 20 minutes 'til the first whistle will blow.

"Can't we just enter the train already?" The younger one, Chan, asked. "Not yet young one," Jeonghan said. "Well, maybe Seungcheol already entered and we just missed him because of the amount of people here!" Jisoo exclaimed.

Jeonghan sighed, "Well, I guess you are right. Let's go," he ushered his friends to enter the train. It was in time for them to enter since when they started entering, the first warning whistle blew.

Chan quickly went to his friends, so did Jihoon, which left Jisoo and Jeonghan to look for Seungcheol and a place to sit.

"See, I told you he'd be here already," Jeonghan rolled his eyes at his friend's words. "Well, I don't need an another 'I told you so' from your petty mouth." Jeonghan huffed and he went off to greet Seungcheol.

"Jeonghan? Oh my gosh. Is that even you?" Jisoo looked to whom the voice it belonged to.

It was her.

"Oh my gosh, long time no see!" Jeonghan hugged her, and smiled. "Wow! New haircut and hair color. What made you think to cut your hair short and dye it black?" Jisoo just rolled his eyes and sat next to her. Well, he had no choice since Jeonghan was clinging unto his best friend, Seungcheol.

"Well, changes. How was the trip to France?" Jeonghan asked. She smiled showing her pearly whites, which could make any boy melt.

Jisoo admitted to himself: he was melting inside.

Jeonghan on the other hand, was surprised about how Seungcheol was smiling at her even if she's the head of the Slytherin commons.

Well, Jeonghan was a Hufflepuff, but he sure isn't dumb enough to see the changes on her. The way her eyes glowed brightly, the way her curves looked so y, and the way her soft dark brown hair ㅡwhere a huge white streak was dyed at the right side of her hairㅡ looked so silky. Even her pale, fair skin, and plump lips could almost attract hormonal teenage boys from all over the school.

He knew why Seungcheol became goody-goody towards her, even if both of them hate each other since first year.

She only sat at the window, not bothering about the boys' presence, as she continued to read about charms. "So, any new changes?" Jeonghan said, breaking the silence. "Well, you two," she pointed at Jeonghan and Jisoo, "got new haircuts. I don't even know if there are changes in me," she answered. "Well you are still a huge bookworm. Nerd." Jisoo said.

It made her ignite flames. She knows how pissy Ravenclaws can get, but she did not expect for Hong Jisoo to call her a nerd, just because she was a bookworm. "Chi ziji de jiba Hong Jisoo," she said with venom in her voice. "That was Chinese for 'Eat your own Hong Jisoo' in case you didn't know." She spat. "I- of course- yes- Of course I know, I learnt Chinese," he said, feeling heat rushing to his cheeks.

It was impossible for her to make him blush or stutter before.

'Must be her new damn look and charms. Dammit,' Jisoo thought.



Say the name! Seventeen! Hi guys! I'm here with my new story, and this is the first chapter. Hope you guys will like this story, and I'll try to update TWICE (Ooh Ah 하게! Sorry, I had to) a week. I am basing this story with SVT's album comeback, in case you guys were wondering why I described Jeonghan with short black hair.

This also serves as my apology for deleting 'Two Moons'. 사랑해요! -ImmaJustAGirl_

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