A liar

Far Far Away's Own Love Story Drama - Princes, Fake Princes, Fairy Godmothers of Some Sort, and Foolish Wishes.

A liar

♕ ♚ 

“Where is he, Henry?! Where is my son?!” the queen yelled at her husband, pacing around their chambers.

“Honey, calm down, please—“

“How can I calm down?! It’s after sunset! It’s dark, Henry, and he’s not home! He’s somewhere there, alone, it’s getting cold, where is my Minnie?!” she fell into an armchair, hiding her face in her hands.

Her husband neared her, and kneeling down, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, “he’ll be alright. He’s a big boy.”

“But he doesn’t know how to take care of himself on his own,” she whispered, and hugged her husband back, “what happened today? Why is this happening?”

The king stayed silent, so the queen pulled back.

“Henry. Tell me what happened today, now,” she demanded, and the man sighed.

“When we were in the city, he spotted a crowd of people about to kill a boy. He begged me to help him. So I did. After that, I learnt that Minseok had already known that young man. He said they had both helped each other.”

“What… what do you mean?” the woman asked, confused and upset.

“I don’t know what it meant. He didn’t want to tell me. But there is something happening, and I am not sure whether it is something we can or should control, or let the events unfold…”

“Did… did you tell him, by any chance?” Yoona asked quietly, looking her husband in the eyes.

“No, he doesn’t know. I only told him about Eric. I told him the most important things how to keep himself hidden. He knows he needs to stay in the shadows down there.”

“Down there—“ the woman repeated, and looked out the window, “do you think he’s in the city?”

“I do. I think he’s down there, with the boy we saved today.”

“What if he is in danger?”

A shiver ran down the king’s spine, “we’ll have to wait and see. When the sun rises.”

There was silence between the couple, until the queen decided to break it.

“Do you think we should tell him?”

“I will do it. When time comes. It is something I have to deal with.”

“Do you think he hates us?”

The king chuckled, “I don’t need to think, my love.”

“So he does.”

“He does. Quite a lot, I must say. But he’s still young. He doesn't understand yet. He will, one day.”

“But he doesn’t understand because of us. Maybe we made a mistake? Maybe I made a mistake keeping him in the whole time?”

“You did nothing wrong. You protected him, and this is not a mistake.”

“Then why do I feel guilty all the time? My own son doesn’t want to talk to me.”

The king looked at the city glowing far in the distance, and smiled.

“Love, maybe it’s time to let Minseok experience life on his own terms, then?”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s let the events unfold.”

♕ ♚ 

The night was beautiful and peaceful, but it did not bring any calm to Minseok’s thoughts. He sat the porch in front of Jongdae’s house and looked straight into the dry sand. His eyes were unfocused, just like his thoughts. Everything was chaos.

“What are you doing?” he heard a voice behind him, and as he turned, he spotted Jongdae standing above him.

The boy looked weak and exhausted, a little pale as well, but his wounds had been treated and taken care of, which was the most important.

“Just thinking,” he replied, raising his gaze up to the sky. Jongdae didn't reply, only kept on looking at the other. “I cannot be here,” Minseok mumbled suddenly.

“Then go,” the younger said coldly, “no one is keeping you here.”

The prince stood up, and looked Jongdae in the eyes.

“I cannot go home,” he started, “but I feel like I cannot stay here. I need—I just need to do something.”

Jongdae raised an eyebrow, eyeing the older.

“Come with me,” Minseok suddenly suggested, looking at the other.

The thief only stood straight for a few moments, his eyes fixed on Minseok’s, before he finally spoke:

“How did you know?” he asked quietly, moving closer to the other.

“Knew what?” the prince asked confused.

“That I needed treating,” Jongdae clarified, “who are you?” he demanded, furrowing his eyebrows.

Minseok gulped, but stayed composed.

“I’ve heard gossip in the city,” he quickly replied, “there was a group of people bursting about some gold from the king. They said they almost had you, but you got lucky.”

Lucky,” the boy mumbled to himself, and the word tasted like poison.

“Come with me,” Minseok repeated his request.

“I won’t come with you.”

The prince blink, “why?” he mumbled quickly, but then it hit him. “You don’t trust me.”

“Of course, I don’t,” the boy shrugged, as if it was nothing.

And it was nothing, for Jongdae.


“Because why would I?”

“Have I done anything to lose your trust?” the prince asked.

“You’ve never done anything to gain it.”

Minseok narrowed his eyes, “I brought you food, I brought you medicine, how is this nothing?”

“You came out of nowhere. I will not trust you. Ever.”

Minseok’s eye twitched, and his fists clenched.

“What is your favorite place in this city?” he asked another question.

“Why would you ask?”

“Just answer.”


“What?” the prince asked surprised.

“Everywhere else my head is wanted. I’m no longer “wanted dead or alive.” Now, they just want my head. So here is my favorite place. Where I am safe.”

‘Safe.’ The word rang in Minseok’s brain, engraving itself there.

He looked around and remembered what his father had said, “he went out to the city, and was stubbed to death.” Did Minseok feel safe outside the castle? He’d been so preoccupied with everything that was happening that he didn’t even take a moment to think of any consequences to his actions.

“I like the bay,” he suddenly mumbled, not wanting to focus on the haunting thoughts right now.


“Come with me. I’ll show you.”

“I told you, I won’t—“

Come with me. I know. But what if I promise that no one will see us?”

“Why are you pushing so hard?” Jongdae asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

Minseok shrugged, “because I always get what I want? Because I don’t want to go alone? I don’t know, I don’t care, why does it matter to you? Just do it.”

“You always get what you want,” the younger repeated, “that’s why I won’t go with you. Because I never get what I want.”

He turned around to walk inside, but Minseok’s voice stopped him.

“What if I give you freedom?” the prince asked, and Jongdae’s muscles tensed.

“There is only one way for me to find freedom, and you certainly will not be the one to give it to me.”

Minseok wrinkled his nose, “what is it then?”

Death,” Jongdae said and disappeared in the shadows.

♕ ♚ 

Minseok stopped his horse, and jumped on the cold rocks of the harbor. He took a deep breath in, and salty air filled his lungs.

“Is this what breathing means?” he asked himself, tasting salt on his lips.

He looked around, but there was no one there. The moon was shining up on the night sky, decorated by a frame of clouds; reflecting light in the dark water.

The prince smiled to himself, and sat at the edge, letting his legs hang above the liquid.

“Is this what freedom tastes like?” he wondered, closing his eyes.

‘Death,’ rang in his ears, and he bit his lower lip.

There was a heavy feeling in his chest, lingering there from the moment Jongdae refused him, since the moment his did not get what he wanted. He didn’t like the feeling.

Then, he thought about what he had seen in the morning. Jongdae lying on the sandy road, with a knife at his throat.

“The fear in his eyes,” he thought to himself, and a shiver ran down his spine. He had never seen anything like this. But then again, there were many things he had never seen or felt before. Like fear. Fear like the one that was gathering in his guts at that moment, as he was surrounded by shadows, reaching their claws to catch him. Dark robes were covering him, but his royal neckless hanging on his neck suddenly became heavier than it had ever been.

He went out to the city, and was stubbed to death,his father’s words once again rang in his mind, and Minseok suddenly felt really insecure. As long as he did not focus on the danger, it did not exist. But now, sitting alone in the harbor in the middle of the night, without much idea of the city, having his pendant almost radiating gold thought out his robes (or at least that’s how the boy felt), the fear started overwhelming him.

However, it was still not enough to make him come back home.

There was wind ruffling his hair, like no wind had ever before in the castle; there were starts and moon shining bright, like they had never shone before at the castle; there was sea, dark and cold, stretching in front of him, inviting him like it had never before when he watched it from the castle. He was breathing in new air, one that he had never tasted before in the castle.

He felt free, and he was not ready to let go.

♕ ♚ 

Jongdae tried to sleep, but sleep didn’t want to come. He was tossing and turning around, unable to find a place for himself. At last, he got up and left the room not to disturb the kids. He sat down on the porch, where some time before he had been talking to Xiumin, and took a deep breath.

“What a fool,” he murmured to himself, “bay,” he chuckled, “where did this guy even come from?” he wondered out loud, “he’ll just get lost and will get himself into trouble.”

Jongdae’s gaze stayed fixed on the wooden door to the yard, “he helped me, he helped us,” he whispered, “can I just let him get in harm’s way?”

He looked up at the moon, and in the white light, he face looked older than it actually was.

“What should I do?” he asked into the night, as if expecting an answer.

And he got it. A moment later, there was a firefly flying in front of his face, then another one and yet one more. Seconds passed, and there were more and more fireflies around him, all in a line, directed towards the door.

“What the hell?” he mumbled, and a wave of wind came, pushing him up and in the direction of the streets.

“Okay, okay, I’m going!” he shouted to the wind, following its will.

The fireflies were scattered all around the street, meanderingly and disappearing in the ally to the east. Jongdae followed it, slowly, constantly looking around, kept on high alert.

But nothing happened, he didn’t meet anyone, and nothing disturbed his way.

What felt like centuries later he found himself standing on the edge of a forest, looking down on cold, dark water.

“The bay,” he mumbled, confused. As he turned around, it was dark, there were no more fireflies around. He looked back down once again, and spotted a small figure sitting on the edge of the water.

He slowly walked down, until he stood on the rock road that, lit up by a few street lamps, lead to the end of the harbor, disappearing in the darkness of the water.

“What are you doing here?” Jongdae asked the boy, as he neared him.

The prince jumped a little, startled, and it got Jongdae laughing.

As the older let out a sigh of relief, the younger sat down next to the other.

“So?” he nudged.

“I’m thinking,” Minseok replied, looking to the side to meet his gaze with Jongdae’s. “You came.”

“Didn’t you say you always get what you want?” the thief mocked.

“I think I phrased it wrong,” the other admitted, “I feel like I should’ve said ‘I used to get anything that I wanted.’”

“Don’t you, anymore?”

“Since I met you, I realized some things, and opened my eyes to others. And no, I don’t, anymore.”

“What do you mean?” Jongdae tilted his head to the side, honestly intrigued.

“Why did you come?” Minseok asked instead.

“The wind made me,” the younger explained, as if it was enough of an explanation.

Minseok chuckled, smiling softly.

“Wind,” he repeated, “you’re an interesting being, Jongdae.”

The younger raised an eyebrow, not understanding.

“You’ve got nature on your side. That’s really interesting.”

Jongdae smiled to himself, remembering his childhood.

“Nature’s the only one that never betrayed me,” he mumbled, and the wind blew.

“Is this why you don’t want to trust me?”

“I’ve never been good with people, you cannot blame me for that,” the younger shrugged, picking up a rock and throwing it into the water, disturbing it.

“Is there a way to change it?”

“No. I do not trust you and I never will.”

“Why?” Minseok felt like this was the only question worth asking Jongdae. Why.

“Because you’re a ghost with a beautiful face,” the boy said, looking into the distance. Then, he turned to look the prince in the eyes, “and from what I know, beautiful faces are the most deadly ones.”

“Just like your words,” the prince replied quietly, mesmerized by the other.

“I’ve just realized something, you know.”


“You cannot be an angel, you much be the devil.”

Minseok smiled, “why would that be?” he asked, curiously.

“You’re too good at manipulating people. Even though I don’t want to tell you anything, it seems like you already know too much about me, while I know nothing about you. You never speak, you only ask,” he finished.

The waves were crushing against the rocks, and the wind was ruffling their hair and clothes.

“There is nothing to know about me,” Minseok suddenly whispered, “I am not friends with the nature, not am I friends with people. I came here to find freedom, only to realize that I’ve been never destined to reach one. I’ve been living my whole life in a lie, and I no longer know what is truth. I am, without being.”

“Who are you?” Jongdae asked.

“I am no one. I am a human who tries to hide his ugliness under good will. I am a liar.”

“Aren’t we all, tho?”

“If we all are, then no one is.”

“It’s getting late,” Jongdae pointed.

“It’s already late. Why aren’t you asleep?”

“I really wanted to. But I couldn’t, because of you.”

“What do I own the pleasure?” Minseok smirked, and Jongdae turned his head away from him.

“I wanted to make sure you were alright. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t survive if anything was to happen here.”

“I can take care of myself, father.”

“No, son, you can’t.”

The king’s words rang in Minseok’s mind, and his bit his lower lip.

“I’m nothing, even to him,” he thought to himself.

The prince quickly stood up, and headed towards his horse.

“Huh?” Jongdae breathed out, “where are you going?”

“I don’t know. Home, maybe. Just somewhere away from here.”

“Wait! What happened?! Did I say anything?” Jongdae asked, coming closer to the massive animal, on top of which Minseok was seated. He looked very mighty, Jongdae thought.

“Yes, yes you did.”

It was all Minseok said before he fastened his horse and dashed away into the forest.

♕ ♚ 

Hello lovies!

A chapter! A whole chapter! Without any teasing! I cannot believe I managed to do this! <3 #proud

You've no idea how many times I had to slap myself to keep my fingers from turning it into a straight A angst and drama! But I didn't! Yay! #proud2

I am so happy that this chapter is up! As you can see, I am still alive, my stories haven't died as well, and some of them may actually get an ending! 


Lately, many things happened, and some huge chances came around. I am not sure if I will be able to continue writing these stories in a few months. As for now, I am dealing with my last year at uni, essays, exams, work, documents, internship issues, and I swear life has no mercy on me; therefore, I want to apologize for the ty lack of updates, but very often I open these pages a few times a day, wanting to write, but I cannot find in myself. Whenever I feel like I may have a minute, it never works. I would love to carry on with stories like Paint Me Like One Your French Girls, or Black Magic, or even Paradise Lost (plot-wise one of my favorite ones among my stories); however, it gets harder and harder, and I don't know what to do with them. Within the last few months when I was not here I kept on thinking of deleting all of my stories. You ahve no idea how many times I wanted to post a note that the fanfic would be deleted within a given amount of days/weeks. I don't know what actually kept me from not posting it, probably you guys, everyone who reads my stories. I didn't want to disappoint you, because I know how it when someone takes down stories I enjoyed reading. And it looks like there are a few of you who enjoy reading these fics of mine hahaha

I cannot predict the future, maybe one day within the next 4 months I will take it all down, or maybe I will let it live a bit more. I don't know.

I just hope you'll stick around until the very end, enjoying the few more updates that I will try to post.

Ahhh, I don't even know where I am going with this. I felt like i owed you some explanation, but I suddenly feel like it's more of a good-bye instead of hello-again note.

Well, it's not a good-bye note. Let's make it clear.


I just hope you can enjoy this update and share your thoughts in the comments ~ I am really curious what you think after such a long time!


Warmest hughs,


x badblood x

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guess who doesn't upload for over four months and then updates two chapters ... yup, worst author ever <3
hope y'all still alive, babes!


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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 19: Oh man I really hope they get their happy ending
Chapter 4: Oh god I feel bad for both of them....and the last part was so cute oh my god. I know they've only met but please get married already
abbieyen16 #4
Chapter 18: oh oh oh i'm so happy they discovered each other's identity i'm internally crying coz it's fluff and angsty in the..good way
may baekhyun and junmyeon protect these two, they're too precious TTTTTTT
Chapter 18: I was really praying for Minseok to know the real identity of Dae! Thanks for the update, but plz let those two meet again....
Chapter 18: Ah, you sure know how to keep us on the edge of our seats! I'm here to add my voice to the "Come back, Jongdae!" ugly-sobbers in the corner.
Lovexiu16 #8
Chapter 18: Omg this story is so gooood.
Oh jeez, you're making me cry.
I love it!
Yaone_L #9
Chapter 18: My heart breaks at them departing. It looks so sad thinking Minseok waited for him at the balcony to return. Hopefully, they’ll meet again soon.