

"What does home feel like to you?"

It was a simple question posed to them by the interviewer that garnered simple answers from the other members. Short answers of "warmth", "the first bite of fresh baked goods", and "walking through a park" fell gracefully from their smiling mouths. Hyungwon was actually quite impressed with some of the similies that the others brought up as he was usually the one who made a habit of comparing things that were unlike each other. 

He smiled softly as he listened to the rest of the answers. For once he wasn't quite sure what to say, as he thought the other members did a good job of summing up what home felt like, everything was very much like what he would have said. It wasn't until Jooheon started answering did the thought occur to him that the other members answered it in the expected way, which was in reference to their physical homes with their parents and siblings. Hyungwon found himself thinking more deeply on just what exactly he considered home, when he takes his family out of the equation, as he waited for his turn.

For Hyungwon, home was the feeling of anxiety that constantly threatened to spill over when he first started his journey with the others back in No Mercy days. It was the feeling of overwhelming joy when they finally debuted as one. It was the feeling of tears slowly staining his cheeks whenever they overcame one more obstacle or accomplished one more goal. It was the feeling of gratitude that swelled inside him and consumed his entire being whenever they felt the support of each other, their family, and their fans. It was the feeling of Hoseok's hands on his waist, squeezing just enough to get a reaction out of him. It was light smacks on each other's shoulders when they would get excited. It was the feeling of exhaustion and stiffness after long hours of practice. And it was the strong grip of Hyunwoo's hand reaching out to help him up that followed soon after. It was the barely there feeling of lips against his forehead before bed or in the early mornings, that never meant anything more then platonic affection, but that he still found himself wondering if he had imagined it. It was the feeling of love and admiration they all shared with one another. And the love he constantly tried his best to show to the youngest members when he knew they needed it most.

Their home was filled with sounds that consisted of instruments other than their voices when they're singing. It was an orchestra that highlighted the everyday sounds of their lives that soon became it's own genre of music to Hyungwon's ears. It was the soft sound of breathing from the neighboring bunks that lulled him to sleep. It was the enthusiastic shouts from Minhyuk when he would come up with yet another game that resulted in a chorus of different laughs. Laughs that ranged from Changkyun's deep chuckle that resembled a mix of a villian in a cliche superhero movie and the sound of rapidly firing gun, to Kihyun's laugh that sometimes bordered so closely to silence that the only way you could actually tell he was laughing was when you saw his head tossed back, with a smile so wide it's a wonder it doesn't get stuck like that. It was the sound of music filling the dorm when they were relaxing.

And much like any physical house, their home had it's own distinct scent. One that could only be described as intoxicating, yet more comforting than your childhood blanket. It consisted of rich floral scents and fresh bodywash. It was the scent of home cooked meals or take out that they shared together. It was the sickening scent of 7 sweat coated boys waiting for their turn in the shower to wash away the day's stresses. It was the smell of bleach that sometimes eminated from Minhyuk's hair when it was freshly treated. It was the smell of clean sheets and each members unique individual scent that they found themselves surrounded by every night.

Of course, a home wouldn't be complete without things decorating the walls. For awhile, like any new home, the strong walls that kept the roof over their heads, were nothing more then white plaster. But, over time, their home began to fill with things that made opening their eyes in the morning worth it. For Hyungwon, home was absent mindedly watching the members as they sat around the dorm doing their own things. It was seeing the bright smile grow on their faces. It was the sight of them all standing, shoulder to shoulder, in matching outfits as they prepared for yet another performance. It was the look of determination in the eyes of the youngest members, eager to prove themselves to the world. It was the sight of Hyungwon's own tired eyes when he looked in the mirror some mornings. It was the flash of red in the eyes of some members when arguments got a bit too heated. It was the sight of 7 very different personalities melding together like a puzzle that had been sitting on his grandmother's bedside table, collecting dust as it waited to be finished.

And as crazy as it might have sounded to anyone else, a few tastes even came to mind when Hyungwon thought about home. The most prominent one, of course, was ramen. The amount of times he'd tried to make a decent pot of ramen to satisfy a certain hyung, and by extension, the amount of times he had to taste it, it was no surprise that that had become the strongest taste that he associated with home. It was also the taste of steaming coffee gliding down his throat as they would make their way through the airport for a schedule. It was the taste of iron in his mouth when adrenaline was coursing through his veins. It was the bitter taste in his mouth that he couldn't brush away, when he found himself saying things he knew he'd regret. But it was also the taste of victory, sweet yet strong, whenever he remembered that he was only just beginning a long journey of accomplishing many goals, and with some of the most important people in his life by his side.

When Hyungwon finally noticed the camera was focused on him, after a nudge from Hyunwoo, he answered. "For me, it depepnds which home you're asking about. I think the other members said a lot of what I was thinking in regards to our homes where we grew up, so I don't think my parents would be upset if I didn't answer that. However, and I'm sure I'm not alone on this, I have another home, one I find myself coming back to more and more these days. That home is everything previously mentioned and then some and, well, it's wherever the members are. Whenever I start to miss home or feel upset that I can't go visit, I turn around and look at any of them and I realize I already am home." He smiled gently to the others as he finished his thoughts.

The others were left speechless for a short minute at the sudden seriousness of Hyungwon's answer and the sincerity in his voice. Sure, they were used to hearing things like that from the rather poetic boy, but the seemingly out of the blue reminder that they had all made homes of each other was something they all needed to hear from time to time. The others started clapping excitedly and reacted positively to Hyungwon's sentiment, as they so often did and it made the tall boy smile brightly, a slight blush dusting his cheeks.

Despite the reaction though, Hyungwon was left a little dissapointed that he had to give, what he considered to be, a watered down version of his actual thoughts on the issue. But time didn't allow for much more than that at the moment, and it was a bit of a shame because for him, the home he created with his band members was more then just a feeling. When he thought about everything that that home was to him, it required every single one of his senses to explain, and even then some things would still be left in the pile of things he had yet to find the words for. But for now, he decided, he was content with his answer. Maybe when they get back to the dorm he'll tell them everything their home actually is to him.

Yeah, he thought, he might just do that....


A quick oneshot in Hyungwon's POV. I hope you enjoyed it!

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Chapter 1: i feel something in my cold heart, i dunno what is it but it feels so soft, so gentle
i really love the way you wrote this, i got feels and i love it