Dear Yongsun,

From the Moon to the Sun

“Byul-aaaah. Are you still asleep?” The person whose voice woke her up snuggled close to her in bed.
Moonbyul tried to roll over to the other side of the bed to make space for the other girl.
“Aniya. Don’t move. I want to cuddle with you.” The voice again, sweet yet stern. Moonbyul couldn’t do anything else but to comply to the other girl’s commands. She wrapped her arms the other.
“What time is it anyway?” Moonbyul finally spoke.
“A little pass 11am, why?”
“Mm-hm.” Was all the sound the other girl could make of right now as she was Moonbyul’s stomach. “You hungry, babe?”
Moonbyul got flustered and is red as a tomato. She never knew what to say whenever her girlfriend’s being like this.
“I made breakfast.” Still on Moonbyul’s stomach. “But it’s cold now because you wouldn’t wake up earlier.”
“Oh, you woke me up earlier?” Moonyul has no memory of this.
The person who was just her stomach now broke free from Moonbyul’s embrace and sat up. “Yep. What’s the matter? Too tired from last night?” There was a smirk.
“Aish..Solar-ssi.” Moonbyul, even more flustered than a while ago had no other defense but to throw a pillow.
Solar laughed. “Whaaat? It would explain why you slept in so late.” She smiled at Moonbyul. “Now come on, let’s reheat your breakfast. I have to go soon, I’m meeting up with my friends at the café across the street.” Solar took Moonbyul by the hand and headed for the kitchen.
“Oh.” Leaving so soon, I see..
“Don’t be mad. I’m only meeting up with Irene and her girlfriend I guess. Want to tag along?”
Moonbyul shook her head and just ate her breakfast.
If it were Solar’s other set of friends (Wheein and Hwasa), she’d tag along. But since it was Irene and her girlfriend, she didn’t. All because she would get all jealous of how Irene’s girlfriend is because she can never do that to Solar in public, she’s too shy for that.
Solar slightly frowned, she knows what’s up. “Well, I’ll be back as soon as we finish, okay? Would you like me to bring you your favorite coffee?”
Mooonbyul just shook her head again.
“Okay, I’ll be off then.” Solar said grabbing her things, then planting a kiss on Moonbyul’s cheek.
Mooonbyul froze.
“I love you babe!” Solar shouted as she went out the door.
“I love you too…” Moonbyul said whispering.
Solar arrived at the café which was only in the building parallel to their apartment building. She went inside, scanned for familiar faces but she couldn’t see anyone she knows, she went straight to the counter.
Ahh, Irene’s late again.
“Good day, Miss! Can I take your order?”
She scanned the menu as if looking at it for the first time.
“I’ll have one Iced Caramel Macchiato, please. And a slice of Strawberry Shortcake.”
“Okay, Miss-‘”
“Solar.” Handing the barista her card.
“Okay Miss Solar. Please sign here and we’ll just take your order to your table.” The barista smiled.
Solar smiled back and went to look for a table.
Haaaa. Irene’s late again, why did I even bother getting her early as usual?
Solar fished for something in her bag. “Huh? Where’s my phone?”
Meanwhile back in the Apartment,
Moonbyul just finished her breakfast and kept thinking about Solar meeting up with Irene and her girlfriend. She has met them before and after that she decided they were too much for her. “Maybe that’s where Solar picks off her flirtatious attitude.”
She slapped herself for saying that. “I can’t believe I said that. Out loud.”
Suddenly a loud ring was heard.
“WTH WAS THAT?” Moonbyul got up and made her self defense stance.
It rang again, from the kitchen.
“Oh, it’s just a phone.”
She headed for the kitchen to look for it and found that It was Solar’s phone.
“Oh, she must’ve left it behind.” She looked at the screen, their picture was the background.
“Hmm. Maybe I should go there and give this to Yongsun..”
While she was just leaving the apartment, Solar’s phone vibrated again. “It received a message, I wonder who it’s from.” She unlocked the phone and accidentally read the message.
“Oh, I better hurry, they’re already near.” Then Moonbyul sprinted.
“Yongsun! Where’s your girlfriend? I thought she was joining us?” Irene sat across Solar, Seulgi sat beside her, as if not wanting to be separated from her Irene.
“Oh, she’s kind of busy so she can’t join us.” Solar excused. “Why are you late again anyway?”
The couple giggled to which Solar could only raise an eyebrow at.
“Oh. Didn’t you read my text?” Irene asked.
“Oh, I left my phone in the apartment. I’m just nearby and Byul knows where I am anyway, so I didn’t bother to bring it. Why, what did you text me anyway?” Solar explained. Then gasped, “Did you get into an accident?? Are you guys hurt’??”
The couple giggled again but this time livelier. “No, Seulgi surprised me while we were on our way here. It kind of cut up our travel time.”
“Oh, what did she surprise you with?”
Irene had this big smile on her face and Seulgi was looking at her girlfriend proudly. Solar was dumbfounded.
That’s when Irene flaunted it.
Her hands.
But that’s not it.
It’s what she’s wearing on her finger.
A ring.
An engagement ring.
Irene sheepishly laughed and that’s when Seulgi spoke. “Well, we haven’t decided yet since I just proposed to her a while ago.”
“Baby, we forgot to order. Can you order for us while me and Yongsun talk?” Irene said and Seulgi nodded and followed her commands.
Irene was staring at her girlfriend now fiancé with much love in her eyes as she made her way to the counter.
Solar knocked Irene’s forehead. “Yah. Stop staring at her like you’re not gonna see her for the rest of your life.”
Ignoring what Solar just said, Irene faced Solar. “How about you and Moonbyul? Setting a date soon?”
Just then Moonbyul arrived and saw Solar’s back so she walked to that table.
“Oh, we haven’t even talked about that yet. You know her, Irene. She’s innocent to these things.”
Irene sighed. “I don’t know, Yongsun. You guys have been like, two years together already and she’s still like that? Like the first few months of your relationship?”
Moonbyul heard this and stopped at her tracks. “Are they talking about me?” They haven’t seen her yet.
Solar shushed Irene. “Yaaah, keep in mind that I was the one who courted her. She is innocent.”
“Is she not making any progress? Like stepping up her game? Coz I know my Seulgi did.”
“Oh…they are talking about me…” Moonbyul thought.
“Yongsun, has she given you anything yet? Like a teddy bear maybe? Or even a bracelet? I know you like those things.” Iren asked, still unaware of Moonbyul’s presence.
Solar just shrugged and looked outside the window..
Moonbyul didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t approach them, they were talking about her. She has to leave, right away. So she ran for it even before Solar could answer.
“Those things aren’t needed. Besides, I’m happy with her anyway, so quit nagging me. Also, aren’t we talking about you and your fiancé here?” Solar reminded.
Moonbyul now back at their apartment, out of breath. “Sh*t, did they see me? They couldn’t have. They were so into talking.”
Then she remembered Irene’s words…is she not making any progress? Like stepping up her game?
She felt guilty. She knows that she hasn’t done anything special for Solar for the past two years in their relationship. All she did was receive and comply to her girlfriend’s wishes. H*ck she hasn’t even bought her flowers yet.
“I’m screwed. She’s gonna break up with me.”
Moonbyul stared at their wall, they were filled with their pictures for the past two years hanging in frames. How could she have been so foolish? Not even thinking about doing anything to keep Solar with her. She was too complacent.
“I need to do something.”
Later that day,
Solar got back to their apartment and saw no Mooonbyul playing on their couch. There was no light in the kitchen too.
“HONEY, I’M HOMEEEE!!!” She exclaimed.
No answer. “Maybe she’s in the bedroom?”
“I’m sorry I’m a bit late. I got cake!!” She continued to shout, trying to make the cake as bait.
Still no answer.
She headed for the bedroom and opened it, “Babe, Are you here??” She asked.
Again, no answer and no Moonbyul in sight.
“Huh. Where could she be?” She went to the kitchen to look for her phone.
She found it by the counter, she checked it. No messages.
She dialed Moonbyul’s number, but it got cut.
She frowned. “Where is she…”
She looked the fridge, there was a note.
“I got called in work. Don’t wait up for me. Love, Byul.” It read.
She remembered that her girlfriend was a doctor on call and that put a smile on her face.
“WHAT AM I GONNA DO? SHE’S GONNA BREAK UP WITH ME FOR SURE!! AJJUMMA PLEASE HELLP ME!!” Moonbyul was at a tteokbeoki stall and was throwing tantrums at the lady who owned the stall. They’re close, don’t worry. She’s like a mom to Moonbyul.
“Aigoo. What did you do anyway? Why are you crying like a child? Here have some tteokbeoki. You’ll feel better.”
The lady hit Moonbyul at the back of her head. “PABO! You didn’t do anything and you’re saying she’s gonna leave you? Then go do something to show her your love!”
“Ajjumma!” Moonbyul cried.
Moonbyul felt that back of her head. “That hurt.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Here, have some more tteokbeoki.”
“Also, ajumma. I don’t know what to do to show my love for her.”
The lady smirked. “Write a love letter, love letters never grow old.”
Moonbyul went to a café far from their street, so as to avoid running into Solar or Irene. She had to get in the mood of writing a letter for her girlfriend. She ordered her favorite coffee, peppermint chocolate flavored one, and went to a table to start writing.
The sun was still up when she first set foot in that café, and now it’s already dark and the café’s about to close.
“Excuse me, miss. But we have to ask you to leave, we’re already closing.”
Moonbyul’s eyes widened. “How long have I been in here?”
“Umm…about 6 hours?” The waiter said, unsure.
Moonbyul looked at her watch, it was almost midnight and she wasn’t done with her letter. She can’t go home. But she picked up her things and left.
“It’s getting really late, is she coming home tonight?” Solar thought. Even though Moonbyul specifically told her in the note not to wait up for her, she still is.
“Maybe I should call the hospital to check how work is.”
“No, I might disturb her.”
Solar sighed.
She was watching the television and decided to watch some more, just so if Moonbyul comes home tonight she could say that she didn’t realize the time while she was watching TV.
After a few more episodes…she looked at the time. 3:36am. She frowned.
“I guess no Byul pillow for tonight.”
Moonbyul on the other hand, found a convenience store by the end of their street and she stayed there to finish her letter.
The next day, in their apartment.

Solar woke up to the sun on her face. She stretched her arm to check if Moonbyul was already there sleeping beside her, but no, still no Moonbyul. She frowned. She stood up, and got shocked when she popped a balloon.
The floor was filled with balloons. Solar’s eyes widened, she was confused. It was her birthday that day.
She made her way out of the room, making an effort not to pop any more balloons. “Byul-ah? Are you here already, baby?”
No answer.
She headed to the kitchen and saw that there was already food on the table. Not just food.
There flowers in a vase and an envelope next to it. She sat down and reached for the envelope.
It was Moonbyul’s handwriting.
To Kim Yongsun, it read.
She opened and found a letter then read it.

These are the words I can never tell you directly. And I would like to apologize for being too afraid to do so.
To you, My Beautiful Sun,
I love you. <3
Haha, I know this is cheesy and unusual for me to do but I thought I should let you know.
My Sun, the center of my universe, I’m writing this now in a convenience store just by the end of our street because I can‘t go home, not when I told you I got called in for work. I lied. There was never a call from work. I’m in a convenience store because I spent six hours in another coffee shop just looking at this former blank paper thinking about how I should a love letter, but all I could think of was how beautiful you are. So I decided on writing about that.
My Sun, My Yeba, My Yongsun, My beautiful and radiant Solar. You are beautiful and that is what is true.
You are beautiful, even if you have unwanted scars on your body or pimple marks on your face. You are beautiful, even if you laugh without poise and smile in a weird way, frown and make ugly faces. You are beautiful, even if you randomly sing, dance and act out of nowhere and get embarrassed for doing so. You are beautiful, even if you dress up without any effort. Even if you haven't taken a bath or wash your hair in more than 24 hours, you are still beautiful. You are beautiful, even if you're lacking height, as you say. You are beautiful, even if you say weird things at the most random times of the day.
You are beautiful as ever, my Sun.
Even if these and more make you feel insecure. I want you to know that they're perfect—you're perfect. Please know that you don't even have to try and that I love every bit of it. I love every single thing about you and I'm sorry but I don't know how else I can emphasize it. I love how you have those scars, the stories behind them fascinate me. I love how you have those pimple marks on your face, just says that you stay up for something. You are working on something. I love how you smile and laugh because you are happy, also because your smile is simply just the warmest and your laugh is music to my ears. I love how you frown, because it's cute (I know, this one's weak). I love how you sing, dance and act randomly as if it's just the two of us even we are in public. I love how you're still gorgeous, just breathtaking, even when you dress up without effort. I love you even if you haven't taken a bath after 24hrs, because we spent it together. I love how you're smaller than me, you're at the perfect height for me to wrap my arms around and for me to backhug. I love how you say weird things at the most random times of the day, it makes me feel special that you think you can trust me with your weirdness and not worrying that I'll be weirded out because I won't. I love your weird. These make you who you are and that's what makes you beautiful.
With all the love, Your Moon.

P.S. I’m outside because I can’t face you while you read this. I’m probably sleeping by our door even. Also, the food is take out. I don’t know how to cook, remember. Hehe.

Tears formed in Solar’s eyes.
“Aish, she was there yesterday…she heard Irene. *sigh* But, this…” Solar couldn’t but smile at how quirky Moonbyul’s love letter was. She stood up and went to their door and opened it. And just like what Moonbyul wrote in her letter, there she was, asleep by their door.
Solar slightly kicked Moonbyul. “Yah. Wake up. Why are you there?”
“Mm….” Moonbyul mumbled and changed positions, not waking up.
“Yaaaah. MOON BYUL YI WAKE UP!!” Solar shouted.
To that Moonbyul awoke and stood up. “Ohh, Yongsun. Hehe you’re awake.” Moonbyul’s eyes landed on Solar’s hand, she had her letter. “I see you’ve read my letter.” She whispered, nervous.
“Pabo. This is more than enough. Now come in here!” Solar pulled Moonbyul in and drowned the latter in kisses.

The end.

(author's note) : got nothing against irene and seulgi, just needed some couple :)) hope u guys enjoy it, tho i kind of rushed this :DD


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Bylkng #1
Chapter 1: Huhu found this cute one shot
tobecontinued00 #2
Chapter 1: Adorable :)
hyolover183 #3
Chapter 1: dang..i just found this adorable ff. better late than never, rite authornim? XP anw, byul's letter makes me feel so cringey but then how i really wish i have her letter rite now. MoonSun really are the sweetest gf ever.
cantshutup252 #4
Chapter 1: It's never too late to show your love and I'm glad that moonbyul made the effort. Sweet story!!
LilyEMkey #5
Chapter 1: This is really sweet and.....rare, cuz you know how greasy Moon is towards Sun in real life, kkk
frenzymenzy #6
Chapter 1: Awww shy but sweet byul XD .and i love when solar kicked byul to wake her up
ifollowJongYoon #8
Chapter 1: This was sweet! It made me smile. Thank you authornim.