

“Uhm, isn’t that like, the 20th top you’ve changed into?”

Soonyoung’s tone was free from playful mock, yet it still earned him a glare from Wonwoo. Soonyoung didn’t falter though.

“It’s just a hang out with Jun, right? Why are you making it such a big deal?”

“I know, I know. It’s just that it’s... It’s the first time since we, uhm, got together, and uhm, he said the word ‘date’ and I just...”

“Oh.” Soonyoung’s o-shaped lips turned into a smirk. “Oh.

Wonwoo turned his body to face the bed before crouching down, head bent on his knees. With a muffled voice he said, “I don’t know why I’m like this. We’ve been everywhere with just the two of us. This shouldn’t be any different.”

He could feel a hand on his back, rubbing circles on it. It would’ve felt soothing if the voice that came after wasn’t filled with pure glee.

“Aw, Wonwoo, it’s okay to feel like that. It’s what gets the relationship fun!”

Wonwoo let out a whine, only to be interrupted by the ring of the doorbell. At the sound, Wonwoo jerked his head up.

“Well, looks like he’s here.”

“Crap, I haven’t decided on the top!”

“Just wear whatever. He loves you anyway,” said Soonyoung before leaving towards the door with a jovial “Coming!”.

Wonwoo was struggling with a gray pullover as he heard Jun and Soonyoung’s chirpy voice getting closer and closer. He finished just in time as the two arrived in front of Wonwoo.


Wen Junhui greeting him with a smile, standing next to Soonyoung in a brown jacket that Wonwoo’s seen him wore a couple of times. Nothing new. Yet Wonwoo’s heart was threatening to break from his rib cage. Especially when Jun walked closer and leaned his body—oh my God, is he

Jun was so close that Wonwoo could see each hair in his eyelashes. The sight made Wonwoo held his breath; so, so beautiful. Feeling overwhelmed, Wonwoo closed his eyes and waited. He felt a touch not long after, but not at the place where he thought it would be. It landed on his forehead.

Wonwoo felt a slight disappointment; he had been anticipating for their third kiss (lips on lips). Yet at the same time he was enveloped in a warming sense of joy. A kiss on the forehead seemed a lot more intimate than one on the lips, it did felt intimate, and Jun just did it in front of Soonyoung, making Wonwoo a little bit giddy, a little bit secure, and a little bit of wanting to whack Soonyoung and wipe that annoying grin from his face.

Wonwoo didn’t have to kick Soonyoung out because the latter was not that inconsiderate.

“I’ll be going then. Enjoy your date guys!” said Soonyoung before hopping out of Wonwoo’s room.

“You ready?” Jun said after he turned his gaze from the entrance and back to Wonwoo.

“Yeah.” Wonwoo was still a bit woozy and his heart was still beating in a slightly erratic way, but yes, yes, he’s ready to have a date with Jun.

It was then when Jun cast his eyes once again on Wonwoo. He wasn’t being obvious, but Wonwoo could see his gaze slowly scanning Wonwoo, eyes widening at the end.

Is it too casual? Does he think I’m taking this date as just another hang out? Maybe I shouldn’t have worn this top after all?

Wonwoo couldn’t do anything about his train of thoughts as Jun was already calling his name and heading to the door.

The back of their hands bumping from time to time as they walked and Wonwoo’s fingers twitched, the usual “COME ON WONWOO JUST GRAB IT” running in his head.

Wonwoo had never been the one that initiate hand-holding. It had been like that even before they went official. He was always waving his hand fruitlessly while mentally spanking himself to just go for it, and then Jun would took his bony hand in Jun’s equally skinny one, ending his dilemma. Wonwoo would scoff if someone said that Jun could read his mind. Jun just wanted to hold his hand. It’s more plausible; Jun had feelings for him after all. It’s just that the timing almost always coincided with the time Wonwoo wanted to do the same thing, for example right at this moment.

Wonwoo didn’t know how Jun could do it so casually. He just reached to Wonwoo, not showing one bit of hesitation in his movement, making their fingers slipped into each other’s, settling them at where they belonged. The he turned to face Wonwoo with a face that looked way more composed that Wonwoo would’ve had, and said “That way?”.

Wonwoo nodded absentmindedly. He didn’t really see where Jun was pointing at. His head was too busy taking in the feeling of Jun’s hand in his, the sight of Jun’s beautiful eyes. He didn’t really care where they were going anyway (it’s not easy, but he finally admitted that “anywhere doesn’t matter as long as I’m with you” wasn’t a complete nonsense).

Jun smiled before turning his face back to the front. Meanwhile Wonwoo was still staring at Jun, eyes fixed on the latter’s side profile.

And finally, Wonwoo decided to ignore the butterflies in his stomach and initiated something. He leaned closer and put his head on Jun’s shoulder. It gave a bit of a stretch to the left part of Wonwoo’s neck since he and Jun was around the same height, not exactly the most ideal couple to do this kind of skinship. Plus it’s a bit of a hassle to walk while being almost glued to the sides, he wondered how those couple did it, but Wonwoo just wanted to know how it feels like.

Nah, what he wanted was just to be closer to Jun. He just hoped that Jun didn’t mind. Glancing upward, Wonwoo caught Jun’s surprised look. In a moment the surprise gave way to a shy smile and a light blush. And then there were those eyes. Wonwoo didn’t know what was in them but it made Wonwoo felt hot.

Before Wonwoo could relish the feeling of those eyes gazing at him, Jun turned away. It made Wonwoo worried. Maybe Jun didn’t like him leaning like this. But his worries seemed to be fruitless when he realized that Jun didn’t try to move away and tightened the hold on their hands instead.

On their stroll they went past a couple of small stores, varying from food, medicine, to clothes. One store caught Wonwoo’s attention.

“Hey, I remember this store.”

“Yeah, we’ve been there.”

“Wait...” A flash of images and sounds went through Wonwoo’s head and everything clicked into place. “It’s where we got this,” he tugged at the grey pullover he was wearing. “This is yours.”

“I left it at your place one time but I forgot it. I didn’t remember until you put it on today.”

“...Grey doesn’t suit you anyway.” Jun laughed at that. The beautiful sound filled Wonwoo’s head and stayed for a long time, along with the thought of him wearing Jun’s clothes. As if Wonwoo wasn’t being overly conscious enough.

Wonwoo gradually relaxed through the rest of the date. Relaxed enough to take Jun’s hand again after their hands separated for a moment to take something or sit across each other. He leaned his head on Jun from time to time, and Jun gave Wonwoo’s cheek a or rub the back of Wonwoo’s hand with his thumb. It was nice to be able to feel more intimate with Jun (Wonwoo convinced himself that he wasn’t taking physical contact as an equal to intimacy, but he couldn’t deny that he coveted Jun’s touch). Moreover when Wonwoo was the one to initiate the contact.

After a nice dinner (it was a small place but cozy and had a nice view over the river banks), they stopped by at Jun’s place because Wonwoo wanted a book that Jun had.

“I put it on this shelf, but Minghao must’ve moved it.”

From the couch he was in Wonwoo could see that the part of the shelf Jun was going through contained a number of high school textbooks and exam preparation books.

“It’s okay if you can’t find it.”

“But you said you want to read it.”

“I can just borrow another book from the library. It’s just that...” Wonwoo’s voice became faint. “You’re going to that show next week, right? You’ll be away and I feel like reading that book again.” Wonwoo felt like he was dying from embarrassment, he practically just admitted that he’s going to miss Jun while the latter go to another town for a performance with The Exile. In his feeble attempt to deal with this embarrassment, he started blabbering.

“Do you remember when we found it? At that small bookstore next to the handicraft shop? Hey, we should go there again next time. Didn’t you say that you’re looking for a book? They might have it. How about—“

He stopped his words when he caught the sight of Jun’s eyes. They had the same look that Jun showed earlier today, the one that brought heat to Wonwoo’s body. Jun didn’t take his gaze away from Wonwoo until he arrived in front of him, body leaning forward, right hand on the brim of the sofa right next to Wonwoo’s head.

Wonwoo felt something from gazing into Jun’s eyes. Something that made his heart beat a little too fast and brought a suffocating feeling to his chest. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to look away.

Jun’s face came close to his own, and there’s something soft crashing to his lips. The third kiss.

Wonwoo’s brain just froze. He couldn’t think of anything besides the sensation on his lips, the sight of Jun’s closed eyelids and long lashes, the touch on the back of his hair, and the heat from where his body and Jun’s pressed up together. So he stopped thinking. He just did what felt right, which is pressing his lips against Jun’s.

He could feel Jun trembled at his action. It was only for a split second before Jun’s lips devoured him again with more confidence and more heat. The power and eagerness in Jun’s action brought back the suffocating feeling to his chest that was introduced by Jun’s piercing gaze, though now Wonwoo understood what this feeling was. It was excitement.

Okay, excitement and maybe the lack of oxygen. Wonwoo’s lungs were screaming but Wonwoo couldn’t care less.

Then, to Wonwoo’s disappointment, Jun broke their kiss. Wonwoo sighed at the loss of contact. He didn’t know what his face looked like, but when Jun looked at Wonwoo’s face, Jun’s eyes were trembling.

“Why are you so.... So....” Jun stuttered before diving in for another kiss. It was quick but not less passionate. Then Jun moved his lips to Wonwoo’s cheekbones, eyelids, nose, jaws; each kiss made Wonwoo felt so loved.

It lasted until he felt Jun’s lips no longer touching his face and Jun’s whole face came into view, eyes looking straight at Wonwoo but wilting, forehead scrunched, and the words “I’m sorry” came out from Jun's lips.

That’s when Wonwoo’s heart took a free fall.

“Sorry? What do you mean? It was a mistake? You didn’t want it? Or are you... are you breaking up with me?” The words just blurted out from his lips. To his ears, his own voice sounded so desperate.

Jun looked shocked and quickly shook his head. “No! That’s not what I meant!” He sighed before taking Wonwoo’s hands, guiding them to his lap.

Then Wonwoo saw it, in Jun’s eyes which were dark and gentle at the same time. The darkness from lust, telling Wonwoo how much Jun wanted him right now. The gentleness from love, telling Wonwoo how Jun had been keeping himself restrained, to not let the darkness take over.

“I’m sorry for suddenly... attacking you like that.” Jun’s tone was earnest.

“Attacking?” Wonwoo felt half relieved and half wanting to laugh. He didn’t realize that he really did laugh until he saw Jun’s pout.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

Wonwoo couldn’t help but wonder. Why Jun was afraid he’d hurt him? Jun had never been but gentle to him and Wonwoo trusted Jun with his whole heart.
Wonwoo wanted to express it to Jun, but couldn’t find the words. So he showed it instead by pushing his own lips to Jun’s.

It looked like Jun got the message. The brown-haired kissed back and put his hand on Wonwoo’s back to bring their bodies closer. Their kiss was slower this time. It brought warmth to Wonwoo’s chest. A comfortable feeling he never wanted to let go.

“But seriously, Wonwoo.” Jun said when they parted again.

To Wonwoo’s raised eyebrows Jun replied, “What I have in mind right now...” he ran his fingers over Wonwoo’s cheeks. “ not what a babysitter should think about the child he’s taking care of.”

It was Wonwoo’s turn to pout. He was getting impatient and Jun just couldn’t stop teasing. “You’re not my babysitter, you’re my boyfriend so just shut up and kiss me again.”

Jun let out a hearty laugh. Meanwhile Wonwoo felt his face heating up again from his own words and buried it on Jun’s chest, bobbing up and down as Jun continued to laugh.

Then Jun cradled Wonwoo’s face, bringing it to face Jun’s. “Tell me when you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, okay?”

“And leave that alone?” Wonwoo glanced at Jun’s nether area.

“That, I can take care on my own.” Jun’s tone was firm and Wonwoo could see that he meant it.

“Okay, okay. I will tell you if I want to stop.” Wonwoo promised him. “Now can you kiss me, please?”

“Yes, baby, yes.” Jun heaved as if he was out of breath.

Wonwoo wanted to tell Jun not to call him baby (it did had a nice ring to it, but it made Wonwoo felt so giddy he’s afraid he might faint), but before he could say anything his lips was covered with Jun’s. Oh well.

Jun nipped Wonwoo’s bottom lip and Wonwoo replied with a nibble to Jun’s. One time their teeth clashed and they laughed into each other’s lips. It was like those scenes in a drama when the leads shared a cute and intimate moment, heartwarming music in the background.

Then Jun’s lips moved to Wonwoo’s collarbone, Wonwoo’s hand traced Jun’s spine (Wonwoo found out that Jun’s back was his sensitive spot), and from then on the BGM were Wonwoo’s moans and Jun’s groans.

Wonwoo was wondering how the room’s temperature could spike to that of a sauna when he heard a loud cough.

Wonwoo and Jun separated themselves to turn to the direction of the sound. They saw Minghao standing at the entrance of the room with a straight face.

“You should tell me first when you’re going to have ,” he said before turning around. “I’m going to Seungkwan’s.”

After the sound of the door closing, Jun said, “So... continue?”

Wonwoo blushed. He had no intention of stopping and he had revealed that to Jun earlier, but getting caught by Minghao just reminded him of what they were about to do and he couldn’t help but feeling embarrassed.

“He’s gone anyway.”


Jun smirked. Wonwoo wiped it off with his lips.

Wonwoo thought that Jihoon had caught one when the songwriter gave him a look, but he quickly ruled it out. He had covered them all. He had even triple checked.

Maybe it’s the clothes. Jihoon might recognized that what Wonwoo’s wearing was not his. It’s one of the top that Jun often wore so it’s not surprising. The fact that Jihoon recognized the clothes was not a good thing but at least Jihoon didn’t see those. Meanwhile Mingyu and Soonyoung looked oblivious as they were busy rummaging through a duffel bag.

“Wonwoo, try this on, will you?” Soonyoung pulled out a white button up from the duffel bag.

Wonwoo blinked at Soonyoung’s words. “Why?”

“I need a partner to practice and your deep voice and build fit the role.”

“But why do I need to change.”

“To get into the character!”

To Wonwoo’s groan of protest, Soonyoung gave his best puppy eyes. He looked more like a hamster but it did the trick anyway.

“Fine.” Wonwoo grabbed the outfit and walked towards the back of the lecture hall, getting himself behind one of the seats.

“He could’ve just changed here you know.” Soonyoung tilted his head. “Oh, I forgot to give him this.”

Soonyoung moved up the pitched floor with the necktie in his hand. He crouched down when he arrived at the row where Wonwoo disappeared into.

“Wonwoo, here’s— Hey, why are you bruised all over? Are you ok—Aw!”

A loud smack and a whine echoed through the room.

“We need to get those treated—Hmm? Oh. Oh.”

When Wonwoo got back to the front of the hall, Jihoon and Mingyu had these obnoxious grins plastered on their faces.

Jun still had one hand on a book and another on a bag of potato chips, eyes on the papers and mouth munching relentlessly like they had been for the better part of the last hour.

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Chokeychokey #1
Chapter 20 : drowning in my jigyu feels... TT
nariko_chan01 #2
Chapter 20: Awww.... Wait... It's completed... Nooooo I want moreee
cutehansol #3
Chapter 17: i love where this is going !!! keep up the good work~
dreamty #4
Chapter 17: Mingyu-ya please don't used jihoon ;;