Chapter 1: Run

Loving The Enemy





         With an uneasy sigh, you changed into your uniform as you listened to the sounds of the city; you looked outside to watch the innocent citizens, who were unaware that their lives were in danger. Night was growing near and the blood predators were going to come out to attack. You slid your window down to close it and looked at the ground with fear; you weren’t scared of vampires, but the act of actually killing them did. There was nothing more you wanted than to get revenge for your parents; even with this said, you couldn’t help but feel like it was wrong. There was a sudden knock at your door--which made you jump--and you hesitantly called for whoever it was to come in. One of your partners, Minso, slowly opened the door and pouted when he saw what you were wearing.


"Why can't you wear the leather shorts like the others?" he whined as he walked towards you


"Have you seen them run in those things? After a few minutes, they start to waddle like penguins because they're so tight!"




"Wearing spandex jeans seems more appropriate--not to mention more comfortable as well"


"Can't argue with that"


"Why do you want me to wear them so badly anywa-"


         "He wants to see how your booty looks in them" Cho--the leader of your organization and, also, your older brother--interrupted and laughed when he saw Minso's face turn bright red. You slapped his arm and told him to cut it out, but he shrugged his shoulders as if he hadn't done anything wrong. You watched them goof around as you secured the holsters for your gun and knife around your thighs before sitting on your bed. Pulling out your boots from underneath the frame, you slipped them on and proceeded to tie them; as you held the laces in your hands your smile faded and your thoughts were taken over by worry. ‘You’ll be fine’, you reassured yourself, ‘Just remember your training and don’t forget the mission.’ Shaking the thoughts away from your mind, you grabbed your backpack, which was filled with ammo, a water bottle, extra clothes, your cellphone, and your earphones. “Ready?” your brother asked with a smirk on his face and you nodded your head in response. He quickly walked out of the room and your partner followed behind; you checked yourself in the mirror before chasing after them.


         Everyone was gathered in the main hall and the the three leaders stood at the front of their teams. Cho stepped forward and began his speech about how we have to stick together and watch our backs. All the members listened carefully, but you, on the other hand, carelessly looked around--you chose not to pay attention because you heard his spiel before when you two would workout together; he used to practice in front of you for hours due to the nervousness of becoming a leader. Each group had three to four members and weapons varied from person to person; for instance, one girl had two guns and another person had a bow and arrow. “We look like people from the hunger games” you whispered to Soyi, your best friend, and she laughed in response.


“Are both of you listening?” your leader ask


“Y-Yes sir” your other partner stuttered


“Like I was careful, make sure you have someone with you at all times, and don't let your guard down; do you all understand?”


“Yes sir!” you all responded in unison


“Then let’s go kick some ”


With that said, everyone went their separate ways to go fight the creatures of the night. You stepped outside and felt the cool breeze brush against your neck, causing a chill to run down your spin. “Move out” Cho sternly said as he walked towards the homes of the innocent; you were right on his tail and Minso and Soyi followed suit. It was quite calm as the four of you walked around; you'd hear an occasional bark from a dog or someone playing their music from inside of their room, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Your brother, on the other hand, felt like something was off. He stopped in front of a house and pulled out his gun.


“Get ready” he whispered


“For what?” Minso questioned


Cho ignored him and walked up to the gate. He tapped one of the doors with his finger, causing it to slowly swing open. “Don't you think this should've been locked?” your leader asked; the three of you stood there and he shook his head before cautiously walking inside. Siyo pulled out her knives, you got your gun prepared, and Minso strapped on his brass knuckles with knives sticking out of them. We crept inside--hugging the walls as we moved from room to room. The sound of a woman whimpering came from the back of the house; so, we headed in her direction and saw one of the creatures the life out of her. You slowly drew your gun and pointed the barrel to it’s head, but before you were able to shoot you were pulled forward and slammed against the wall. Your weapon dropped to the floor and you looked up to see fangs and glowing red eyes. You’re screams were drowned out by a shot and you watched as the body of the enemy fell next to you with a smoking hole in it’s neck. Quickly retrieving your weapon, you rushed to join your squad as they chased the second vampire.


         Your heart was racing and you were getting light headed due to the intensity of the situation; here were people screaming and the sounds of fighting were all around you. Vampires would pop up randomly and it was your job as well as your crew’s to take out the ones that got in your way or tried to attack you. '1, 2, 3, 4' you counted in your head only to lose track on how many you had killed. Siyo was backing you up while Minso was assisting Cho and the four of you became a power team. Yes, you all were destroying every enemy that dare tried to mess with you, but guilt was starting to form in the pit of your stomach. ‘What did they do to deserve to die?’ you questioned, ‘They’re more than just leches of the night, right?’ All of a sudden you were picked up and thrown over the shoulder of a stranger. “_____!!” your team yelled as they were surrounded by the enemy.


          You struggled to break free because the person’s grip was too strong. After sometime, you were dropped on the ground with a large thud and you were able to face your kidnapper. There were 4 males and 2 females standing over you. “Oooo you brought dinner!” the blonde girl to your right said as she jumped down from the top of the dumpster. “She’s cute too” the man with coffee brown hair complimented as he moved towards you. Putting on a stern look, you quickly stood and held your gun and knife; your heart was racing and your palms were sweaty, but you kept alert--in case they all started to attack. “Aw she thinks she can defend herself” he chuckled as he lifted your chin up.


          “I don’t think I can” you smiled, “I know I can.” With that said you sliced his throat and stabbed him in the heart. The trash girl rushed towards you and you shot her in the head without any hesitation. “Who else wants to mess with me?” you cockly said. The one who took you away from your squad lunged at you, but you took him down with a bullet to his heart. Your skills, caused the others to become frightened and ran off; when they were gone, you let your guard down and allowed your legs to drop to the ground. "Damn it’, you whispered to yourself, "They were going to kill you, ___, you had to kill them." You gripped your weapons and forced yourself to stand up; calming down, you began walking to who-knows-where. Sweat trickled down your face as you aimlessly roamed the deserted alleyways and what was worse was that night had fallen long ago--meaning anything could sneak up on you at anytime.


"(Y/N)! Where the hell are you?!" your leader screamed into your earpiece, causing you to scream with fright


“What the hell Cho?! You scared the out of me!”


“Where are you? Are you ok?” he worriedly questioned


“I’m fine. I was able to get away from a couple of vampires and I’m going to head back to the base right now”


“We’ll meet with you. Where’s your location?”


         Not sure what to say because you had no idea what street you were on, you told him to wait a second, causing an annoyed sigh to come echo in your ear. You kept walking and noticed that the view of the ocean was just up ahead.


“Hey, you remember where we used to ride our bikes with dad?”


“We’ll be right there” he answered--knowing exactly where you were


         You were going to start moving again when you were suddenly interrupted by a door swinging open--nearly hitting you. A teen with light brown hair and somewhat tannish skin stumbled out; the sides of his lips were curled up forming a captivating smile that was ruined with blood dripping out of his mouth.


“Looks like it’s time for dessert” he joked in a low husky voice


“Yeah right”


“Feisty; I like that”


“Stay away or else” you said as you made your weapons visible


“A vampire hunter? Interesting” he laughed, “Let’s dance shall we?”




         He suddenly lunged at you and wrestled you for your gun and knife. You elbowed him in the stomach and slid out from underneath him as he curled up in pain. Standing to your feet, you prepared to slit his throat, but you hesitated; he took that opportunity to trip you. He kicked your stomach, but you brushed away the pain and cut his shin with your blade; the stinging feeling caused a grunt to come from his throat. As you were getting up, he began to run because he didn’t feel like fighting--plus he didn’t want to get hurt anymore than he already was. You weren’t going to allow him to though because he was giving in too easily. So, you tackled him to the sidewalk and pinned him down--you were holding his hands above his head and your hips were on top of his to make sure he wouldn’t get away. You grabbed your gun and pointed it to his head as he squirmed underneath you. The boy slowly turned to look at you, only to come face-to-face with your weapon. You two went silent for a moment; just staring into one another’s  eyes. You felt your heart beating against your chest as his golden eyes turned into a warm chocolate brown. "Go ahead...just shoot"; even though his voice was emotionless, his eyes were filled with fear. Your body froze; it was as if it were telling you not to shoot him.


“Just to let you know my name is Hoseok”


“Why would tell me your name?”


“Because I don’t want you to go back to your boss saying you killed another vampire. I have a name and I am more than what you think I am”


         The sound of your brother’s voice echoed through the alleyway and you looked behind you; they were getting close to finding you two. It was either now or never; you didn’t know whether to kill him or save his life. Deciding to do what you felt was right, you closed your eyes and said, “Run.”




"I said run! Go before my team sees you!"



         You loosened your grip on his wrists, which allowed him to push you off. He stood and stared at you; he was about to say something, but he was interrupted by the sound of gunfire. You motioned for him to quickly get away and he dashed into the darkness.

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Your story seems good. You get a new subscriber. :3 And as a J-Hope stan, thank you for writing story with my angel. ^^
When are you going to update? I have wait too long since i subscribe.. i hope you have some times to write one because the foreword seems too be really interesting.. i can't wait for the story..fighting (^^)/
this sounds really good