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With You


To Namjoon:

I’m sick today. Can’t make it for recording session. Tell the brat that I’m giving him more time to perfect his rap.

(Today, 7.16am)


From Namjoon:

Woah seriously? Min Yoongi is sick? Lol

Anyway I’ll tell Jungkook. He’ll probably love it that he can’t see your face.

(Today, 7.20am)


To Namjoon:

Shut up I’m older than you. Oh and pls, don’t tell Jimin.

I don’t want him to get worried.

(Today 7.23am)


To Namjoon:



(Today, 7.30am)

Answer me

(Today, 7.32am)

If Jimin knows you’re going to be dead meat.


(Today, 7.45am)



Yoongi should have expected this kind of behaviour from Namjoon. The whole gang was nuts in this manner. First it was Hoseok, the Jungkook, then Namjoon, then Taehyung- Suddenly thinking of the previous incident where Taehyung swapped his toothpaste for whipped cream, Yoongi heaved out a long sigh and to his side on his bed.


Just as he closed his eyes to drift back into an uneasy sleep, the soft pitter-pattering of rain drops against his room’s window bounced into his ears. Yoongi sniffed in a difficult breath through his blocked nose.

It was no wonder why he fell ill. The weather had been warm just yesterday and now it was as if the Antarctic had moved to Korea.

Sighing once more, he threw the duvet over his head.





“Wake up it’s time for lunch.”


Gentle touches prodded at his shoulder and Yoongi stretched his limbs out dazedly. It’s still so cold… he thought to himself before burrowing deeper into his duvet. “Hyung… I brought lunch for you. You didn’t eat breakfast right?”

This time, his muddled head cleared quickly.

Yoongi recognised the male’s voice and quietly peeked out of the duvet. It was Jimin. And he was going to kill Namjoon. Although he was thinking lucidly, he was in no shape to shift around since all his joints ached to the seven hells.

He then made an unrecognisable croak from the back of his throat. “Jimin…” He covered his face with the duvet once more.

God did Jimin really have to see him in this dilapidated state?

A weight pressed on the area beside his head as Jimin said in a worried tone, “Are you running a fever? You sound like you have a cold.” Yoongi wordlessly curled into a tighter ball beneath the duvet.

Jimin made a sharp clicking sound with his tongue in a kind of exasperated worry. “Sleeping forever won’t bring your sickness away. Come.” He shook Yoongi’s upper body. “Sit up.”


Without warning, the duvet disappeared from his body, taking the warmth away from it. Yoongi immediately whined childishly at the unwanted disappearance, only to hear Jimin laugh, “Hyung it would be really good if the others see this right?”

Yoongi opened his eyes at the speed of lightning and warned, “Don’t you dare.” “I’m so going to do it if you don’t get up in one… two… thr-” Very disgruntledly, Yoongi willed every ounce of his strength to pull himself into a sitting manner on the bed before glaring at his beaming boyfriend.

Jimin donned an overly huge scarf today, he noticed. The red cloth eased its way around the younger’s neck cosily, and it made Yoongi’s foul mood diminish a little. He sniffed, “You’re wearing it.”

“Well it’s pretty cold today and I left all my other scarves at home.” Yoongi raised an eyebrow and Jimin relented with a gentle roll of his eyes. “Okay I like this scarf. Happy now?” After hearing the question, Yoongi shifted his to face Jimin better and nodded.

A smile broke out on the younger’s face as he leaned forward and gave a quick peck on Yoongi’s cheek. “I really don’t know how I’ve survived with you for three years. Hurry and get up. The food’s getting cold.”

As usual, Jimin’s lips left a tingling sensation of warmth on his skin.




When Yoongi finally emerged from his bedroom after tidying up his hair that looked like it could house a nest, he made his way to the dining table in the kitchen. Every step made about five other places in his body ache at the same time and Yoongi hated how he felt so ty so much.

“Your living area is quite neat today,” Jimin commented from the side of the table. There was a soft tinny scratch sound as he took out the metal lunchbox from the plastic bag and placed it onto the glass table. Yoongi shrugged at Jimin’s words, “You’re finally sprinkling some of your fairy dust onto me I guess.”

Smiling from ear to ear, the younger then peeled open the plastic covering of the food. “About time don’t you think?” As Yoongi watched the curve of Jimin’s lips grow upwards in a shy manner, he reminded himself how lucky he was to have the younger by his side.

A familiar aroma began wafting through the air and Yoongi widened his eyes appreciatively at the sight of the fluffy white rice and broth. “Herbal chicken soup,” Jimin announced, pushing the bowls towards him. “Mother told me to brew it for you. It’s good for colds.”

Yoongi then scooped a spoonful of broth into his mouth. It was sweet and not too salty- Exactly what he liked. “It’s good,” he said truthfully. Jimin beamed yet again. Yoongi asked afterwards, “How’s your mother?”

“She’s fine. I think she misses your cooking though. She keeps asking me when you will be going back,” the younger answered while making a face. Yoongi made a face back at Jimin and told him with a tired smile, “Didn’t you tell her that we’ll be going back once Jungkook’s album is released?”

Rubbing the back of his neck with a hand, Jimin muttered reluctantly, “She still misses your cooking…” At that, Yoongi joked as he stuck the spoon into the bowl of rice, “Too bad that she prefers her future son-in-law over her own son.”

Jimin made an overdramatic scandalised gasp and proceeded to hit Yoongi on the arm, causing Yoongi to nearly choke while stifling a laugh.

The rest of the meal continued quietly, with a few passes of the spoon between each other interrupting the silence while the rain outside poured on.




After lunch, Jimin spent a few more hours with Yoongi to sift through the newly composed songs on his laptop. They had gotten through three songs when Yoongi felt the lull of sleep. He was beginning to feel cold again.

Yoongi blinked his eyes hard to fight off the sleepiness but no matter how much he winked, the weight on his eyelids seemed to grow heavier instead. Beside him on the bed, he could feel the concerned gaze Jimin was giving him.

A warm hand pressed onto his forehead, then onto his neck area.

“You’re burning up again,” Jimin said worriedly as his hand moved the other side of his neck. Meanwhile, Yoongi was already starting to feel immensely drowsy. Without any effort, he sank his head downwards onto his pillow and closed his eyes to stop the world from spinning.

He could feel Jimin’s weight leave the bed space but he was too sleepy to care much. Finally closing his eye lids, Yoongi drifted off into slumber.


When Yoongi stirred a little later, sunlight was still shining through the gauzy day curtains hung up at his room’s window. He shifted to his side heavily and felt a shot of dizziness hurtle around his head. God damn it.

It was only when he opened his eyes a little wider that he realised that Jimin was lying down beside him. The younger seemed to have changed into a shirt from his wardrobe which was too large for his smaller frame and the sight itself made him smile a little.

The song sheets were also gone from the bed.

He then croaked softly, “You’re still here?”

A slow nod of a head.

“I can’t leave you. You’re still running a high fever.”

“And you’re sleeping beside me.”

Jimin laughed softly as he brought up his knees to his chest, “I don’t really care. You need to be supervised.” There was a moment of silence that ensued. Rain continued to fall against the window panes outside.

Yoongi buried himself into the duvet further but it was still to no avail. The air was still freezing against his skin. At this point, he could not tell if he were cold because of the weather or his fever anymore.

As if on cue, Jimin rolled over and snuggled up against him. The warmth spread immediately and Yoongi couldn’t help but feel the corners of his lips tilt up in a moment of weakness. It took a few more minutes of comfortable silence before Jimin rested his head in the nook of Yoongi’s neck.

Yoongi breathed gently against the younger’s hair to move away the stray strands that were covering his eyes. The younger quickly closed his eyes at the eye contact and Yoongi pulled his arm out from under the duvet, hand running as tenderly as he could in his groggy state through the mop of dark hair.

I love you so much.

Quietly, he pressed a long kiss on Jimin’s forehead. Pulling away, he then rested his head on the spot next to the younger’s head and closed his eyes. Jimin weaved his hand into Yoongi’s underneath the duvet as a reply.

He smiled. 




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Chapter 1: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt and fluffyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy............. loved it.
Chapter 1: Uaaa, so sweet *u* *u* *u*
Chapter 1: Awww..fluffy..rainbows...unicorns and a pinch of Yoonmin
Sooo damn cute